Ashiya Michimitsu was still struggling to say something, but Okada Izo would not listen to his explanations. He was already a thug, and now he was back to his profession, and he just fell and fell Ashiya Michimitsu on the ground. Then he rode directly on the opponent, pressing him to the ground and hitting him.

Under the superb experience of well-known thugs, Ashiya Michimitsu's rather handsome face swelled like a pig's head in just a moment.

He was pressed to the ground and beaten by the undead summoned by himself. Looking at the onmyojis throughout the ages, he was probably the first.

"Oh, by the way, be careful, don't really beat him to death."

At this moment, Dubin also spoke.

"Stay here, at least I can beat you a few more times... Besides, don't beat me so bloody. I have a kind heart and don't care about this."


Okada Izo picked up Ashiya Michimitsu's collar, and dragged him to the corner of the corner.

And in this corner away from sight, Okada Izo played even more vigorously.

After being out of sight and out of mind, Dubin's side was finally quiet for a while—after thinking about it, he also summed up what he had gained from this mission.

Not counting the quests, he has already harvested more than 9 gold coins, five treasures, and three functional NPCs. One is responsible for opening a store, the other is responsible for being a training partner, and the last responsible for being beaten by the training partner.Of course, that's the case in theory, but in practice, Ashiya Domitsu is still somewhat useful.

But it's only a bit useful. Although the understanding of various props is a good skill, there is a problem with Ashiya Michimitsu.Looking at the previous set of speech skills, he wanted to establish his authority in knowledge inside and outside the words, and then let Dubin here be a licking dog to offer incense every day-but this is the problem, he is the kind of Will you be a dog licker?

So this new employee still needs to hone his skills, at least to know who really counts in this personal space.

To sum up, although the Toyo mission line is still very scattered this time, and its level of abstraction is even comparable to the England mission line when he first entered the game, but at least in terms of harvest, it can already be said to be a bumper harvest .

"Then, after reading the good ones, it's time to look at the bad ones."

Taking a deep breath, Du Bin looked at his task bar, ready to face the bleak life.

That was indeed quite bleak. Although he hadn't clicked on the task bar yet, Dubin had already realized that his task was definitely a long series of failures—after all, he knew what he had done, and with what he created In that scene, it can be said that all the missions have been shut down, and there is no possibility of success at all.

The last time he saw such an abstract scene was in England's mission line, but at that time, since he had just entered the game, he didn't understand it yet, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But now...

"I hope I can gain something, okay? At least a little bit."

Dubin, who had begun to collect, couldn't help but mutter to himself that he also wanted to get more interesting equipment.

Of course, this time it might not work, after all, his tasks have basically been...


Du Bin who clicked on the taskbar was suddenly stunned.

Just because what is reflected in the task bar is not the black and red color that symbolizes the failure of the task.

Instead, the eyes are full of bright golden light.

The Practice Life of the British Boxing Gym: Chapter 128 Chapter 120 One Toyo Special Task Line Reward Settlement ([-] words)

The bright golden light is a sign that the task is completed.

Most players can see this kind of light after the task line is over. The golden task bar will make people feel the joy of harvest and full of strength - but only Dubin will not see this very often, after all He also knows how messed up he is in the quest line.

So, holding this doubt, he followed his mission.

【Oriental Special Mission Line: Stranger】

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land. You, who used to be the instructor of the French army, were invited to come to this land. Facing the decayed warriors of the old era, you will infuse them with the will of the new era. and spirit]

【Mission Objective: Assist the Shinsengumi to change to the French military system, and train the Shinsengumi so that they have the foundation to become the French Foreign Legion (this mission has been completed)】

[Mission Rewards: Reputation in the Eastern Region +1000, Prestige in the French Region +1000, Spirit Base Experience +10000]

【"It's still usable. As a source of soldiers, they have at least some basic discipline, which is better than those old blacks in Africa... In fact, it doesn't matter whether they train or not. Anyway, we just want them to do something, don't give it to them. Let’s just add to the chaos.” —Gill VI]

"... huh?"

Dubin couldn't help but looked up at Gil VI behind the bar, and the junior who was wiping the cup smiled embarrassedly after seeing Dubin's gaze.

This made Dubin faintly have a certain premonition.

He read on.

[Oriental Special Mission Line: Far East Battlefield]

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land. You, who used to be an instructor of the French army, were invited to come to this land, but the hateful British guys also came here, and they also set their sights on this land that has not yet been discovered. Developed Far East Colonies]

[Mission objective: Assist the French embassy to gain the initiative in the battle with the English embassy (this mission has been completed)]

[Mission Rewards: Reputation in the Eastern Region +1000, Prestige in the French Region +1000, Spirit Base Experience +10000]

【"Damn British guys, we don't mind fighting with you for another 100 years... How do you feel now! How do you feel!" ——A certain French soldier named Gilles VI during the Battle of Kyoto]

"...Wait? What is the Battle of Kyoto?"

Dubin looked at Gil VI suspiciously.

"You joined the army later?"

"Uh, my lord. I am a martial arts stationed in Dongyang, with the rank of major, and command a mixed reinforcement battalion."

Gil VI scratched his head in embarrassment.

"As for the attack and defense of Kyoto... Didn't you smash the capital to pieces? The British came to find fault with us, so we..."

"There are so many things?"

With a dazed face, Du Bin quickly clicked on the cutscene on the settlement interface. This may be the first time he has actively watched the cutscene.

