As the rays of light flowed, a huge star-like fist appeared in the area where the sea of ​​clouds split!

"Presumptuous! Who dares to attack my Desolate race!?"

Huang Yu and Huang Hao who felt this breath were furious.

Their reactions were not slow, and a majestic will of the emperor also permeated their bodies.

The extremely exuberant blood power and spiritual will all climbed up at this moment!

"Great Wild Fist!"

"Tianhuang Palm!"

Almost at the same time.

The two each launched a terrifying attack straight into the sky!


The soaring divine light collided violently with the falling fist light.

Three completely different attacks collided with each other and exploded.

The shock wave from the shock exploded like a big sun, forming a super-strong energy storm and spreading away in all directions.

Ka Ka Ka!

The light curtain shields condensed by countless warships are as fragile as confetti.

When the light curtain shield was shattered by the air wave, it was evaporated by the tumbling wave of divine light, turning into dust all over the sky and dissipating.

boom! !

The aftermath of the storm swept across the earth again, like a death scythe passing through the world.

Puff puff! !

In an instant, countless bloody flowers fused with blood and flesh bloomed, covering the boundless land.

The army of hundreds of thousands of Desolate people seemed to have opened a gap out of thin air.

Just one hit bump!

Tens of thousands of people suffered an indiscriminate disaster, turning into blood mist and blowing away with the wind!

As for the countless powerhouses who survived by luck, although they used their own body protection laws to hold them back, they were also smashed by the waves that set off!

"Cough cough..."

The two ancestors of the Desolate race who were punched into the ruins by Su Changge also climbed out in a state of embarrassment at this moment.

I saw their beards were scorched black, their robes were torn, and there were several wounds on their bodies.

But under the blessing of the powerful physique of the Canggu Ba Divine Body, he was not fatally injured.

The scene in front of them made them even more angry!

The Canggu Divine Army actually evaporated 5 people out of thin air!

"I said, so weak, how dare you call yourself the name of the Divine Army?"

Followed by Su Changge's words.


Another gust of wind raged across the sky.

Scrape away the remaining clouds and mist above the sky, making the blue sky clean.

And they finally saw clearly the figure floating above the sky.

A huge phoenix burning with blazing fire covered the sky and covered the sun. The scorching temperature seemed to be able to melt the void, setting off bursts of heat waves.

On top of the divine fire phoenix, a black-haired figure in white clothes stood with his hands behind his back.

Rich law runes linger around her body, and her eyes are high above, like a god overlooking the world.

"So young, this fellow must be the pride of the outside world! How dare you attack my Desolate race and kill him!"

"Naughty animal! I want to cramp and skin you! Please die!"

The two were screaming almost with all their strength, and the extreme anger had already washed away their last trace of reason!

They have already lost so many clansmen before going to the Cang clan, how can they explain to their boss? !

"The Canggu Divine Army obeys the order! Kill this person with all your might!"

After issuing this order.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of Canggu Divine Army rolled forward.

They turned the sharp blades of their guns one after another, and there was a sharp cold light wandering on it. They activated their cultivation bases and turned into countless streamers of light, attacking in Su Changge's direction!

The surviving ancient warships transformed into rune circles, gathering ancient magic circles!

At the same time, Huang Yu and Huang Hao erupted with terrifying power at the same time.


There was even a thunderous sound from the sky and the earth, like the beating of a heart!

The qi and blood condensed behind them are as high as ten thousand feet, as if they are as high as the sky.

"Little thief! Die!"

Without any nonsense, the two of them rushed towards Su Changge with blood wrapped in the sky!

"The group of miscellaneous fish will be handed over to you, and they will be handed over to me."

Hearing this, the Immortal Divine Phoenix nodded slightly.

The wings blazing with blazing divine fire opened up to cover the sky, and the head was raised high. The flame runes lingering on the wings boiled completely, causing the void around it to continuously twist and create bursts of flame ripples.

Boo! ! !

Accompanied by the undead divine phoenix crying to the sky.

The gust of wind roared and roared, and the huge flame wings flapped, instantly refracting a terrifying divine light, and the billowing waves of flames swept down the sky and covered the sky!

While the wave of flames is rewinding, it splits into an endless shower of flame meteors and falls down!

The countless culled troops of the Desolate race were pierced through in an instant, turning into smoke and black charcoal!


In an instant, countless warships and spaceships were pierced through, exploded, and turned into burning divine fire!

"Kill this beast first!"

Huang Yu and Huang Hao's eyes turned red, they immediately turned around and decided to kill the undead Divine Phoenix first!

Swish! !

A bright sword light instantly slashed down from the sky, like a flash in the sky!

"Hmph! The thief will kill you first!"

A cold snort came out, and the two ancestors of the Desolate race slapped out their big hands, and the towering figure behind them slapped out at the same time.

The terrifying power wanted to obliterate Fang Tian, ​​and Su Changge's figure seemed extremely small under the palm print of Gai Tian.

However, he didn't care about it at all.

Su Changge stretched out his right hand, and a long sword appeared in his palm.

Surrounded by Ling Tian's sword energy, it exhales a mighty divine brilliance!

At this moment, Su Changge's aura also rose sharply, and the terrifying energy and blood power of the Canggu Ba God Body and the God-killing sword intent complemented each other.

In an instant, Su Changge raised his hand and slashed a sword towards the two phantoms of the ancient gods of the Desolate race who were rushing forward!

The sword energy permeating the sky seemed to be completely boiled because of this, and countless phantoms of sword light appeared at the same time.

Like a trickle, it seems to be everywhere.

In the end, it converged into a river of sword energy, endlessly flowing!

Boom! ! !

The river of sword energy collided with two phantoms of the ancient gods of the Desolate race, and the power that erupted was like heaven and earth falling apart!

Countless sword lights shattered the phantoms of the two huge ancient gods inch by inch, making them powerless to resist!

With this huge divine light blooming as a brilliant sun, the phantoms of countless flames blooming around are like stars.

I don't know how far the brilliance that keeps blooming has passed.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, under the power of Su Changge, were unable to advance at all!


The Cang people who were closer to here felt the fluctuation of the war.

They all looked in that direction with horror on their faces.

"Could it be that my lord is really going to fight alone with hundreds of thousands of troops from the Desolate race...?"

"No mistake...the air is still filled with a thick blood...I am afraid that at least tens of thousands of people have died..."

Ba Wu's voice was a little hoarse, and seemed to be in extreme shock.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked beyond measure and did not know how to express it.

One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it, but that's it!

Chapter 401 Destroy hundreds of thousands of barren army, and send you all to Huangquan Road for a walk!

the other side.

Within the territory ruled by the Celestial Clan.

The army of the Celestial Clan is colliding fiercely with the army of the Desolate Clan.

boom! !

The sound of muffled thunder rolled and roared, and countless divine lights refracted the sky.

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