That day, the fragments of the Dao erupted with terrifying power of heaven, and they actually hit directly in the direction of the will of the Dao of Heaven!

Chapter 352 Heavenly Dao Collides, Luck Emperor Soldiers!

Boom! !

The Heavenly Dao Fragments and the Heavenly Dao Will are like two blue skies colliding, and the vast heavenly power intertwined like an abyss like a prison!

Unprepared, and because this force was lifted from Shisi's back, his whole body was directly thrown out!

boom! ! !

After breaking a few mountain peaks, Shisi climbed up in embarrassment, and looked at the area in horror!

"This...what the hell is going on!?"

In fact, it wasn't just him, even the disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"These two gods, actually started dog-eat-dog?"

I saw it in the space in front of me.

The Fragments of the Heavenly Dao and the Will of the Heavenly Dao each erupted with terrifying brilliance, and they collided constantly.

The roar was endless, the runes shattered, and the world collapsed!

Even Su Changge was at a loss, and he didn't know why such an accident happened.

However, how could he let go of such a good sneak attack opportunity?

In just an instant, the Sword of Heaven was summoned by Su Changge in his hand.

Terrifying sword aura lingered layer upon layer, and an aura of extreme cold and yang condensed on the sword of heaven!

"Yin and Yang with one sword!"

After the words fell, Su Changge raised his sword and slashed out!

Swish! !

The sword howled in the void, and the red sword light dazzled between the sky and the earth!

A beam of sword energy, scorching hot like the sun, and as cold as ice for thousands of years, intertwined and fell directly from the sky!

"Su Changge, you actually attacked...!"


The sword energy rolled, the ground fell, and the tumbling dust completely submerged Shisi's figure!


The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly. Since the other party sneaked up on him just now, it's reasonable to sneak up on him, right?

"Cough cough..."

Amidst the smoke and dust, there was the sound of a flustered cough.

His clothes were torn, his face was ashamed, and his eyes glared at Su Changge.

But before he had time to speak, he saw Su Changsinger flipping his wrist, and the sword of heaven clanged again!

Without any hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed out again!

Swish swish! !

This time, Su Changge displayed countless sword qi!

Thousands of sword qi continuously gathered above the sky, piercing, slashing, and slashing straight!

Among the intertwined sword lights, it is like a lotus flower falling towards the bottom!

Boom boom boom!

Above the sky, the will of heaven and the fragments of heaven constantly collided, and the mighty divine power aroused was to cause ripples in the space!

On the ground, the sword energy continued to criss-cross, roaring and roaring like a swimming dragon, the ground was cracked layer by layer, and the river bank in that area finally couldn't withstand this monstrous power!

Boom! !

Countless dust was sucked into the Samsara River by this powerful collapse force until it disappeared!

As for those onlookers, they were completely dumbfounded!

"According to the records... Isn't the bank of the reincarnation also the power of the invincible law...?"

"Shenzi Changge, a strong man in the holy realm... actually sank the bank of this river of reincarnation!"

"Hiss... Are you sure this is not something that can only be done by the emperor?"

Hearing this man's horrifying emotion, everyone looked at each other and smiled wryly.

With the scene in front of him, Su Changge's strength has far surpassed their younger generation.

I am afraid that compared with some older generations, they are already comparable.

"Hey...the emperor's road will be opened in a few seems that the fate of this destined to be destined to be with God Son Changge..."

These people didn't have the slightest jealousy in their hearts, but more of admiration.

After all, wherever Su Changge goes, he can always create legends that surprise them.

This kind of person has been the most dazzling star in the starry sky from the moment he stepped onto the avenue.

Legendary powerhouses will always be admired by the world.


At this time.

The area that had been completely submerged by Su Changge's sword energy suddenly burst into a brighter blue light!

boom! !

At the same time, a more mighty power of heaven spreads in all directions!

The original ten thousand zhang dust was also completely removed, and replaced by runes of heaven like domains!

"The Tiandao Supervisor Alliance is really a big deal..." Su Changge looked in Shisi's direction and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

I saw Shisi's robes were completely torn at this moment, but under the tattered robes, he was wearing a green scale armor.

As the Yiyi divine light circulated, countless runes of the Dao of Heaven diffused from it, and at the same time, there was a strong imperial aura and force of cause and effect rolling.

There is no doubt that this is a lucky emperor weapon, at least above the fourth-rank emperor weapon.

"I finally know why Brother San has spent so much effort to destroy you..."

Shisi's eyes were cold and his black hair was dancing. Against the backdrop of the power of heaven, his figure seemed a bit tall.

"As long as you are still alive, this world will never be able to maintain balance!"

Shisi said indifferently: "My Tiandao Supervisor Alliance does not allow this to happen!"

With him as the center, the infinite power of heaven spurts out, and the law of Taoism is gorgeous to the extreme!

Under a strong blue light, his injuries are rapidly fading, and even his cultivation is infinitely approaching the emperor!

"The way of heaven is above, please help me destroy the aliens!"

Just listen to Shisi's words.

Boom--! !

An earth-shattering, coercive coercion that overwhelmed the sky and overlooked the sun, moon and universe surged out in an instant!

In the end, the will of heaven like a blue sun came directly behind Shi Si!

When the blue light flashed, it was like a round of blue and shining divine wheel lingering behind Shisi. Under the light of the light of heaven, Shisi's aura rushed to the universe!

"This is this..."

"This guy opposite Changge Shenzi has completely borrowed the power of heaven!?"

"That guy's breath is like a thunderstorm from heaven!"

The onlookers were in an uproar, and everyone looked at the area with dilated pupils in disbelief.

As for the many disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land, they had already guessed who they were.

"These guys from the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance are really dog-skin plasters!"

Ye Lintian looked angry: "Let's go! Let's go now to wish God Son Changge a helping hand!"

But just as Ye Lintian took a step forward, Li Haotian directly stopped him with his hand.

"Leave this matter to Shenzi Changge to solve it by himself."

"Presumably the son of Changge will not hesitate to intervene with us."

Although the supreme power of heaven condensed by Shisi made their hearts roar.

But when they saw the indifference on Su Changge's face, they already knew it.

Son of God, Changge, is doomed to be undefeated!

Chapter 353: The Sword of Nirvana, Changing the Sea!

With Shisi's internal breath running to the extreme, the raging mana of heaven and earth permeated the sky and the earth.

At this time, Shi Si suddenly cupped his hands and said to the fragments of the Dao of Heaven floating above the sky: "I am the No. 14 member of the Alliance of Guardians of the Dao of the Dao, and I am ordered by the Dao of Heaven!"

"This person is a destroyer of the balance of the three thousand realms, please show your sanctity and help me kill the enemy!"

I don't know if it's because of Shisi's words.

The fragments of the Dao of Heaven that were suspended above the sky suddenly exploded with divine power, and it seemed to be responding to Shisi's words!

"The Will of the Heavenly Dao plus the fragments of the Heavenly Dao...?"

Su Changge's eyes were solemn, he stretched out his right hand, and shook it toward the void.

There was billowing sword energy condensed in his hand, accompanied by the sound of sword chant like a dragon's cry.

The God Sword appeared in his hands again.

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