After he killed the Emperor of Toyo and left because the mission line ended early, the four Toyo islands that lost the king and a large number of upper-class nobles fell into melee in an instant—fortunately, in Kyoto, the soul of Souji Okita had not yet Dissipated, the terrifying coercion made people dare not make mistakes, so it was rare to have a little peace.

But it's just a little peace, and those who want to fight will still fight hard.

First, the English consulate accused the French of breaking their promises and seized their cargo ship, and then the French came forward to say that it was all prohibited goods and had been destroyed on the spot—but the English knew that it belonged to more than a dozen ships Rare and rare treasures, the French will only sell them when they are full. This must be black and black.

So, the overwhelmed Englishman immediately chose his own agent, trying to give those Frenchmen a little color.But who would have thought that this time the French Consulate would end in person. The mixed reinforcement battalion headed by King Gil VI set up Gatling machine guns and pushed them all the way to the door of the English Consulate.

For a while, the two sides fought bloody and bloody, with corpses everywhere, as if the Toyo officials had been regarded as non-existent.

But the Toyo official does not exist anymore, which is why they can play so happily.

The flames of war raged, and foreigners ran rampant. For a while, the entire four islands in the East Ocean almost turned into ghosts and monsters.

"Falling leaves bring a message. At the other end of the war, in the land called "Oriental", no one can become the ruler of the Eastern Ocean. In the chaotic war, people will describe it like this. It is a cursed era of humiliation."

Accompanied by a bard-like voice-over, the image in front of Du Bin changed to the scene in the capital, the ghosts in the palace screamed horribly, and the people outside the palace desperately maintained their lives—and in the Three years later, the entire capital of Kyoto survived in chaos after all, even though it was dilapidated under the invasion of the British and French allied forces.

The palace has become ruins, but people are still living on.

"Goddamn Anglo-French coalition forces set fire to the Royal Palace."

No matter how prepared Du Bin was, he was still shocked by this nonsense ending.

There seemed to be some content in the back, but those Dubin skipped it. After all, after reading these, he probably knew what was going on in the capital offensive and defensive battle. After he left, the French Consulate actually swallowed all the treasures that were supposed to be distributed to Artoria.

"How can you do this? This is an act of breaking promises!"

For Gilles VI's unauthorized actions, Dupin expressed severe criticism.

"Do you know the consequences of not keeping promises?"

"I have accepted my punishment, my lord."

Gil VI bowed his head in shame.

"That's why I was dismissed... Now I am no longer a military attache, and my job has been changed to come to your side to take charge of the handover."

"Well, don't do that next time."

Hearing what Gilles VI said, Dubin nodded.

As for why the deposed Gill VI still carried the major epaulettes on his shoulders, Dupin decided to pretend that he didn't see this.

After all, he was one of his own people, and it was fine to drink three glasses of wine, not to mention that if his prediction was correct, there might be something about this King Gil VI next.

Just like it is now.

【Oriental special mission line: behind the enemy lines】

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land, but this has nothing to do with you as the instructor of the French army. Both the reformers and the conservatives are enemies that hinder the expansion of France. Suppress them and weaken them, but Please don’t kill them all, after all, our trade dumping needs a relatively stable order]

[Mission Objective: Suppress and weaken the Anti-barbarian faction and the Shogunate, while maintaining the balance of forces between the two sides, to ensure the existence of the most basic order (this mission has been completed)]

[Mission Rewards: Reputation in the Eastern Region +1000, Prestige in the French Region +1000, Spirit Base Experience +10000]

【"Direct management is so troublesome, and it also consumes manpower and material resources. Why don't we let them manage it for us? Anyway, what we want is dumping goods... Well, now that the Emperor of Japan has been killed by us, who else would dare not buy ours? Something?”—Gill VI]

[Toyo Special Mission Line: Trade Agreement]

[Introduction: Citizens of France need income, and French goods need to be sold, but the isolation and xenophobia of the Orientals make it impossible for us to intervene in their market.Think of a way to knock on the door of their country, even if this method is a bit cruel, it doesn't matter, after all, everything is for France]

【Mission Objective: Make the Japanese people sign a trade agreement. The mission ends when the agreement is signed (the mission has been completed)】

[Mission Rewards: French Region Prestige +2000, Spirit Base Experience +20000, unlock the npc "French Trade Store" in the login space, which allows you to purchase French specialty consumables]

【"After the fight here is over, let's transfer to the old age."——Gill VI]

"you can."

After thinking about it, Dubin finally sighed and patted King Gil VI on the shoulder.

"Have a heart."

"How can I let you do it for nothing?"

Gil VI smiled embarrassedly.

"Isn't it all agreed? I will definitely give you a special one."

"Good guy, you're talking about this special offering."

Looking at the end of those quests, the notes from King Gil VI, Dubin finally understood what was going on—cooperating with his identity as the "summoned one", his quests could be used in this way. It can't be done, it all depends on the perception of the party who summoned him.

But here lies the problem.

Those who summoned him were descendants of acquaintances.

It was only now that Dubin vaguely realized what his "summoned person" hint meant - after all, he also said before when he showed off his knowledge in Ashiya Road that heroic spirits will exhaust their magic power. Sometimes you need to replenish your magic power to continue your actions.But he didn't feel any consumption of mana at all, and he could even fight with full firepower for two months.

This is the credit of the French National Alchemy Association. In other words, when he was summoned by the organizing committee, he was already fully strengthened.

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