From the organizing committee to the referee, they are all his people, how can he lose?

Of course, besides this, he also has a special mission.

[Toyo Special Mission Line: Hidden Secrets]

[Introduction: After you showed off your martial arts, a certain unknown curse has wrapped around your body, destroy the source of the curse and restore your health]

[Task conditions: You have obtained the curse "unknown chronic disease". This curse will slowly weaken your body until you die within a month. Destroy the source of the curse to restore your health (this task has been completed)]

【"Why hit me! I just take money to do things!" ——Michimitsu Ashiya]

"Yicang! Work harder!"

Seeing this task briefing, Dubin immediately greeted Okada Izo again.

Then, he continued to look at the mission briefing.

[Toyo mission line: Demon King of Destruction: Under your reckless actions, the entire Toyo has been destroyed. Is this an endless night?Or the darkness before dawn?God only knows. 】

[The points are being settled for you according to the overall completion of the normal battle...]

Since he had watched all the cutscenes just now, the point settlement this time jumped out immediately. The only fly in the ointment was that since there was no grade rating for this task, it was not easy for him to see his completion.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter. After all, the referees are all his own. If he wants to be full, it's just a matter of one sentence.

【Your mission this time has been evaluated as "unprecedented". No one has ever achieved such a frenzied result as you. Your reward chest will be upgraded to a legendary treasure chest. Do you want to draw it now? 】

"The best box again?"

Dupin was immediately delighted.

"Come on! My turn! Draw a card!"

【Extracting in progress...】

【You got the legendary item, King's Screen】

"……and many more?"

Dubin suddenly had a bad premonition.

【The King's Bamboo Curtain】

【Grade: A+】

【Type: Furniture Decoration】

[Introduction to the item: The bamboo curtains used by the emperors of the East are said to have been passed down from generation to generation since the age of mythology, and now, after the Oriental royal family was destroyed by your own hands, this precious bamboo curtain has also fallen into your hands]

[Effect of the item: Hanging the bamboo curtain in front of the body can cover the body shape, making it difficult for people outside the bamboo curtain to peep. honorable person]

【"The royal family is the living god, and gods and humans should be separated."——Emperor Dongyang]


One of Dopin's faces creased.

Theoretically speaking... this thing can't be said to be useless, after all, it is an A+ level item, which means that the "difficult to spy" probably means extremely powerful information blocking-but this is the problem, although The effect of this hidden ability is outstanding, but the bamboo curtain is a bit too fucking big, he can't just wrap it around his body, can he?

As for the function of the projection, it is even more abstract.How idle must he be before he uses shadows to bluff people?

With this time, wouldn't it be good for him to directly use beatings for persuasion?

"I knew it, I knew it..."

Shaking his head, Dubin simply threw the bamboo curtain together with the previous waste throne.

Not to mention, after he hung the bamboo curtain in front of the useless throne, the throne, which was too laborious to chop and burn firewood, really looked a little more dignified.

"Okay, this time it's all done!"

Having settled everything, Dupin stretched.

"Then the next step is to... eh?"

Just when Dubin wanted to close the taskbar, he found that he seemed to have missed something.

The flashing golden light in the taskbar still hasn't stopped.

Practice life in the British boxing gym: Chapter 129 Chapter 120 [-] There is a joy of harvest ([-] words)

Although the rewards of the mission line have been collected, the harvest of this mission does not end there.

[According to your campaign completion, the total spiritual base experience you get is 178000]

[According to your campaign completion, the French reputation you get is 5000, and the Eastern reputation is -10000]

"It doesn't make sense, this really doesn't make sense."

Although he has already prepared himself for this result, he still has no way to accept it—French prestige plus the [-] is still negative, while Dongyang's prestige is directly negative [-], and everyone else will go wherever they go. Everyone loves him, but if you switch to him, everyone hates him wherever you go, so who can I ask for reason?

However, the spirit base experience is more than last time, which makes it easier for him to level up the treasure.

But before the task of the treasure, there was a more conspicuous reminder that appeared in front of him.

[You can be described as insane in the Toyo special mission line, and no one with a normal mind can act like you.In the folklore of the East, you who slaughtered the imperial palace are already a real beast, even the most ferocious ghost in history]

[Since you have defeated the King of Britain in the mission line of Britain and the King of France in the mission line of France before, your title "Enemy of the King" has been upgraded to "Kingslayer"]

"Can this dog thing be upgraded?"

Dubin couldn't help but continued to read.


【Grade: B+】

[Type: Achievement]

[Introduction: Once can be called a coincidence, twice can be called a coincidence, and three times in a row, what exactly do you want to do?No one understands why you like to fight against the king so much, but it is clear that your beast-like state of mind has begun to spread widely]

[Passive: All kings and high-ranking people will greatly reduce their favorability for you. The higher your status, the worse your impression will be. All unofficial camps will greatly increase your favorability. The lower your status, the better your impression will be.]

