"It's pretty fast."

Su Changge smiled slightly, as if he expected it all: "But it's also good, just settle this matter together."


at the same time.

In the ancestral land of the Desolate Race.

Tianlong Wushen and several quasi-emperors Tianjiao of the Ancient Dragon Clan were talking with the ancestors of the Desolate Clan.

"How? As long as you let us use the bronze divine cauldron once, we can help you wipe out the Cang and Celestial Clans."

Tianlong Wushen took a sip of tea and said with a light smile: "Maybe there are other Tianjiao who have already established a bridge with the Cang Clan and the Celestial Clan. At that time, you may not be able to succeed."

As soon as this word comes out.

The faces of the ancestors of the Huangzu were gloomy. What Tianlong Wushen did was to look down on them!

"Hmph! How can you imagine the strength of our Desolate Clan?"

"We don't need your help! We can sweep away the Celestial Clan and Cang Clan! See off!"

Seeing that his negotiation failed, Tianlong Wushen was not angry.

A sneer was vaguely drawn at the corner of his mouth.

He sneered in his heart: "Since that's the case, don't blame us for taking advantage of the chaos to grab the treasure."

Originally, they strayed into the territory of the Desolate Race to slaughter them to seize the opportunity, and finally discovered the huge bronze divine cauldron by accident.

Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told himself that it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

"I must get what Tianlong Wushen likes...!"


at the same time.

With the army of the Desolate clan pressing down on the border, the Cang clan and the Tian clan who received the news from the spies are already preparing for the battle in full swing.

In the Great Hall of the Cang Clan.

"What did you say!?"

"My clan's supreme fetish was stolen by the Desolate clan!?"

After listening to Cang Ling's report, the ancestor of the Celestial Clan revealed a thoughtful face: "Now that the Desolate Clan invaded, it is very likely that it is true..."

"However, does that person really have the extremely pure Canggu Tyrant God bloodline?"

"Even you are not an opponent?"

"Old Ancestor...do you think I'm telling a lie...?"

Cang Ling's nose was blue and her face was swollen, with a face like a pig's head, and how many ribs were broken, she looked like...

It's like Zhu Bajie getting married, it's too horrible to look at!

Thinking of the previous scene dominated by Su Changge, Cang Ling wanted to cry.

The other party is completely wrong!

It's not like he didn't report the letter if he was asked, but I just asked one more question and beat him like this...

At this time, the patriarch of the Celestial Clan bowed to Luo Yanyu who was beside him again and said: "At that time, if that man attacks our Celestial Clan...please help me."

"Do not worry."

Luo Yanyu smiled lightly: "I've never been afraid of anyone except that guy."

After the words fell, she looked thoughtful again.

"The bloodline of Canggu Tyrant God...?"

"How did such a peerless genius appear in my Three Thousand Dao Domain?"


the other side.

The land of the Cang clan.

Countless Cang people are already wearing armor, holding spears and sharp parts, ready to go.

"My lord, all the warriors of our Cang Clan have assembled."

Ba Wu cupped his hands respectfully towards Su Changge and said, "At your disposal at any time."

At this moment, all the warriors of the Cang clan burst out the blood of the Canggu Tyrant God in their bodies.

It is so powerful that it is as powerful as the heavens.

However, looking at this group of high-spirited Cang warriors, Su Changge felt like a rookie going out to deliver food.

He shook his head helplessly: "Since that's the case, you should stay in the Cang Clan well."

"Yes, I will wait... eh...?"

Many Cang tribe warriors who were about to make bold statements were stunned in place.

Shouldn't they go outside and kill the enemy?

What the hell are so many people guarding the house?

However, Su Changge didn't bother to explain at all.

Stepping up to the Immortal Phoenix in one step, he looked down with indifferent eyes.

"You are too weak, I don't need it."

"I alone is enough."

After the words fell, the Immortal Divine Phoenix raised its head to the sky and let out a cry!

boom! !

Then the big wings spread out, turning into a blazing fire that soared into the sky!

Only a group of people from the Cang clan were left foolishly looking at the flames of the sun that was slowly leaving...

"This...how can this guy be so arrogant!?"

"That's right! The army of the Desolate race came in hundreds of thousands! He actually went alone! Isn't this sending him to death!?"

"Although this lord is very strong, such behavior is also a reckless move!"


A group of people from the Cang clan were very dissatisfied with Su Changge's behavior, and they discussed a lot, and decided to disobey Su Changge's confession and take the initiative to attack.

"Shut up! Whatever the adults say, I will do as I wait!?"

Ba Wu shouted loudly, making the restless crowd completely silent.

"A group of idiots! In the battle just now, the adults didn't explode with all their strength from the beginning to the end! It was just a casual punch by the adults!"

The words fall.

The originally dissatisfied members of the Cang clan were completely speechless, almost subconsciously looking at the trace left by Su Changge's punch just now!

Such a terrifying power is like the sky falling apart!

It was just a random punch! ?


at the same time.

To the east of the ancestral land of the Cang people.

Canggu Plain.

A mighty army stretched for countless miles, with no end in sight.

All the sergeants are wearing magic armor, and the weakest ones are already in the realm of saints.

The steps are neat, stepping in unison, the smoke and dust are billowing, and the endless divine light gathers on the body, like a round of brilliant sun slowly advancing on the earth.

There are many strange beasts roaring in the army, and the city-breaking weapon crushes the ground, leaving traces.

Above the void, there are also countless blood-stained ancient warships running over the sky, bursting out with a sky-shattering roar.

Qi and blood are powerful and majestic, and just gathering together can cover the entire sky!

Although the blood of the Canggu Tyrant Divine Physique in these hundreds of thousands of troops is extremely thin, such a terrifying power is enough to destroy the existence of the supreme Taoism in the outside world!

Leading this army are the two ancestors of the Huang clan, the quasi-emperor Huangyu, and the quasi-emperor Huanghao.

"I don't know what big brother thinks, obviously the two of us are enough to return hundreds of thousands of Canggu Divine Army."

"Hehe... The Cang Clan has long since fallen, so it deserves to be called the Canggu Protoss Clan? It's really ridiculous!"

The two ancestors of the Desolate race sat upright on the front golden ark, full of vigor and pride.


In the depths of the sky, there was a faint laughter.

"How dare such a weak army call itself the name of the Divine Army?"

"Hmph! Look at the fist!"

Chapter 400 One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people don't open it!

The words fall.

I saw that the entire sky changed color, and countless law runes rose and surged.

boom! !

Nine days above, there was a loud bang.

The thick sea of ​​clouds collapsed and shattered like a mirror, and the heavy coercion flowed down from the deep space like the Milky Way rewinding.

Om-! !

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