boom! !

Then with a big move, the divine light shot straight into the sky!

I saw the wind and clouds above the sky of Tianyao Shenshan were changing, the laws were tumbling, and the majestic monster energy condensed into one piece like an endless stretch.

Ka Ka Ka! !

There seems to be a terrifying power awakening in the depths of the sky.

The breath alone shattered that space like a mirror.

Om-! !

At the same time, there are hundreds of millions of rays of light refracting and rippling in the void, and the miraculous lines of the avenue swim away.

A jasper seal that was as tall as an ancient sacred mountain and radiated colorful rays of light descended from the sky.

On this huge seal, there are nine stalwart reliefs carved like immortals and beasts.

They all had their mouths wide open, and a sea of ​​terrifying demonic aura spewed out from their mouths, which turned into substance.

Just a ray of breath is far beyond the range that this world can bear!

This seal is the supreme treasure of the demon clan, the treasure of the ancient demon court - the seal of the demon god!

"Descendants, Cangwuwang! I beg the ancestors here!"


The old demon Tiancang bowed respectfully towards the seal of the demon god, and said in a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu: "Please, my ancestors, please lower down to all the people of my demon clan, the order of the ancestors of the fairy demons!"

"Everyone in my Heavenly Demon God Mountain is willing to sacrifice their lives!"

"I would like to lead all the people of the demon clan to reorganize the ancient demon court and reproduce the glory of the demon clan!"


This statement came out.

Many ancient emperors of the monster clan present all looked at each other.

They all saw a touch of excitement and hope from each other's eyes.

At this moment, they finally had to wait!

After that, they all bowed their hands together, and said loudly to the seal of the demon god: "I am willing to sacrifice myself, reorganize the ancient demon court, and reappear the supreme glory of the demon race!"

"I would like to sacrifice myself, reorganize the ancient demon court, and reappear the supreme glory of the demon clan!"


The mighty torrents of the countless ancient emperors of the monster clan converged, the monster aura poured into the sky, and the murderous intent soared to the sky!

After hearing the entreaties of many monster clan powerhouses below, the radiance surrounding the seal of the demon god became even brighter.

In the end, there was a figure of a supreme demon immortal who seemed to be overlooking the nine heavens and ten earths.

"this is.....!?"

All the ancient emperors of the monster clan noticed this figure.

"Is it really that adult!?"

After their pupils contracted slightly due to extreme shock, endless joy followed!

The seal of the demon god continued to recover completely, and even responded to them.

Even a ray of true spirit of the former master of the ancient demon court is manifesting at this moment!

Emperor Jun Yaozun!

Form the supreme existence of the ancient demon court!

Its real body is the three-legged Golden Crow that burns the sky and devours the sun. According to legend, it was born in an extremely distant era. It is the supreme fairy beast in their monster clan's mythology!

Before countless epochs.

Emperor Jun Yaozun left the ancient demon court and went to another world.

In the end, even when the Human-Monster War broke out, many monster clan powerhouses failed to establish contact with it.

But now, the long-lost master of the demon court gave them a response, which made many demon clans see the glory of future victory!

At this time.

I saw Emperor Jun Yaozun's lips slightly opened, and the surrounding space seemed to be resonating with the trembling, and whispered a word.


boom--! !

In an instant, a blazing radiance as fast as the sun's light burst out from the seal of the demon god.

The majestic monster energy condensed and finally turned into a huge golden decree.

Accompanied by Emperor Jun Yaozun's big hand waving.

Swish-! !

It just disperses into countless streamers of light and shoots towards all directions!

Immortal Demon Ancestral Order.

The inheritance skills of the seal of the demon god, condensed with supernatural powers to project the decrees of the demon ancestors, can be manifested in the consciousness of each demon clan in the three thousand realms.

They will all receive a message!

"May all the lords of the world go to the Heavenly Demon God Mountain together to discuss the battle of adversity and regain the former glory of the demon clan!"


Looking at this scene, the old demon's joy was completely beyond words.

So that the body is constantly shaking!


"Good... good, good!"

There was some excitement in the eyes of the old demon Tian Cang, and even a little madness: "Even Lord Dijun who disappeared for countless epochs gave us a response!"

"Now Huangji and Qu Mie have found the Temple of Nirvana at the eighth pass of the Emperor's Road!"

He whispered excitedly: "Su Changge will not only die on the Emperor's Road, but you will also be destroyed in Guiyuan Holy Land!"

"In this era, I, Tianyao Shenshan, will definitely lead the demon clan and reproduce the glory of the demon clan!"

In the view of Tiancang old demon, the outcome of this matter is already doomed.

If it wasn't for the sudden disappearance of the master of their demon court, Emperor Jun Yaozun, their demon clan might not have lost the war between humans and monsters many years ago!

Now with the protection of the ancestors, under such an absolute advantage, the Yaozu will surely win!


Chapter 421 The Zero Pass of the Emperor's Road has been broken here, and the heavens are forbidden!

the other side.

The eighth pass of the Emperor's Road, the Mountain of Nirvana.

Except for the most special ninth pass of the Emperor's Road, many arrogances can quickly pass through the third to eighth pass.

But I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Therefore, the number of people in the eighth pass of the Emperor's Road is very small, almost one of them.

Among the mountains with a group of peaks blocking out the sun.

"Ahh! My brother!!!"

A roar resounded like a splitting liver and gallbladder.

It seems to contain endless anger and endless killing intent!

The sound waves set off by the terrifying power surged out.

Even the mountain peaks hidden in the sea of ​​gray mist were washed away several times.

look away.

The person who uttered such a heart-piercing roar was a man in black with a roaring monster aura all over his body.

Because of the extreme anger, even his handsome facial features were a little distorted.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he looked very horrifying: "Emperor..."

Ka Ka Ka! !

The majestic power of monster energy is centered on it and spreads in all directions.

There are even spider web-like cracks on the ground, which is very shocking.

He is the eldest brother of Canghuangtian, and the number one pride of Tianyao Shenshan.

Canghuang extremely.

Today's cultivation base has broken through to the quasi-emperor fourth level, and the condensed emperor's will has reached a full 23 strands!

Possesses the mutated blood of the unicorn from the beginning of time, the blood of the unicorn from the god and demon in the beginning!

Not only can you use the power of light, but you can even completely reverse your own origin and turn it into a source of darkness.

It can be understood as fellow practitioners of light and darkness!

He and Canghuangtian are brothers by blood.

Therefore, he had already felt it when Canghuangtian fell.

In a state of grief and anger at this moment, it is even more difficult for him to control his own strength.

Light and darkness continue to intertwine and roar, and the deduced visions are billowing like a tide, and even the void will be shattered by it!

"Hehe... Now is not the time for you to be sad."

Next to him, Su Mie smiled faintly.

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