[Passive 2: When killing a high-ranking person, it will deter those who are lower than the target. The deterrent effect depends on the killing method, and the shortest time is not less than ten seconds]

【"It's too cheap to kill him with one knife, and he must be cut into pieces!"——A certain militiaman who is becoming more and more fanatical]

"Good guy, it's even worse!"

Dubin couldn't help scratching his head for a while, this title is too abstract, although the added attribute seems to be a bit useful, but with the last sentence...why does it always feel like something is not right?

Of course, the worst thing is the back.

[Since you once controlled the entire country in the Toyo mission line, you have obtained the special title "Three-day Emperor"]

【Emperor Sanka】

【Grade: A+】

[Type: Achievement]

[Introduction: Although it was only three days, you did once control this country, and you can indeed be called a well-deserved king who terrorizes all living beings with force. At least in these short three days, you really have An authority more stable than the Emperor]

[Passive · Former King: As the former king, you have unlocked and used some props that only the king can use]

[Passive · Exile: You who have lost the royal court also lost the qualification to be a king. The props of the king series are locked again, and the props of the king series can be re-unlocked by restoring the royal court]

["The fallen leaves bring a message, on the other side of the war, who will be crowned king?" ——Singing by the bards]

"...So what is the meaning of this thing?"

Dubin thought about it for a quarter of an hour, but he didn't even try to understand the effect of this kind of two-headed title.

Although theoretically speaking, this thing is quite useful for him, at least it allows him to use the sword of vowed victory to fire the cannon like he did in the Toyo mission line before-but now, this is still a practical attribute But got blocked again.Is this back and forth interesting?Is it really interesting?

"Forget it, just pretend it doesn't exist."

Shaking his head, Dubin continued to look at the last task.

That is also the most important reason why he went to the Toyo mission line.

[Life and death status upgrade task: exotic lands]

[Introduction: If you are determined to embark on the road of warriors, then you must not work behind closed doors, go out, fight with those unfamiliar warriors, and turn their inspiration of focusing on martial arts into your cultivation food]

[Mission goal: Complete fifteen life-and-death challenges, and the opponents are all foreigners, the current progress (35/15, the mission has been completed)]

[Task Reward: Raise the level of the treasure to C+, unlock the third effect of the treasure]

["The rivers and lakes are unpredictable, who is the strong, who will fight for the qualification to unify the martial arts" - a popular song]

"It's getting better!"

Dupin couldn't help clapping his hands excitedly.

Although he really did this task seriously, but because he forgot to look at the task bar and count, he was a little confused about how many could be counted—he originally thought that it might not be enough, but he cooperated. Now there are twenty more, which is already overfulfilling the task, and it is indeed getting better.

After that, Dubin quickly looked at the upgraded treasure.

That is, the life and death form.

[Noble Phantasm: Life and Death Status Lv20]

[Noble Phantasm Level: c+]

[Baby Phantasm Introduction: It is just a document written on paper that can be seen everywhere, but the strong fighting spirit of the owner of the document endows it with incredible power. Signing the contract means that the duel is established. No one can break this oath 】

[Effect of the Noble Phantasm 200. Keeping promises: On the premise that both parties have the intention to fight, they can sign a life-and-death certificate to agree on the time and place of the battle. Both parties are not allowed to leave the other side more than [-] meters away. Violation of any clause is deemed as voluntary abstention. The voluntary abstention will be directly forced to die, and one of the most valuable equipment (including treasures) will be deprived as compensation for the winner]

[Treasure Phantasm Function 47: You can unlock it after completing 100 life and death challenges, the current progress is [-]/[-]]

[Treasure Phantasm Effect Three: Ultimate Insult: Insulting with words greatly increases the target’s willingness to sign a life-and-death certificate. It can only be used once per mission line. If the opponent refuses to sign the contract, he will be awarded the title of "Sick Man" The title of "sick man" will be despised by everyone, and the reputation and npc favorability it holds will be automatically lost every day, and this effect will last until the end of the task line (continue to upgrade the treasure to increase the number of uses)]

[Treasure Phantasm Function [-]: The Noble Phantasm can be unlocked by upgrading to B+]

【"It's a matter of life and death" - a certain warrior]

"Oh oh oh! This is fine!"

Dupin couldn't help nodding his head again and again.

That's right, although the life and death shape is very powerful, it still has a subtle flaw - that is, even if he wants to fight, the opponent may not necessarily fight with him.If the enemy never fights with him and insists on being a cowardly lizard, then even if he fights hard, he will not get the bonus of life and death and counting the number of times.

But now, it's different.

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