at the same time.

Huang Quanjie.

Many high-level officials from the Underworld and the Hall of Hades have already gathered here.

"I think you all saw what Guiyuan Holy Land did."

"Emperor Dao Pool, this is an extremely important opportunity before the opening of the Emperor Road, and it can even help the younger generations of our forces transform."

An emperor of the underworld with an ancient earth breath said in a cold tone, "Now it is taken away by Guiyuan Holy Land alone. Such a big appetite is not afraid of being choked to death!"

"Guiyuan Holy Land's move is even more hostile to the entire Three Thousand Dao Domain. Why don't we just use this matter to fuel the flames and launch a fatal blow to Guiyuan Holy Land in one fell swoop!"

At this time, a great emperor of the Palace of Hades said coldly: "Sky Demon Mountain, Gulong Gufeng Clan, and Liuyu Shrine have long been extremely dissatisfied with Guiyuan Holy Land because of the previous incident."

"Now we only need to unite with him, and cooperate with many other great emperors of the three thousand realms..."

"Returning to the Yuan Holy Land, you will definitely lose!"


the other side.

A huge fairy mountain that soars into the sky and goes straight into the sky.

Several monster clan ancient emperors exuding majestic monster aura gathered here with a dignified face.

They just stood there, and the mighty and surging monster energy covered the starry sky and the universe.

He even created all kinds of phantoms of ancient monsters on his own, as if he could destroy the world, burn the sky and boil the sea!

At this moment, one of the ancient emperors at the head said coldly: "Just now a secret talisman was sent from the Palace of the King of Hell and the Underworld in the Netherworld Realm, and let me wait secretly to add fuel to the flames."

"And dispatch the Great Emperor to unite with other Great Emperors from the Three Thousand Dao Regions to launch a fatal blow to Guiyuan Holy Land."

The words fell, and the surrounding fell into dead silence.

The evil spirit surging around them unexpectedly froze in an instant.

All these powerful ancient emperors were speechless for a long time at this moment.

According to the previous signs, the background of Guiyuan Holy Land emerged endlessly.

In the second immortal battle, Guiyuan Holy Land sent back several second-rank great emperors.

Now that such a long time has passed, who knows if he has been promoted to the first rank long ago?

There is also the Guiyuan Chaos Clock, which was previously revealed.

If Guiyuan Holy Land comes with another super magic weapon, how can they win?

Now that the seal of the demon god is absorbing energy again, if they lose this battle because of this, their demon clan will never be able to stand up again!

"I don't think . . . this matter can be rushed."

"Besides, I, Tianyao Shenshan, have reached an agreement with the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors."

Tianlong Qiankun said: "When the emperor's road is opened, kill Su Changge with thunder, and then use the supreme fetish of my monster clan and the Heavenly Dao Supervisor Alliance to suppress Guiyuan Chaos Clock Queen."

"Combining with our two armies to kill Guiyuan Holy Land in one fell swoop, this is considered comprehensive!"

At this time, Huang Tian Wudao of the Ancient Phoenix Clan also walked out in one step.

"That's right, the seal of the demon god has not been fully recovered, so we need to proceed with caution."

"Since the Palace of the King of the Underworld and the Palace of Six Desires can no longer hold back, let them do it themselves, and we will take this opportunity to find out the remaining strength of Guiyuan Holy Land."

"Isn't it beautiful?"

As the old enemies of Guiyuan Holy Land, the dragon and phoenix clans who have suffered countless losses from the riders have long had memories.

If they act carelessly again, I'm afraid they will be exterminated!

Hearing this, it was the ancient emperors of the Monster Race who nodded slightly.

The eyes of Tian Cang, the ancient emperor of Tianyao Shenshan who was the leader, flickered with a strong divine light.

Looking in the direction of Guiyuan Holy Land, his tone was cold.

"Even if Guiyuan Holy Land can survive this battle."

"Then next time, you have no chance of winning!"

Chapter 363 Two Great Ghosts Arrive!

Just when the forces of all parties were secretly restless.


The area where Emperor Dao Pool is located suddenly has divine light penetrating the sky, and there is even endless chaotic fairy light lingering in it!

In the turbulence and boiling, it turned into the phantom of thousands of sacred mountains!

The entire Three Thousand Dao Territory roared and trembled again, and the endless power of law quickly gathered in that direction!

