But Du Bin and Lao Luo always felt that under this deep disgust, there was also some kind of deeper envy.

Regardless of whether this matter is honorable or dishonorable, Brinos, a famous gladiator from the Karbas Gladiator School, was eventually taken by a rich woman. It is said that she is a caring lady who likes to raise wild animals. I also cherish Brinos' beast-like body - so under the arrangement of that lady, it took only one night and less than ten days to restore Brinos' status as a free man The process is almost complete.

The reason why it is said that it is almost all finished is mainly because Brinos is still short of the final step before he regains his true freedom - that is a glorious gladiatorial fight, in the arena, under the eyes of everyone , His Majesty the Emperor personally bestowed upon him the wooden sword symbolizing freedom.

Of course, in theory, it’s okay not to wrestle. After all, for a slave to regain his status as a free person, all he needs is the master’s willingness to go through the formalities.But Brinos is a star gladiator after all, even if he retires, he must retire with honor, but more importantly, compared with a freed slave, being a retired champion can make the lady more honorable .

"So... that's probably what happened."

It took Marktos a long time to explain the cause and effect of this incident clearly.

"We made an appointment with the other side for this game, an exhibition game, so that our giant can make a wonderful curtain call for his audience at the end of his gladiator career... It was also for you to lose Be real, that's why I didn't tell you, but now..."

Marktos glanced at Dubin, and the meaning was self-evident.

There are some things that you can understand, and you don't need to say too clearly.

"It's actually like this, it's because of this..."

Lao Luo on the side was already numb. It wasn't until now that he realized why in the previous attempts, no matter how hard he trained and how capable his friends were, he would accurately fall in the first round. In the wrestling——At first, he thought that he was not working hard enough, and his skills were not strong enough...but now it seems that it is not the case at all.

Everything was arranged long ago, and this gladiatorial fight was a losing battle from the very beginning.

It's just that before, because the strength gap between the two teams was too great, Marktos didn't bother to tell them these newly promoted gladiators.After all, as Marktos said, let them lose the game without knowing it, at least it will look a lot more real.And now... because Dubin's performance was too outrageous, in order to ensure that everything went according to plan, Marktos finally told the truth.

"Don't look at me like that, I used to be a gladiator too, I know what you're thinking."

Marktos sighed.

"Okay, maybe you will think that this is a match-fixing and dishonorable... But, let me ask you, as a gladiator, what is your purpose for participating in the gladiator fight?"


Dupin answered without hesitation.


This is the answer given by Lao Luo.

And among the other slave gladiators, some talked about bread and wine, some talked about young women, and there were even some ambitious slaves who wanted to become free men—but faced with these divergent answers, Maktos But just shook his head.

"Indeed, the ideas you mentioned are what you need. After all, I thought the same way back then... But have you ever thought about how you, as gladiators, are different from other people?"

Saying this, Marktos looked up at the crowd in front of him.

"If you want to win, you should become a warrior and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield. If you want to survive, then don't hold a sword. It is also a good choice to run your own business. As for bread and wine, you want Young women...you have more ways to get what you want, even without wrestling."

Having said that, Marktos sighed.

"But you are gladiators."

"Gladiator...what's the difference?"

Among the crowd, a slave gladiator couldn't help asking.

"Shouldn't gladiators pursue victory? Shouldn't they pursue survival?"

"...What do you think of gladiatorial fighting?"

Marktos couldn't help but frowned.

"What do you regard the arena as? Do you think the arena is a battlefield? Then what do you think is the largest area in the arena? Is it the small circle of loess ground where you fight? How is it possible! "

Marktos opened his hands, gesturing a huge shape.

"In the arena, the biggest area is the grandstand! It's the grandstand for the audience!"


Not only the newly promoted gladiators, but even Lao Luo and even Du Bin were a little stunned at the moment.

It seems... is this really the truth?

"A gladiatorial fight is not a duel! It's not a contest! Those of you who enter the arena are fighting for others to see!"

Marktos continued.

"You have to show it to others, understand? So you have to play wonderfully and beautifully! Of course, you may ask me, what should I do if the opponent doesn't cooperate? The answer is simple! If the opponent doesn't cooperate, let him cooperate!"

Having said that, Marktos took out a bag of gold coins from his pocket and fell to the ground, clanging.

"These are the fees they paid to bribe us, and one-third of it will be used to hold a celebration banquet after our failure, so you just need to lose the game and let Brinos blow you away...Old Gladiators get a decent retirement and you guys get a good meal, so it's good for everyone, isn't it?"

"Ah this..."

Having said all this, even Dubin couldn't find any reason to refute it—although it is indeed a bad behavior in his opinion to fight fake matches, but the gladiatorial competition was not considered a martial arts competition from the beginning .As Marktos said, this is more of an exhibition match. Whether it is a gorgeous move or a bloody battle, the purpose of these actions is to make the audience happy and excited to watch.

But now, the old actor was favored by the rich woman and was about to retire, so he simply saved a new play and prepared it as his own curtain call performance. Is there any problem with this?

Absolutely not!You know, the old actors even gave money!

"Not to mention... multiple friends, multiple paths."

Seeing that there was no reaction from the crowd, Marktos earnestly said.

"Brinox has already expressed his sincerity, and even asked the lady to bring gold coins to us. Since the other party showed friendliness, we naturally don't need to refuse... You know, in Brinos After retiring, that lady will most likely arrange a relatively decent identity and job for him. If you encounter any troubles at that time, relying on the friendship of losing the game, you can even ask him to ask for some Not too out of the ordinary."

