Accompanied by the sound of an ancient door opening, the ancient doors finally opened slowly.

Bursts of dense ghost energy and black mist formed passages extending out of it, black runes tumbling and intertwined into strangely shaped ghosts!

Rumble! !

Another huge roar came from the pitch-black door.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, they saw an ancient figure appearing behind the countless standing gates!

There is a terrifying imperial aura circulating around them, their expressions are solemn, and their imperial aura is shaking in all directions!

This scene is even more like a big meteorite falling down, setting off huge waves!

Everyone looked up at the terrifying scene in a daze.

"This is... the great emperor of the underworld...?"

The great emperor of the other Daoyu suddenly recognized the origin of these great emperors.

The strong ghostly aura lingering on his body, as well as the thousands of dark runes, are undoubtedly unique to Huangquan!

Ka Ka Ka!

At this time, another terrifying force squeezed the sky, as if breaking through the void barrier, and descending towards this area!

The terrified souls of countless creatures and monks were all shivering. Even after such a long distance, they only felt that their bodies were about to burst and their complexions turned pale!

hum! !

In an instant, the ghost energy spread, and the black mist rolled, and the area seemed to be blackened by ink.

"Returning to the Yuan Holy Land, this move is really too much."

"I don't know if the two of us can ask Guiyuan Holy Land to give me some thin noodles?"

Accompanied by two empty cold snorts resounding through the world.

All of a sudden, the sky was filled with black mist, and finally transformed into two huge figures!

These two figures are even more powerful than the old ferryman and the king of hell!

That terrifying aura has long surpassed the scope of this world, and truly reached the realm of immortality!

Return to the depths of Yuan Holy Land.

A phantom of the ancient ancestor slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes are like the stars in the universe, and thousands of laws gather, as if transformed by countless rules.


"The remnants of these two guys are still alive."

"Interesting, did you survive by relying on the special laws of Zhuyou Hell?"

There was endless banter in Gu Zu's voice.

He guessed the aura of these two people at once.

It is the Miexu Immortal of the Underworld, and the Yu Shen Immortal of the Hades Palace!

Chapter 364 The decree of transforming the world, come to the emperor's battle!

With the arrival of two ancient ghosts and immortals, the laws of the world were completely subverted.

A rain of blood fell, covering all directions.

The ghostly energy spilled, venting thousands of miles.

Countless monks in the three thousand realms were all numb from the shock of this scene.

The power beyond the Great Emperor, although it is just a will projection, but the impact it brings is also shocking!

What's more, eight great emperors came to the underworld this time, and nine kings of Hades even came!

"Hall of Hades and Hell?"

At this time, a stalwart voice sounded from the depths of Guiyuan Holy Land again.

"How dare you get your hands on what I want from Guiyuan Holy Land, how brave you are."

This statement came out.

The two Ghost Immortals of Huangquan suddenly felt their minds roaring, and there was a sense of avenue and coercion around them, and the void was boiling at this moment!

A palpitating feeling has enveloped their hearts!

Even the two ghosts and immortals felt chills all over their bodies!

At the same time, they only felt that deep in their hearts, a pair of eyes piercing through time suddenly opened!

It seems to break through the vast chaos and nothingness, and it even reflects the heavens of all ages. Before this gaze, the two ghosts and immortals felt that they were extremely small!

"Immortal...above the immortal...?"

This is the amazement that the two squeezed out with all their strength!

They don't understand why there is such a tyrannical existence in the world?

The Great War of Extermination has already severed the connection between the Three Thousand Dao Domain and the Immortal Domain, why...

However, the pair of huge eyes reflected in their hearts did not make any further moves. Instead, they saw a touch of fun in these eyes!

They're... like toys!

"However, since you want to reason with me in Guiyuan Holy Land."

"I return to Yuan Holy Land to accompany me to the end."

"After all, what I like to talk about most in Guiyuan Holy Land is truth."

The words fall.

boom! !

Suddenly, a bronze token wrapped in the supreme aura instantly went straight into the sky!

Whoa-! !

The avenue roared, the space trembled, and an obscure law kept intertwining and rolling above the sky!

Numerous star-like law runes are connected to each other!

In the end, a huge bright star map was formed, covering the boundless sky!

Boom! !

Ripples appeared again on the huge star map that shone with divine splendor.

The heaven and the earth resonated, and all directions trembled, unexpectedly, more than a dozen figures with powerful auras broke through the domain and descended!

"This... this is actually all... the Great Emperor!?"

"Am I dreaming? The Guiyuan Holy Land actually summoned another nineteen great emperors to return!"

The minds of those emperors who were watching the immortal forces roared again.

You must know that the great emperors of these top forces are all fighting against foreign races on the battlefield outside the territory!

Now that so many great emperors have returned, won't the foreign battlefield fall?

" don't understand..."

At this time, a slightly old-looking great emperor said in a low voice: "Everyone in the world only knows the four top emperors of Guiyuan Holy Land, Heaven's Jealousy, Baizhan, Emperor Zhan, Huangtian..."

"But Guiyuan Holy Land still has an existence known as the Great Emperor's Army God..."

"To govern the avenue, one word of heaven and earth, the Emperor Yutian!"

The reason why this old man knows this secret is because he was also stationed in the foreign battlefield for a period of time in the early years!

He will never forget that back view!

Wearing a white jersey, he is unparalleled in confidence.

While talking and laughing, the mast and scull were wiped out!

His scheming is unparalleled, his knowledge is extraordinary, and even his martial arts are top-notch!

He is also known as the white-clothed army god on the extraterritorial battlefield!

This is Emperor Yutian!

Yutian, Yudao, Yudi!

But now the returning emperor does not have him.

It must be that he is sitting on the battlefield outside the territory with Emperor Tianjeou.

There are these two top emperors plus top emperors from other forces.

The extraterritorial battlefield cannot afford to cause too much disturbance!


His gaze fell back up again.

The oppressive aura above the sky still made everyone dare not breathe!

Just when everyone's panic reached its peak.

At the same time, there are endless divine lights shining brightly, exuding brilliant dao rhymes, and finally intertwined and evolved into a huge dharma decree!

Only one voice resounded again!

"The decree of transforming the world."

"Here comes the emperor's battle."

"Whoever wins, belongs to whom."

After the words fell, the hearts of countless three thousand Daoyu people roared again, and even the rest of the great emperors felt palpitations and horror!

Emperor battle!

In the life-and-death battle between the great emperors, fight with all your strength and attack each other, so as not to fall, the emperors will fight endlessly!

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