Amidst the huge roar, the Emperor's Dao Pool in the myth finally fully manifested before the eyes of the world!

The void split open layer by layer, and a large lake blooming with rich chaotic light appeared out of thin air, covering countless miles.

Among them, the rays of light are overwhelming, visions are clustered, the way is overwhelming, and the aurora is falling.

The vast ocean formed by the gathering of countless laws, even under the refraction of the divine light, is like a sparkling green lake.

The tumbling chaotic smog sets it off with extraordinary magic, as if it was opened at the beginning of the ancient times.

"The Emperor's Dao Pool has been completely born."

Emperor Di Zhan looked at Di Daochi, and smiled helplessly: "The ancient ancestor really dotes on Chang Ge, I think back then, the ancient ancestor wanted to hone me."

"But they took me directly to a small world of monsters and killed the monsters for a full year before releasing me."

Empress Xuanyu rolled her eyes: "When you were young, there was no comparison with Changge, right?"

"OK OK."

Emperor Huangtian continued: "It's not too late, quickly take out all the Emperor Origin Stones."

"The group of mice hiding in the dark is probably impatient."

The facts are also as Emperor Huangtian said.

Countless experts from the outside world looked at Emperor Daochi with fiery eyes.

Among them, there are countless bright stars shining like stars.

Looking carefully, these stars seem to be ancient and mysterious crystals, engraved with avenue patterns on them.

The aura of the imperial way exuded by the divine light was full of extreme temptation to them!

The Emperor's Origin Stone, which is against the sky, can completely pass through the accumulation of years, and understand the emperor's will in the fastest time through the special Taoist rhyme.

Those who comprehend the meaning of the emperor are quasi-emperors.

Whoever fully masters it is the Great Emperor.

This kind of precious thing, in the past, was enough to cause a shocking war if it was released to the outside world.

But now there are so many of them, and they are still made by condensing the will of heaven and earth!

"Just me, Huang Tian, ​​Bai Zhan, and Xuan Yu, the five of us go in to collect the Emperor Origin Stone."

Emperor Di Zhan said: "The rest of the people are in charge of holding the formation outside to prevent others from trying to snatch it."

After the words fell, many great emperors of Guiyuan Holy Land nodded in unison, agreeing to this proposal.

After all, these five people are the strongest, so picking the Emperor's Origin Stone can be foolproof.

boom! !

Suddenly, fifteen great emperors sacrificed their imperial weapons instantly.

Emperor Spear, Emperor Sword, Emperor Knife... Fifteen Imperial Armaments with different expressions and powerful aura instantly soared into the sky!

I saw the terrifying coercion of the emperor's way blooming from their bodies, and they resonated and intertwined with each other.

A wave of extreme coercion was overwhelming and vast, covering thousands of miles in all directions, making countless monks terrified, and fell to their knees in an instant!

"Using fifteen emperor soldiers to form a godless formation!?"

"Does Guiyuan Holy Land really want to take all the Emperor Origin Stones into its pocket!?"

"Bastard! Guiyuan Holy Land, do you want to be enemies of all forces!?"


Some great emperors of immortal forces watched this scene helplessly, their eyes were bloodshot and their bodies trembled!

The scene in front of them made them feel extremely sorry!

But no one dared to move forward, a total of fifteen emperor soldiers combined to form a grand formation, even if they got a little closer, they would all have to be killed by the shock of that breath!

Just when everyone thought that Guiyuan Holy Land was going to collect all the Emperor Origin Stones.

boom--! !

In the sky, shocking fluctuations erupted!

The terrifying air wave is even more engulfed with the aura of thousands of ghosts, sweeping towards it like a torrent of destruction!

Its direction is exactly the imperial formation formed by the Great Emperor Guiyuan Holy Land!

"How brave!"

The few great emperors outside Guiyuan Holy Land reacted instantly, and raised their hands to set off a monstrous wave of emperors. Thousands of runes surged and collided with them fiercely!

Boom! !

This sudden shocking change made everyone unexpected!

Someone really dared to snatch the Emperor Origin Stone under the noses of the fifteen emperors of Guiyuan Holy Land!

After the two terrifying attacks collided, the tumbling ghost energy finally turned into huge portals!

There are countless fierce ghosts with blue faces and fangs engraved on it, amidst the weirdness, there is even a terrifying majesty of the emperor.

Zazaza——! !

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