But obviously, there is a big flaw in the current plan.

"Is someone meddling?"

"Who could it be? Is it the Six Desires Palace in the Demon Realm, the Underworld Emperor Clan...or the Netherworld and the Palace of the King of Hell?"

Just as Su Changge was thinking, he suddenly frowned.

His eyes suddenly looked in one direction, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to see through that area directly.

Immediately afterwards, under his powerful hearing.

There was a sound of footsteps stepping on the soft soil, spreading towards him.


Just after Su Changge's words fell.

I saw a slender figure appearing in that area.

As the figure got closer, Su Changge could see the person's appearance clearly.

It was a man, wearing a Tsing Yi, with loose long hair.

His face was stern, and his sharp outline made that handsome face even more extraordinary.

There was a dangerous aura permeating the whole body.

It was as sharp as an unsheathed divine sword.

The vague sword intent lingering around his body seemed to be buzzing.

After careful perception, it turned out that the wisps of swords were trying to cut through the void!

Every time he took a step, more terrifying sword energy poured out on him, as if it could press across the world.

He is the youngest peak master of Tianshan Shenjianmen, Zhang Wangqing.

Su Changge's appearance was also engraved in his eyes.

White clothes and black hair, extraordinary temperament, like a fairy.

Especially the supreme holy body breath on his body, although it is in silence.

But once awakened, it is enough to crush the entire void!

"Can't be wrong."

"According to the information, I think you are that Su Changge."

Hearing Zhang Wangqing's words, Su Changge frowned slightly.

"According to the information? Are you also the Son of Heaven?"

"Hmph! As a sword cultivator, how can I borrow that kind of external force?"

Zhang Wangqing's voice was indifferent: "To defeat you, I alone will be enough."

boom! !

With Zhang Wangqing's words falling, a more terrifying sword intent rushed straight into the sky, as if the brewing breath alone was enough to kill Jiutianxing!

At this moment, his figure became extremely tall, as if he had turned into a heaven-penetrating sword!

Straight into the sky, bordering the sky, and even stirring up the wind and clouds!

"Hiss...then what happened to you? What a powerful sword energy!"

"Could it be that God Son Changge made a move? In terms of swordsmanship, God Son Changge is also extremely powerful!"

"No, I have seen Changge Shenzi make a move before, and it is completely different from this sword energy! It should be another strong man!"

This sudden change caught the attention of many Tianjiao in an instant, and they all rushed towards that direction with their cultivation bases running.

And in a hidden cave, the Luohe Sword Sect and all the arrogances also noticed this scene.

"This sword energy...isn't it that unreasonable pervert? Good guy, who is so unlucky to be targeted by him again?"

"It's over, it's over, except for Changge Shenzi, I'm afraid no one is that guy's opponent!"

"Maybe...that monster Su Changge met that pervert...?"

At this time, Wuji Aotian limped out while supporting the wall.

Obviously, Zhang Wangqing's sword did not hurt him a little.

You must know that Wuji Aotian wants to carry forward his own morality.

He even practiced a lot of defensive spells, but he was still so embarrassed by Zhang Wangqing.

Every step he took, Wuji Aotian grinned in pain.

"That pervert, I really hope he meets Su Changge!"

"Su Changge will definitely arrange that guy well!"


Su Changge here.

Su Changge, who sensed this breath, also restrained his smile, and his face became more serious.

He could feel the powerful sword intent on Zhang Wangqing's body, it was definitely the strongest he had ever encountered!

Just releasing the breath alone can disturb the atmosphere of this world.

This can only show that the opponent's swordsmanship talent is extremely strong, even enough to affect one world!

However, kendo is also the avenue that Su Changge is good at, and he is also confident that he will not lose to the opponent.

I saw Su Changge take a step forward.

The radiance of red flames shone on his body, like a bright sun all over his body.

The divine light lingering around him erupted into a terrifying howl of swords.

In an instant, it spread in all directions!

With Su Changge and Zhang Wangqing as the center.

Terrible sword energy whizzed out from all over them.

As the sword qi surged, it seemed that two completely different worlds of sword qi had been formed.

In this huge space, they are constantly squeezing and colliding, making the sound of clanging swords.

But the two of them obviously showed no sign of weakness, and they all burst out with stronger sword energy.

Even faintly in that side of the world of sword energy, countless sword shadows condensed and emerged from the void.

The densely packed sword shadows kept colliding in the void, and every time they collided, there was a surge of sword light!

The frightening sword energy that oscillated spread out for an unknown number of miles.

The ground was directly shattered by that sword energy, and large pieces fell away!

boom! !

Accompanied by another burst of terrifying sword howls, the space in this world trembled.

Tens of thousands of trees were directly destroyed.

What's more, the ancient tree in the sky was uprooted, and it was swept directly into the sky by the terrifying storm of sword energy, and it did not know where it fell!

The many Tianjiao who were planning to come to watch stopped at a distance of hundreds of miles, and did not dare to move forward.

Because in front of them, there are sword qi visible to the naked eye.

Above the sky, countless lightsabers roared, wantonly cutting and shattering the space.

The roar was endless.

If someone dared to break in without authorization, he would be chopped into pieces by the sword energy in the sky!

"Oh my god! What the hell happened? Why did such a terrifying world of sword energy form?"

"It's too terrifying. The condensed sword energy world alone may be enough to make ninety percent of the monks in the Nine Nethers unable to compete!"

"Look... Is there one of those two who is the Son of God?!"

Accompanied by one person's exclamation, all the onlookers looked together.

I saw it hundreds of meters away from them.

Take those two figures as the center.

The primeval forest has been completely razed to the ground, leaving only a mess and abrupt tree roots.

The terrifying sword energy shattered mountains and rivers, and stopped rivers!

Standing so far away, it seems as if you can feel the terror of the wisps of sword energy!

I don't know how long I waited.

Suddenly, Zhang Wangqing moved first, and he made a sword finger, and then fell straight in the direction of Su Changge.


Chapter 315 The teacher said to break each other's bones

In an instant, all the sword shadows condensed on the sky turned around and pointed at Su Changge.

Whoosh whoosh!

Bursts of breaking wind sounded, carrying a dull coercion sweeping across the vast space.

As far as the eye can see, there are criss-crossing sword shadows everywhere!

Piercing, piercing, slashing!

Suppression came towards Su Changge from different directions!

"Just practicing agility."

Su Changge smiled lightly, and then roared like a hurricane, its speed was so fast that it only left afterimages in the void!

Those howling sword qi kept falling from the sky like a violent storm!

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