He deliberately reduced the pain, so it was just too long for him to burn the meat with a soldering iron, but Dubin in front of him had always turned on ten times the perception, highlighting a super sensitive one.

When a soldering iron pokes my body, it feels...

"My, my, this is indeed my problem... I will add money! Big money!"

"Hey, you're saying it like I'm here just for the gold coins."

A smile appeared on Dubin's face immediately.

"Add five thousand gold coins, and nothing happened today."


Lao Luo swallowed his saliva.

"Buy one more time, and don't blame me if something happens later."

"That's not so."

Dupin shook his head again and again.

"I've already shown my skills, and they should also know how powerful they are, how could they still..."


Before Dubin could finish speaking, a large bucket of cold water was poured directly on his head.

Of course, he was not the only one who was watered, several prison carts transporting slaves were all splashed with water, and under the stimulation of cold water, these drowsy animals with two legs were considered to have some energy - of course, this was not the case. What unjustifiable abuse, but because the owner of the "Deathclaw" dueling school, the rich Lord Lorenzo, is going to lecture these slaves.

"First of all, you are welcome to the Deathclaw Duel School. There will be experts here to train you and let you learn the art of life-and-death combat... Indeed, this may be dangerous, but at least you can use your own strength here Come for meat instead of dying in some dark mine after exhaustion without even a full meal."

While speaking, Mustard Laurence patrolled around several cages.

"In the gladiator school, at least I will feed you. After all, a gladiator is like a good horse and needs to be carefully cared for. So I will not only feed you, but also oil you, bathe you, shave your face, Massage, even to teach you to use your mind, after all, a strong body with a stupid head is still a waste, but if you work hard enough, you will get this..."

Saying this, Mustard Laurence beckoned, making the iron tower-like Marktos next to him lower his head, revealing the little braid on the back of his head.

"If you're good enough to make me happy, then you'll get wine, meat, and even young women. You'll probably have five to ten years to live after you finish your training here, and if you're lucky, even You can get freedom under the gift of those dignitaries, of course, it doesn't matter if you are unlucky, as long as you are strong enough, you can also become a fighter coach, just like Marktos."

As if in order to match the speech of Mustard Laurence, Marktos also raised his arms, showing off his majestic muscles.

And mustard Laurence also nodded in satisfaction.

"May Lady Luck smile on you."

A rather motivating speech, at least it sounds plausible. Of course, the most important thing is that the mustard Lance brought not only the speech, but also some wine and meat-although it was only cheap meat and cheap wine, And the amount is pitifully small, but for these slaves who have just been bought from slave traders, it is also a rare delicacy.

And the tower-like Marktos also began to get in touch with these slaves.

"I like you, you are all strong, I hope you can be my friend, and I am willing to be your friend, my request is that you can live in peace and obey the rules... Slave, what's your name?"

Although Marktos also held a wine skin in his hand, he held a strong whip in his other hand. Obviously, he was preparing to give the new slaves a blow.

"Fortunately, he seems a little afraid of us..."

In the corner of the cage, Lao Luo lowered his voice, but with that subtle expression, it was obvious that there was something unbearable in the past.

"Don't look at this Marktos who is very big, but his mind is actually very small. In the previous quest line, he often gave me small shoes."

"Do you need to kill him?"

Dupin was a little eager to try.

"Just so I need to relax a little bit."

"Don't! Don't!"

Lao Luo hurriedly held Du Bin down.

"Although Marktos is small-minded, his teaching level is still there. If you come over with another person, we may not be able to learn anything serious... Don't keep thinking about fighting and killing, this task requires worldly wisdom!"

"All right……"

Seeing that Lao Luo said so, Du Bin also gave up the idea of ​​doing it.

After all, this is Lao Luo's quest line, and he has received a lot of money from his side, and the two parties are a little familiar, so it is really not suitable to let their temper go.

When doing things for friends, Dupin has always been very responsible.

What's more, what Lao Luo said is correct, there is indeed something about Marktos' teaching level.

