He waved his hand casually.

A blue avenue of light diffused from his palm.

Cang Huang, who was about to run wild and out of control, was extremely restrained.

His cultivation is actually more terrifying than Canghuangji, and he has even broken through to the fifth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm!

The condensed emperor's will also changed from the previous thirteen strands to the current 25 strands!

The strength of its qualification potential is self-evident.

Su Mie smiled faintly: "The location of the Temple of Annihilation has been found, and it's time for our real plan to begin."

"Don't delay our important event because of your sadness."

"To shut up!"

Cang Huangji roared in utter ignorance: "I can tell which is more important!"

After angrily glaring at Qu Mi.

Canghuang walked towards the depths of the Nirvana Mountain without looking back.

Qu Mie didn't care about this at all.

Looking at the depths of the Nirvana Demon Mountain, he murmured: "It is said that the Nirvana Temple is a fairy palace built by a supreme being."

"The reincarnation of nirvana circulated in it is the great cause and effect that can inflict backlash on others, and curse fate..."

"In the future, on the road of the Great Dao, there will be no place to bury you, and you will never have a bright future!"

Su Mie's eyes became more and more fierce: "Su Changge....it doesn't matter how powerful you are."

"I can't escape the decision from fate!"

"Death is your only destiny!"


at the same time.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road in the Sword Gate of the Heavens.

The Dark Shadow Beastmaster didn't dare to hide everything he knew.

As for why not keep a part of it as a threat?

In his opinion, such behavior is courting death!

Su Changge also has the blood of the overlord who devours the holy body, if the law of devouring is applied to him.

It can also devour all the memories he has and turn them into his own use.

Therefore, it is better to be sincere and frank!

Although the Dark Shadow Beast is a beast, he also knows that a sincere nirvana will definitely have an effect!

"My lord...everything I said is true!"

The Dark Shadow Beast King knelt down to Su Changge again and said, "I have absolutely no intention of lying to you!"


Su Changge looked thoughtful, as if he was digesting the information just now.

The Dark Shadow Beastmaster not only revealed all the information about the dark war that broke out in countless epochs, but even told him many secrets.

Just like this All Heavens Sword Gate.

According to the Dark Shadow Beastmaster, this is actually an independent world.

There is no Three Thousand Dao Realm in this world, but it was opened up by a supreme powerhouse of the Dao of Time and Space with the supernatural power of the Dao.

Not only is it connected to other Emperor Road levels, but it is even connected to some ancient mysterious small worlds.

But what interests him more is the special space called Time Secret.

"Back then, when I entered Tianji Island, I was accidentally teleported to a different time and space..."

Su Changge thought for a while: "Among them are the native creatures of the Immortal Realm who were caught in the cracks of time and space... the time survivors."

"But I heard those people say that it is the secret place of time that governs and manages the foreign land of time and space..."

"I thought this name was just a flash in the pan, but I didn't expect that Liandi Road would appear again. The karma involved in this must have a lot of background..."

Su Changge felt even more strange in his heart, he always felt that this time was secretly inextricably linked with him.

Om-! !

Suddenly, Su Changge only felt the faint trembling sound of the God Sword in the storage space.

A few rays of miraculous light bloomed, and an obscure message fell into Su Changge's mind.

"Brother... there is something Yan Xi left for you..."

"It will definitely help you..."


Su Changge's pupils shrank slightly.

"Consciousness transmission....?!"

Su Changge made a big move.

The God Sword appeared in his hand in an instant.

The terrifying sword energy spread in all directions, and the dark shadow beast king was so frightened that he didn't know why. He thought that Su Changge didn't talk about martial arts and wanted to kill him directly.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy.

"My lord, I have other uses!"

"I can change form! I can serve adults day and night!"

But Su Changge didn't listen to his nonsense at all.

His eyes stared fixedly at the God Sword in his hand.

A ray of cyan avenue radiance slowly overflowed from the sword of heaven, making Su Changge even more familiar.

"It's the fragment of the Dao of Heaven left by Mu Yanxi before he disappeared..."

Su Changge probed again, but never got any response from him.

"This true spirit is too weak, did it fall into a deep sleep after conveying the message...?"

After silence.

Su Changge was speechless for a long time, and had already made a decision in his heart.

Turning his head to the Dark Shadow Beastmaster, he said casually: "Since you know this place well, you can lead the way."

"Better be honest, or else."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The Dark Shadow Beast King looked overjoyed: "Don't worry, my lord, I will not let you down!"

In order to perform better in front of Su Changge.

As an ancient dark beast, the Dark Shadow Beast King completely ignored his dignity, and even bowed his head directly to Su Changge.

"I am willing to be an adult's transport mount, to relieve the fatigue of the adults on the road!"


Su Changge's eyes just casually glanced at the Dark Shadow Beast King exuding a strong dark aura.

His eyes were full of disgust.

"No need."

In the end, he made a big move and directly opened up a rune space.

The undead divine phoenix spread out its wings, shining like the sun's light and divine brilliance.

Su Changge stepped forward in one step, wearing white clothes with the god sun, making him even more majestic.

"lead the way."

Seeing this, the Dark Shadow Beast King also shook his head.

A look of despair.

After finally taking the initiative once, I actually let myself lose so completely!

What a beast!


As Su Changge continued to move forward.

The scene of this ancient road is also constantly changing, it seems to be continuous, running through space and crossing time.

Om-! !

But right now.

The end of the ancient ferry in front suddenly became radiant, and the endless sea of ​​nothingness and chaotic turbulence vented out.

It seems to have descended inexplicably from an unknown world.

The bright starlight is full of endless mystery and mystery.

A sense of vicissitudes and ancient times suddenly pervaded.

Followed by.

Under the interweaving of endless runes, a figure like a god slowly emerged.

I can't see its general appearance, but it is bathed in bright brilliance, which is daunting!

"Stop here!"

Wei'an's voice resounded for thousands of miles in all directions: "The zero pass of the Emperor's Road has been cut off here, and the heavens are forbidden!"

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