
At the same time, the shards of the Dao of Heaven are shining brightly, and thousands of runes of the Dao of Heaven are intertwined, forming a torrent of Dao of Heaven!

"Hahaha! Although there were some misunderstandings before, but now it is resolved, Su Changge, you will die too!" Shi Si laughed maniacally again.

Under the blessing of the two heavenly gods, this area has been completely transformed into a world of heavenly will.

Not to mention Su Changge, even if the emperor came, he would still be able to suppress it!

Just when the atmosphere reached its peak and the war was ready to start again.

The next scene made everyone freeze in place again!

Whoosh! !

I saw that the fragments of the Dao of Heaven were suddenly engulfed in supreme divine power, and shot towards Su Changge's direction!

Its speed is so fast that it only leaves an afterimage on the sky!

But Su Changge's reaction was not slow at all, almost instantly, sharp sword intent rose in his eyes.

But before he swung his sword, he heard a familiar voice resounding in his heart, as if the world was freezing and slowing down at this moment.

"Brother...don't's me...."

Hearing this, Su Changge's pupils shrank slightly, and the shock on his expression was even more unconcealable.

He was very familiar with this voice.

"Mu Yanxi...?"

Su Changge couldn't believe it: "Didn't you already..."

He had personally witnessed Mu Yanxi disappear before his eyes before.

But now, why did Mu Yanxi appear in front of him again?

But this time, Mu Yanxi didn't explain too much.

The phantom of a human figure transformed from the fragments of the Heavenly Dao just embraced Su Changge.

Because he didn't feel any hostility, Su Changge didn't resist.

At the moment when Mu Yanxi embraced Su Changge, images suddenly appeared in Su Changge's mind.

"This is...."

Since he entered Jiuyou.

It turned out that Mu Yanxi had been secretly helping each other.

She is the fourth child of heaven...

However, she risked falling into the hell of the demons, not only being an enemy of the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors.

He also personally led many arrogances to destroy the pawn forces of the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance....

He even dived into the bottom of the Samsara River at the end, his body shattered, leaving only a trace of his soul, just for Su Changge to get that piece of Heavenly Dao again...


Su Changge's eyes were a little touched: "Why do you help me like this...?"

Hearing this, Mu Yanxi's broken phantom was even closer, and he rubbed Su Changge affectionately with his own face.

The voice was a little weak: "Because..."

I don't know if Mu Yanxi's emotions have affected Su Changge.

In a daze, ripples appeared in the void in front of him, and his eyes seemed to pass through thousands of miles of time and space.

In the ice and snow world full of snowflakes dancing in the sky.

A frail little girl in white mourning knelt before a lone grave.

The ice and snow piled up on her shoulders, making her look even more slack and thin.

The world is silent, only the snowflakes are dancing.

But the choking sound from the little girl could be clearly heard.

The frozen white fingertips slightly wiped away the remaining tears at the corners of his eyes.

"The world with my brother is meaningful..."

"Even if the world forgets brother...Xi'er...he will never..."


As the wind and snow fluttered, the little girl's figure was completely covered and disappeared.

At the same time, Mu Yanxi's thousands of incarnations walk the reincarnation of the heavens.

He also knows the memories of meeting "Su Changge" one by one.

As time goes by, there is a little girl retrograde in the years...

I don't know how long it took.

I don't know how many years have passed.


"Brother... next time... you will come to me instead..."

click -

After the words fell, Mu Yanxi's figure completely turned into a sky full of stars and dissipated.

Together with the Dao fragments that day.

In the end, Qi Qi fell into the Sword of Heaven, and a sealed power seemed to wake up in the Sword of Heaven...

But for this scene, Su Changge didn't care at all...

He just stared blankly at Mu Yanxi's broken body...

"Is that so...?"

I don't know when, and no one noticed.

A faint ripple flickered in the depths of Su Changge's eyes.

For some reason, his heart hurts so much for the first time...


Meanwhile, the outside world.

Everyone stared at Su Changge's direction with wide eyes, they didn't know about the scene just now.

It's just that the fragments of the Dao of Heaven dissipated by themselves the moment they touched Su Changge, and merged into Su Changge's body!

" is this possible!?"

Shi Si finally couldn't suppress the panic in his heart: "How could the fragments of the Heavenly Dao actively integrate into this guy's body!?"

"This is impossible!"

"It's against the rules!"

Shisi pointed at Su Changge and cursed: "What kind of magic did you use! You actually devoured the fragments of the Dao of Heaven!"

"You are restricted to hand over the fragments of the Heavenly Dao immediately, otherwise you will die without a burial..."

But before he finished speaking, Shi Si felt Ling Tian's murderous intent!

This extremely cold killing intent even made this place freeze day by day, as if falling into an endless ice cave in an instant!

Under the gaze of Su Changge's eyes full of killing intent, Shisi felt his throat was firmly pinched by an invisible coercion, unable to say a word!

Shisi knew that Su Changge was really planning to kill him!

"I...I can..."

Swish! !

Without any warning, the sword of God in Su Chang's singer swung out suddenly!

"Sword of Annihilation!"

This sword is swung out like a ray of sky!

The endless light of nirvana and thousands of sword qi converge into a world-ending torrent, and the billowing tide of nirvana will annihilate everything!

The indescribable torrent of destruction spread in all directions from the sword mark!

The coercive sword energy covering the heavens and the four seas!

The will of heaven, which was as mighty as mighty heavenly power, was even more suppressed by the heavenly power contained in the nirvana sword energy, and it unexpectedly had no power to fight back!

Everything will be wiped away by the sword energy!

Everything will turn into vicissitudes!

Law Dao Yun seems to have fallen into nothingness!

Everything in the world seems to have fallen into silence!

Chapter 354 If it can be stronger, the major forces will take the opportunity to attack!

In this dying light.

The original tumbling tide of reincarnation gradually subsided, as if it was the fear of this void power!

Purify cause and effect, and dissolve nothingness!

A long time passed.

It seems that countless epochs have passed.

Boom--! !

That earth-shattering explosion echoed in the world!

Accompanied by a storm of destruction soaring into the sky, billowing smoke and dust billowed!

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