
Accompanied by a huge roar, the huge ghost gate as high as the sky collapsed, turning into endless black air and dissipating in smoke!

The pupils of everyone watching this scene shrank suddenly, especially the eyes of Tianjiao from the Underworld were full of astonishment!

None of the forbidden techniques used by their adults could kill Su Changge!

This access control technique was practiced by Ao Jiuyang for countless years in Zhuyou Hell. It can be said that he has mastered it thoroughly, and the lethality it brings is also extremely powerful.

But why, it was so easily cracked by Su Changge?

Da da da--

At this moment, there were footsteps in the billowing black smoke.

A bright white light looms in it, like a long sword!

As that figure got closer, Su Changge's figure manifested again.

He still had the same indifferent look, his eyes were unwavering, showing a kind of calmness!

At this moment, even the people fighting on the battlefield looked in this direction with some dull eyes.

"God Son of Changge!"

"Su...Su there nothing wrong?"

Everyone in Guiyuan Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land cheered.

But the disciples of the other four major forces were pale, and fear had already spread in their hearts.

Especially the cold light refracted from the Sword of Heaven made them dare not look directly at it!

At this moment, Su Changge looked in the direction of Ao Jiuyang, but smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth: "Next, it's my turn."

As soon as the words fell, Su Changge's body surface was surrounded by a divine light, and then his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place instantly.

When it appeared again, it had already flashed above Ao Jiuyang's head!

Without any nonsense, the long sword he raised high fell directly!

Swish! !

Accompanied by the sound of the space being cut, a fiery sword light of destruction struck Ao Jiuyang head-on from top to bottom.

"Damn it! I used too much power before, and I can't move now..."

Ao Jiuyang's eyes were bloodshot, and his tone was resentful: "I never thought that such a precious thing can only be used to save lives!"

However, without any hesitation, he directly took out a piece of dark blue jade from his bosom.

There are terrifying laws wandering in it, and a strong power of time spreads from it.

Even the flow of time around this jade becomes slow!

Time and space gravel, this is the treasure that their underworld obtained from the time secret, it can be changed in a short time, and the time of one area passes.

It can even stop time for a moment, so as to avoid the fatal blow.

"Xiu Qi! When do you want to see?"

At the same time, Ao Jiuyang also turned to Xiu Qi, the leader of the Palace of Kings of Hell, for help: "If I die, how will you explain to my underworld!?"

But he also kept moving his hands, directly reusing his remaining strength to stimulate the time-space gravel.

A force of time law, with him as the center, rippling towards the surroundings.


During this process, Su Changge frowned slightly.

He felt a strange breath, as if time slowed down slightly.

"Little mouse, there are still many treasures."

Su Changge sneered: "However, what's the use?"


Suddenly, that huge sword light fell directly!

In an instant, the sky collapsed, the earth fell, and the roaring and violent sword energy traveled in all directions, shattering the earth layer by layer!

The terrifying sword energy instantly swept over that area, and the resulting aftermath made the surrounding disciples unable to react in time, and they were even blown away!

After the smoke dissipated, Su Changge grabbed an arm and smiled lightly.

"Don't think you are a woman, but you will think that I will show mercy to you."

Su Changsinger clapped slightly harder, and a burst of divine light instantly turned that arm into smoke and dissipated.

Not far from Su Changge, Xiu Qi was holding Ao Jiuyang, who was panting heavily, with one hand.

At this moment, Ao Jiuyang had already lost his right arm, blood was flowing out, and the intense pain made him feel even more ashamed!

He is a majestic ancient supreme, who has been sealed for so many years, has gone through hardships in Zhuyou Hell, and used what he has learned all his life to Su Changge.

It's still so embarrassing to lose!

"It seems that there is no other way, we can only use that trick."

Xiu Qi's tone was cold: "Otherwise, we will definitely lose."

"Ha ha...."

"Anyway, you're going to die anyway, so why not bring someone to be buried with you!" Ao Jiuyang's eyes surged with murderous intent.

Especially looking at Su Changge's calm and breezy appearance, and his embarrassed appearance, it made him even more annoyed!

Moreover, it is not a loss to be able to drag a legend of the three thousand realms to die!

At this time, Ao Jiuyang and Xiu Qi activated the aura in their bodies at the same time.

That breath is extremely ancient, as if it is in a sealed sleep.

With their urging, this breath is slowly waking up.

This is the joint attack technique they learned in Zhuyou Hell, the Heaven Punishing Demon Formation!

This ancient formation can even be compared to the legendary immortal formation, which was left over from the era of the Six Immortals of the Underworld.

Although they are weak and unable to use all the power in them, if they sacrifice themselves.

The power that can be aroused can even kill the strong in the imperial realm!

A vast and destructive aura surged out from the two of them.

Their breaths echo each other, like a kind of resonance.

"No, God Son Changge is in danger! Let's go help!"

And this terrifying scene also made everyone in Guiyuan Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land feel that something was wrong and wanted to take action.

But the many arrogances of the Yaozu didn't give them a chance at all, and frantically blocked their progress.

"Su Changge must die today! You don't want to go there!"

"If Su Changge doesn't die, my monster clan will never have a bright future!"

"That's right! As long as Su Changge can die, why not wait for me to die!?"


Su Changge is too strong, although there is a stronger demon clan Tianjiao in their Heavenly Demon God Mountain.

But without a doubt, Su Changge couldn't be suppressed much.

If they can kill Su Changge here today, they can even become heroes of the monster clan!

Chapter 329 The Seven Great Ghost Commanders, the Nine Great Yamas, and the Situations of All Sides

"Is it actually a forbidden technique?"

Looking at this scene, Su Changge sneered and said, "I don't have time to wait for you to use this forbidden technique."


Accompanied by a loud sword cry, Su Changge just wanted to raise his sword and slash out.

Above the void, there are dozens of terrifying auras suddenly descending!

"Su Changge don't want to go any further!"

I saw the sky split open suddenly, and a dozen or so people had strong auras.

A group of people wore black robes and grimace masks.

The other group of people were wearing blood-red robes, with white silver hair fluttering, and weird lines intertwined on their bodies!

These people are all powerful in the Holy Realm!

This made the many arrogances in the original underworld and the palace of the king of hell show joy.

"It's the seven ghost commanders of my underworld! They finally came to support!"

"The seven great ghost commanders all have the ancient blood of my underworld, and the combination of seven can even claim to be able to kill quasi-emperors!"

"The Nine Great Yamas of my Hades Palace are here too! These are the strongest Nine Talents besides Lord Xiu Qi!"

"With such a strong alliance, Su Changge must die!"


The Seven Great Ghost Commanders of the underworld and the Nine Great Yamas of the Palace of the King of Hades, this is the trump card left by the two.

Because after entering the Samsara River, they will have another battle.

But things have come to this, if Su Changge doesn't die, let alone planning, even they all will perish!

Therefore, after careful consideration, the two decided to use their hole cards!


Looking at the dozen or so powerful Tianjiao Su Changge above the sky, his eyes showed a sneer.

"It seems that the Underworld and the Palace of the King of Hades want to come to Jiuyou to plot something big."

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