Immediately afterwards, Marktos gave another obvious example.

"Just like our boss, Lord Mustard Lance, he was once a gladiator and was trained by Lord Flacruz. Later, Lord Flacruz was promoted to the Senate, and Lord Mustard Lance also became a Free people...but the friendship between them has always been there, and when Mr. Laurence is in trouble, he will also get some care from the Senate."

Having said that, Marktos felt that he had made it very clear.

"In short, losing this game is only good for us, not bad... Just take it as a face for the old man, and he will repay you in the future."

"That's alright."

After thinking for a long time, Dubin finally sighed.

Although theoretically speaking, fighting counterfeit matches is not in line with his ideas, but after all, wrestling is not a duel, not a contest where life is risked—then, since an old actor wants to retire decently, and even showed such a sincere attitude, On his side, there is no need to rush to win or lose, and he has to play a disgusting hand at the end of the opponent's career.

And after the first nod from Dubin's side, the rest of the gladiators also began to admit this matter-although it was a bit difficult for some gladiators, they couldn't win the game at all.

After all, the gap between the two sides is too great. Just like what Marktos said just now, even if they don't tell them about this, the Karbas Gladiator School team can easily win.

Only Lao Luo was still standing there in a daze, with stars in his eyes.

"It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this..."

Thinking of his previous experience of being stuck in the first fight again and again, Lao Luo wanted to cry but had no tears.

At that time, he thought it was his teammates, and these idiots were playing himself, but who would have thought that this was actually a performance, only he hadn’t read the script—of course, neither had the other slave gladiators. , but they are rookies, they just need to play their true colors, but he wants to win the game, but he is targeted every time.

The reason why he was hacked to death every time was because he wanted to win too much?

"It's too abstract, it's really too abstract..."

Lao Luo felt that his brain was in chaos.

Although he also knew that the sophistication of people in this quest line was a bit important, but he never thought that it would be so important.

It's just...

"Oh yes, one last question."

After glancing at Lao Luo who was in a daze, Du Bin still spoke for him.

"If we act... what if they kill us?"

"Good question, but there will be no such thing, because our boss has also agreed with them."

Marktos nodded.

"It's still the same sentence, the arena is not a battlefield, and you are not soldiers, but the property of Lord Aurora... Indeed, although in theory, after entering the arena, life and death depend on skill, but like this The exhibition match that was agreed in advance, do you think that Lord Kaoran will allow his property to be lost in vain?"


Glancing at the slave badges on the gladiator students, Dubin couldn't help scratching his head.

Although it may sound cruel, it seems to be the case in essence.As the owner of a gladiatorial arena, there was absolutely no need to spend his property to organize retirement activities for the gladiators of his opponent.Of course, right now the other party has given money after all, but the performance will be over. This money can buy a victory, but it is still a lot worse to buy the lives of these gladiators.

And on the other hand, although this exhibition match is Brinos' retirement battle, it is also an opportunity for these newly promoted gladiators to experience real gladiatorial combat safely-although they must lose, but Since it's an exhibition match, at least they won't die.

As a result, the old actors got a decent retirement, the wrestling school got a sum of money, and these new gladiators got a good meal and a safe wrestling experience.

No one will lose anything in this transaction, everyone has gained what they want, and in a sense, everyone has won.

"Okay then, I'm fine."

Dubin shook his head, indicating that he had finished speaking.

This also made Marktos breathe a sigh of relief.

"Since you all have no problems, it would be great...Of course, although it is an exhibition match, I still hope that you can treat it as a life-and-death fight. You just need to be at ease and boldly use the techniques you have learned against those opponents That’s good, the fight will be more realistic, and the audience will have more fun watching it.”

As for whether it will kill someone if you hit it with confidence, Marktos didn't say anything about it.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said, after all, facing those real veteran gladiators, these new gladiators who have only trained for a month are still a bit too immature.

"In short, now that we understand all this, let's start preparing."

After explaining everything clearly, Marktos put away the gold coins.

"Tomorrow afternoon is the day of the competition, I hope the goddess of luck will bless you."

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Arena: Chapter 133, Chapter 120, Six Actors' Self-cultivation ([-] words)

Brinos felt that Lady Luck must be protecting him.

After all, if the life trajectory of a normal gladiator is followed, he will probably suffer from injuries in the arena, and then die under the torture of illness in a dark night—of course, he is not a normal gladiator, but A star gladiator, so after he retires, there is a high probability that he will be rehired by his former boss as a bodyguard or dueling coach, just like those who trained him.

But the best ending is like this, only relying on one's own efforts, this is already the limit that a gladiator can achieve.

Fortunately, Brinos no longer has to work hard.

It was a dark and stormy night, Brinos met the hooligan, and after Brinos's fierce resistance, the hooligan was stripped off by him - of course, on the next morning, Brinos After all, he realized that it was not a hooligan, but a lady of extremely high status, but just when he thought his head was about to be chopped off, that lady held his face.

"You did a good job."

That's what the lady said.

The noble lady is rich and generous, and quickly arranged everything for Brinos—in fact, Brinos didn't want to retire so early, and with his current physical condition, he can play for a few more years, but that The noble lady felt that he should not use his precious physical strength in the arena, but should use this physical fitness, which is still at the peak of the human body, in more meaningful places.

So what else can he say?

"I've arranged everything for you."

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