"There are so many strong people sent, and I will catch a living one later, and torture me."

"How dare you humiliate me even now!"

And the dozens of Tianjiao above heard the words, and their faces were even more furious.

Powerful forces erupted one after another, and a stream of evil spirits covered the sky and the sun.

Skulls and ghosts covering the sky manifested one after another.

The evil wind howled, as if covering the sky, while the devil weeped, and even countless ghosts manifested from the void!

It seems to be a wave of ghosts!

But Su Changge, who was watching this scene, didn't care at all.

The sword energy lingering around him became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, Su Changge raised his sword upwards and slashed!

The blazing sword energy turned into a bright moon, and suddenly collided violently with the world of ghosts above the sky!


at the same time.

In another dark corner.

Emperor Shi Cang of Liuyu Shrine watched this scene with a cold expression.

"The time has come, it's time for us to act."

Looking at that area, his tone was cold: "This is a great opportunity, if we make a move now, Su Changge will die."

The Tiandao Supervisor Alliance has given them a lot of benefits from the Liuyu Shrine.

Killing Su Changge was what their Palace Master personally told him.

So his main purpose of coming to Jiuyou this time is not for the Samsara River.

It was to find an opportunity to kill Su Changge in one fell swoop.

Now it seems that it is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

But suddenly, his pupils shrank, he turned around and slapped him.

boom! !

An attack shattered, setting off a huge gust of wind!

"Shan Qingluo, are you crazy!?"

Mu Yanxi slowly withdrew her hand, looking at Di Cang coldly.

An icy voice resounded through the area: "Kill the people from Liuyu Shrine."

Many Tianjiao of the Mingfeng Emperor Clan looked at each other in surprise when they heard the words, wondering what the empress of their own family meant?

"Shan Qingluo! Are you trying to betray the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance!?"

Di Cang roared angrily: "Now you are the son of heaven, this act is simply ungrateful!"

Although he had already noticed that something was wrong with the other party, Di Cang did not expect that the other party would attack him directly!

"Ha ha...."

Mu Yanyan sneered when she heard the words.

"As the Great Emperor of the Devil Realm, my Mingfeng Emperor Clan can barely be regarded as first-class."

"Being a dog for the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance? Why?"

Mu Yanxi said again: "You Liuyu Shrine have received a lot of benefits from the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance, right?"

"My Mingfeng Emperor Clan didn't receive anything. Please ask the disciples behind me, would they be willing?"

This is a small trick of Mu Yanxi, which is to provoke confrontation between forces.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the Mingfeng Emperor Clan showed icy faces, and faint killing intent flashed in their eyes.

The other party actually wanted to use their hands to make an enemy of Guiyuan Holy Land. Isn't this sending them to be cannon fodder?

Fortunately, the Empress of my own family has seen people, otherwise they would really be fooled by each other!

"Kill everyone in Liuyu Shrine."

At this time, following Mu Yanxi's order again.

All the Tianjiao disciples of the Mingfeng Emperor Clan used their power to directly kill the people in Liuyu Temple!

The divine light exploded, the devilish energy rolled, and terrifying black lights bloomed.

The breath of destruction swept through the waves.


The war broke out suddenly!

"Shan Qingluo! You are courting death!!"

Di Cang couldn't bear it anymore, a terrifying force erupted from his body, and the pitch-black thunder swam away.

The majestic thunder and lightning power wrapped in the devilish energy formed a huge figure behind him.

The big fist swung out, like a dark world, suppressing and falling in the direction of Mu Yanxi!

Seeing this, Mu Yanxi didn't care.

She will kill anyone who threatens Su Changge!


And in the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance, it was also a mess.

"Damn! Why have all the chess pieces lost contact?"

San looked furious: "Now even the Son of Heaven can't be contacted! This Jiuyou is one, and I don't know what's going on!"

The middle-aged man named San clenched his teeth tightly, and even his entire facial muscles twitched because of the excessive force.

He didn't understand, why did things happen to this point?

Logically speaking, Su Changge would be killed by their four sons of heaven.

But why are the four sons of heaven so destroyed!

"Although Shisi has been dispatched to the Nine Nether World...but according to the current trend...it is very likely that it will only fail again!"

San's eyes became colder and colder: "Damn Guiyuan Holy Land! Damn Su Changge!"

Just when San was angry.

Suddenly a figure entered the hall, and he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

"My lord, the ancestor of the Tianyao tribe from Tianyao Shenshan is here to visit."

"It is said that there is something important to discuss with you."

San suddenly paused when he heard these words, most of the previous anger disappeared, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"Sky demon clan?"

He has an impression of this group.

This was the initiator of the first shemale war.

He was also the founder of the ancient demon court, and was finally beaten to pieces under the leadership of Guiyuan Holy Land and several top human forces.

After that, after countless years of lingering, the current Tianyao Mountain was established.

"Do these guys have any ideas?"

San thought for a while.

Suddenly, a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

"An enemy of an enemy is a friend."

Then he made a big move and ordered to the bottom.

"Bring him in."

Chapter 330 The Lost Seal of the Demon God, Wan Jian Returns to the Sect

But how long.

A guard brought a vicissitudes old man and walked in outside the hall.

This old man has white beard and white eyebrows. Although his skin is vicissitudes, his figure looks a bit stooped.

But there was a gleam in his eyes, and a majestic monster aura roared from his body.

Just standing there, his cultivation is even more unfathomable, obviously far beyond the scope of the Great Emperor.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that the famous ancestor of the Tianyao tribe, the old demon Tian Cang would come to me."

San looked at the old man and said with a smile: "I heard that you were seriously injured in the battle between monsters and monsters."

"What? It's only been a few years, and you've been raised?"

Heavenly old demon.

One of the ancestors of the Sky Demon Clan and the leader of the first human-monster war.

In the end, he was defeated by an ancestor in Guiyuan Holy Land, and even the demon core was smashed, and he exhausted all his magic weapons.

In the end, he dragged his crippled body back to the Sky Demon Clan.

But listening to San's ridicule, Tiancang old demon is not angry either.

The voice was a little hoarse: "Hehe....Aren't you not feeling any better?"

"I know the plan of your Tiandao Supervisor Alliance..."

"It's nothing more than those things. Didn't the recent conflict with Guiyuan Holy Land not take any advantage?"

"What right do you have to laugh at me?"

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