Every sword qi blasted deeply into the earth, the earth collapsed and collapsed layer by layer!

But even if the streams of sword energy fell like meteors, they still couldn't touch him at all!

Su Changge's figure turned and moved amidst the rain of swords!

Above the sky is the rain of swords, and on the ground is the dazzling white shadow of Su Changge!

"Shenzi Changge is practicing his body skills?"

"The level of this sword light can almost be said to be densely packed. Every sword light is followed by another sword light. How can we hide?"

"Indeed, I don't know who is fighting God Son Changge? To have such a powerful swordsmanship, I'm afraid God Son Changge will meet his opponent this time!"

But some people scoffed at it.

"It's ridiculous. The son of Changge has never failed since his rise. Needless to say, the son of Changge is extraordinary in swordsmanship, and he also has a holy body."

"Don't talk too much, if we learn a little from such a match between top powerhouses, we will definitely benefit a lot!"


The onlookers from a distance were all shocked by Su Changge's terrifying movement.

Every time they can avoid the sword energy in an unexpected way, it makes them feel overwhelmed!

"Hmph! As a swordsman, don't you just avoid and don't fight!?"

Zhang Wangqing was also a little annoyed, how could he not know that Su Changge was using his sword energy as a sharpening stone to sharpen his identity?

I saw him make a big move.


The sword energy condensed on the sky was even more violent, and they all gathered towards Zhang Wangqing's big hand like a spring.

Amidst the sound of clanging swords, tens of thousands of sword lights intertwined and condensed!

Rapidly changing and increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the gathered sword energy seemed to turn into a gigantic Heaven-shattering Sword!

The size of the sword body covered half of the sky!

Only the huge sword blade broke through the clouds!

Zhang Wangqing hung high above the nine heavens, looking down at Su Changge with indifferent eyes.

"If that's all you have."

As he spoke, Zhang Wangqing raised his hand high.

"It must have disappointed me too much."

Immediately afterwards, his raised hand suddenly fell down!

The huge divine sword condensed on the nine heavens made a violent roar and fell slowly at the same time!

Just in the process of the giant sword falling, it was like a boundless sea of ​​sword energy, and the surging sword energy formed a terrifying wave.

The aftermath slapped out layer by layer will turn into sky-slashing lights, slashing violently in all directions, making people unable to look directly at it!

Everyone who watched this scene was trembling.

One could feel the terrifying sword energy from such a distance, how terrifying pressure would Su Changge face in the center of the sword energy?

And this time.

Su Changge, who was under the giant sword, still had light eyes, and under the violent sword energy, his figure was still tall and straight.

The calm and breezy look on his face was even more detached.

He slowly stretched out his sword finger, and there was a ray of supreme sword intent lingering on it.

Killing God Sword Intent, One Thought God Demon.

"The teacher once said that if you have a sword in your heart, everything is a sword."

"A tiny body can also reach the sky."

"The body of a mortal can also be compared to a god."

After saying that, Su Changge didn't raise his head, and directly slashed towards the giant sword falling towards him!

Swish! ! ! !

The endless sword lights stretched endlessly, as if forming an incomparably bright galaxy.

Although the sword light cut out by Su Changge's fingertips was small, it was no less powerful than the giant sword.

It seems to be shining for nine days, carrying invincible momentum through the sky!

The endless sword lights stretched endlessly, as if forming an incomparably bright galaxy.

Finally, carrying the invincible momentum, he pierced through the figure of the giant sword in an instant, leaving behind a ray of daylight.

It fell straight into the deep space and disappeared!


The people watching this scene were silent for a long time.

Suddenly, a person reacted, pointing directly at the sky, and opened his mouth wide.

"That..is that...!?"

Everyone looked at the world in horror.

I don't know when, the giant sword that was falling has stopped, as if frozen in the sky, like a still picture!

If it weren't for the cold wind engulfing the cold sword energy, gently blowing their skin.

I am afraid they will mistakenly think that time has stood still.

Zhang Wangqing's pupils also contracted slightly, as if she was completely horrified.


But he just said a word.

click -

Dazzling cracks appeared on the giant sword that was enough to cover one sky.

The huge crack continued to expand, separating from the original crack.


Until the end, it was densely packed, as if the entire giant sword had been completely covered by the sword patterns!

Immediately afterwards, a blazing glow erupted from the crack!

In the dazzling radiance, the sky-high giant sword melted and shattered layer by layer like snowflakes, until finally it turned into stars scattered all over the sky!


Another gust of cold wind howled past.

Blowing up the shining light, it was like countless petals of light being blown away by the autumn wind, and finally soared upwards, rolling straight into the depths of the sky.

Beautiful and shocking!

When it was calm again, there were only those two figures facing each other in the world again.

a long time.

Zhang Wangqing slowly reached out to the long sword behind her.

There is no scabbard, but it is simply wrapped in a hundred cloth, about three feet long.

"This sword is called Taishang Wangqing, and it is the sword inherited from my Heavenly Mountain Divine Sword Sect."

"But since I got this sword, I have traveled to countless areas in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and among the younger generation, there is no one who can let me use the sword."

"But now, you deserve it."

As he said that, a sword energy slowly gathered in Zhang Wangqing's hand, and then he shook his hand lightly!

Tear! !

Rags were flying all over the sky, falling from the sky one after another.

The long sword finally manifested.

The three-foot blue front is as thin as a cicada's wing, flickering with frost and cold light.

The whole long sword is pure white, like a square of autumn snow, it seems that just looking at it can forget the feelings in people's hearts.

But Su Changge caught a piece of information.

"Tianshan Divine Sword Gate?"

He made it up at will, and finally his own teacher is from this sect.

In the end, the teacher said before he disappeared that if he met someone from Tianshan Shenjianmen.

If you don't break the opponent's bones, don't call him his student!

Su Changge shook his head and smiled.

"It seems that it has to be serious."

Chapter 316 Shattered Invincible, This is His Sword

Su Changge looked calm, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It was something to be happy to compete with such a strong swordsman.

After all, if there is no real opponent, how lonely is the road to the great road?

And at this time, he also drew the God Sword in the void.

The whole body of the Cang Cang Sword was glowing with white light, and the sword energy was dense, especially the runes of the swords, which set off the Cang Cang Sword like a fairy soldier.

"This sword... is by no means an ordinary thing..."

Zhang Wangqing was originally a swordsman, so he naturally understood swords. The moment he saw the God Sword, he already felt the extraordinaryness of it.

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