Also as a coach, Dubin and Marktos can be regarded as half peers, so we can see something about Marktos' teaching method-it's just that Marktos' teaching method is different from his side. It's two completely different directions.

Dubin is more advocating traditional martial arts education, which is to customize the development route according to the physical condition and way of thinking of the apprentice. You can try to deduce the rest by yourself - the only disadvantage is that the work is very slow, and it can even be said to be extremely slow. After all, this thing is very difficult for apprentices to understand. If you can't understand it, you can't learn it.

But what Marktos showed was another teaching mode. He didn't care about the physical conditions of the students at all, and he didn't care whether they could really complete the training—this was not so much training the students, but Rather, it is using rigorous training to screen qualified candidates.The blunt and boring cramming teaching basically didn't take into account whether the students could understand, which seemed extremely irrational to Dubin.

But this training method is not without any advantages.

That is, speed.

It is this kind of training method that is not suitable in the eyes of Dubin, but these slave gladiators quickly formed in just one month-when they first entered this dueling school like a military training camp, those slaves waved The wooden sword still looks as ugly as wielding a stick, but under the whipping of the whip in Marktos's hand, in just one month, these slaves have been able to chop or stab with the dagger in their hands up.

In the process, Marktos will also explain to these students various knowledge related to gladiators, such as the origin of gladiators and the types of gladiators.

Of course, when the profession of gladiator emerged, Marktos could not explain it clearly, but the former gladiator at least knew that the current gladiators exist because of dignitaries—although the tickets they collect The money was not paid by those nobles, but those nobles were able to make their competition impossible with just one sentence.Therefore, in order to maintain a gladiator team, it is also very important to please those nobles.

"I know that some of you may be more arrogant and rebellious, but even if it is for the brothers to continue to have a meal, I hope you will not go against those noble gentlemen... If you really have something wrong in your heart In a comfortable place, you can scold behind your back, but no matter what, don’t make trouble on the surface.”

When it comes to these, Maktos speaks earnestly.

"Of course, if there is something that can't be handled, you must report it. Lord Aurora Lance will find someone to clear up the relationship with you. Lord Flacruz of the Senate once trained our Lord Aurora Lance, so the relationship between them Like teacher and student..."

Hearing this, Du Bin and Lao Luo couldn't help but glanced at each other, and after confirming their eyes, Du Bin also realized that this was obviously information that Lao Luo had never heard of--obviously, this passage was very important. The probability was specifically told to him. In a sense... Can this be considered a form of submissiveness?

However, Dupin is more concerned about the type of gladiator than this kind of subtle and tweaked emotional expression.

The gladiators in Rome were not just fighting each other. Many types of gladiators came from the alien races who had fought with Rome. The Romans absorbed the fighting culture of those alien races in the war and demonstrated them in the arena— —This can also be seen from the earliest types of gladiators, such as the Samnets and the Gauls. These two peoples were once the sworn enemies of the Romans in the early days. The Romans used their fighting methods to train gladiators. The idea is self-evident.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that gladiators often do not match their professions. For example, a Gallic gladiator may not be a real Gaul, but is more likely to be a gladiator who is good at Gallic style of play. ——So in order to make distinctions for gladiators in this chaotic judgment, gladiators often use a resounding stage name when they go to battle, like the name of a legendary hero, or use their own specialties as a stage name.

For example, Marktos once used "City Wall" as his name. Just by hearing this name, you can understand that he is a gladiator who uses a thick rectangular shield and short sword, and is extremely good at defending against opponents' attacks .

Perhaps this is why Marktos survived to retire, after all, it is always best to survive.

"So...it's called Momiro Gladiator, right?"

Du Bin recalled the awkward name, then turned to look at Lao Luo beside him.

"You can choose this one. Just set up a shield when you start the fight. After all, I may not care about you in a real fight. With a big shield, you can at least live longer."

"This won't work, and it won't work with a shield."

Old Luo shook his head again and again.

"The really powerful ones are net fighters...Although net fighters don't have protective gear, they only have tridents and nets, but the nets are the only control skills in the arena. As long as they are trapped, they are almost dead. With a large shield It won't last long either."

"...Can't you not be trapped?"

Even though he said this, Du Bin also knew that if Lao Luo was allowed to increase his protection, then Lao Luo's speed would definitely slow down, and Lao Luo didn't have his skills, and facing the net was basically a living target—— But if he gave up the protective gear to increase his speed, Lao Luo, who lacked protection, could easily be hacked to death.

This is completely different from Dubin's previous understanding of combat. In this deliberately designed small-scale team battle, the combat between gladiators is deliberately amplified-lightly armored gladiators can chase netizens, However, there is nothing to do with heavy-armed gladiators, but heavy-armored gladiators are easily trapped by netizens, and after having the strong control of catching nets, netizens also lose their body protection, which will make them face light-armed gladiators I suffered a lot when I was a gladiator.

This is only the most basic level of gladiatorial fighting, and those high-level arenas have not yet been reached. I heard that in larger arenas, there will even be British-style light chariots, and even war elephants from foreign countries...


Dubin's interest was immediately raised.

Although he already has an understanding of fighting methods from all over the world, it is obvious that the way of gladiatorial fighting is really an unknown field for him!

"I can't wait!"

In the next few days of training, Dubin has been gearing up. He can't wait, and wants to use his victory in his first gladiatorial fight to verify some of his ideas.

Fortunately, the first gladiatorial fight came quickly.

"Okay! That's it! You're already looking like gladiators!"

Looking at the gladiators lined up in front of him, Marktos nodded in satisfaction.

"Then, you are about to meet your first battle! The opponent is our old friend and our old opponent, Karbas Dueling School!"

"... Karbas?"

All the gladiators started whispering, and during their study during this period, they had also heard of the names of some gladiator schools—such as the Karbas Gladiator School, which is the leading gladiator school nearby, and the gladiator schools there The fighters attacked as ferociously as a pack of wolves, and it was said that there were even a few vicious giants among them that were no less vicious than Marktos.

And their own team... To put it bluntly, compared with an established and powerful team like the Karbas Fighting School, the Gaelorance Fighting School can only be regarded as just opened.

But now, the young Kaurorens gladiator school not only has to face the old strong teams, but also sends them new gladiators who have just finished training to the arena... Isn't this really letting them go there?

"Don't worry, we can win."

Lao Luo is full of confidence. Although he has been stuck here before and has never won once, but now he has brought in a master, and he even has one against a hundred masters.

To put it bluntly, even if everyone in the entire gladiator school opposite is added together, it may not be enough for Dubin to kill.With such a disparity in force between the two sides, what else is there to fear?

"Hey, no, no, I just practice my hands, practice my hands."

Faced with Lao Luo's flattery, Du Bin was a little embarrassed, but his eagerness still betrayed his excitement.

After holding back in the training camp for a month, Du Bin couldn't take it anymore. Now that he had the opportunity to do something, how could he just let it go.

The desire to kill is running high!

It was at this time that Marktos continued to speak.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not die this time, I can assure you of this."

Saying so, Marktos grinned.

"After all, our goal this time was not to win from the very beginning."

"We're going to lose this game."

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Arena: Chapter 132, Chapter 120, Chapter [-] The Mysteries of Gladiator ([-] words)

Why do you have to lose? This matter is a bit complicated to say.

As a veteran strong team, the Karbas Gladiator School has a good reputation in this area, and the gladiators under its command are naturally well-known stars-and among these powerful gladiators, there are two people in height. Mi's "giant" Brinos is even more top-notch.

But no matter how top-notch a gladiator is, there are times when he retires. This gladiator star named "Giant" is planning to retire recently, but the reason for this strong man's retirement is not because of any injuries. Nor is it about turning into a coach like Marktos.

"He... was appreciated by a certain lady."

When speaking of this sentence, Maktos's face was full of disgust.

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