"Vanilla juice?"

Hearing Fubuki's words, Seiichiro lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, after Fuxue said those words just now, he immediately realized that Fuxue really accurately captured the subtle flaw in his cooking.

It's mint juice!

The whole dish became fresh and outstanding because of the mint juice, but it also covered up the aroma of the cod...Although I used lemon juice to reconcile it, it seems that this method is really not perfect .

If you can make the sauce, add some vanilla essence made of vanilla, and use vanilla to match lemon juice, so that the pungent taste of mint juice can be better offset... so the scent of cod is absolutely It can be distributed completely.

And what makes this idea even more interesting is that vanilla and cod are a perfect match.

Because the whole dish is made by pan-fried cooking method, the aroma of vanilla can be refined to the fullest. At that time, the smell of vanilla, cod, and bread crumbs will be skillfully blended together, plus the refreshing effect of menthol and citric acid , Seiichiro can be sure that this dish will definitely be better than it is now.

Thinking of this, Seiichiro suddenly became excited.

"Such a simple method, why didn't I think of it?"

"Cod with herbs, it's a perfect match!"

"Fubuki, wait a moment, I'm going to make this dish right now, and you can try it later!"

Seiichiro took the plate and ran to the stove impatiently.

With a new idea, he really wanted to turn it into reality immediately.

Seeing Seiichiro Saiami in a hurry, Fubuki said helplessly.

"Senior Caibo, I have something to do. Let the other seniors taste the dishes that will be served later. I will go to the room to deal with private matters. By the way, I won't come down for dinner today...don't come deliberately Call me..."

After Fubuki finished speaking, regardless of whether Seiichiro listened to his words or not, he went straight back to his room.


Seiichiro's mind was completely focused on his cooking at this time. Although he heard Fubuki's words, he didn't have time to answer.

Twenty minutes later, he quickly recreated a snowflake fish steak dish.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Seiichiro sniffed it lightly.

Soon, a happy smile appeared in his eyes.

"That's what it tastes like!"

"With a little vanilla, the aroma of the dish is completely sublimated. This is the taste I really want!"

"Blowing snow, this guy actually has this skill..."

Seiichiro was muttering to himself, but suddenly, his expression changed.

Only then did Seiichiro realize why Fubuki was able to put forward such crucial constructive suggestions for his cooking in such a short period of time.

If it is an unpalatable dish, it is easy for the cook to catch various shortcomings from it.

However, the dish I made earlier was perfect in every aspect. It is difficult for an ordinary cook to catch the slightest deficiency buried in the deepest part of the dish from the countless perfections in a short period of time.

I'm afraid even if it is Ah Yin and the others, there is no way to find out the slight deficiency in their own cooking in just a few seconds...

Fubuki, has he been hiding his true strength?

Seiichiro couldn't help but look at the stairs Fubuki walked up just now.

"Chuuxue, little rascal, it's interesting..."

While Seiichiro was muttering to himself, Dojima Gin and the others pushed open the door of Jixingsha and walked in.

"Huh? What is it? It smells so good... Seiichiro, are you cooking?"

Wenyuan Lily walked up to Seiichiro, looked at the dishes in his hands, and said with bright eyes:

"Wow, Snowflake Fish Steak, Saiba-senpai, is this the dish you made just now?"

"It looks delicious, can I have a taste?"

Nakamura Ji also laughed and said:

"Thank goodness, Senior Saiba finally stopped making dark dishes in the public kitchen, otherwise, I'm afraid I'd have to run out again..."

Seiichiro glared at Ji Nakamura and said:

"Is my cooking that scary? Since you have said so, Ji, next time I cook dark cooking, I decided to let you taste it..."

"No, what kind of dark cuisine, the cuisine I cook should be delicious in the world...".

Chapter 16 Dojima Gin: Fubuki is not easy

"The dishes I cook are obviously delicious in the world. You guys are all spoiled by Fubuki. What kind of dark cuisine is such an ugly word..."

Seiichiro muttered dissatisfiedly,

Seeing his appearance, Wenyuan Lily said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, we will never make fun of Saiba-senpai's cooking in the future, of course, the premise is that you don't make those nasty things..."

"Senior Caibo's dish looks very good now, can I try it?"

"Okay, I just made a few more copies, let's try it together."

Hearing Seiichiro's words, Bunen Yuri and the others rushed into the kitchen impatiently.

Dojima Gin picked up a piece of snowflake fish steak on the plate, and then put it into his mouth.

Closing his eyes, chewing for a while, Dojima Gin's eyes lit up.

"Huh? This dish is interesting!"

"Seiichiro, how did you come up with this idea!"

"The snowflake fish steak itself is crisp and delicious, with a charming aroma. You also specially used mint and lemon to enrich its aroma and taste... eh? It seems that there are some vanilla scents in it... eat It looks very classy!"

Wenyuan Lily also squinted her eyes, happily admiring:

"Senior Caibo's craftsmanship has improved again. This dish is much more delicious than those snowflake fish steaks you made before... The fresh mint flavor and the light sour and sweet taste of lemon juice are ingenious Blended together, plus the foil of vanilla... Mmmm... It's really a very good dish!"

Nakamura Ji also ate a piece of snowflake fish steak made by Seiichiro, and then he said:

"I heard that Caibo-senpai accepted a food halberd challenge from a second-year student today. The theme of the duel seems to be fish steak. Is this the dish that Caibo-senpai you challenged today?"

Saiba Seiichiro smiled, and then he said:

"When I was eating halberds, I did cook a snowflake fish steak dish, but the taste of the dish I made was a bit different from the current taste... Ah Yin, let me tell you, I am only now I found out that our Jixingshe junior seems to be a bit difficult..."

"He surprised me today!"

"Little junior? Surprised you?"

Dojima Gin was taken aback for a moment, then he said in doubt:

"Seiichiro, who are you talking about? Could it be Fubuki-kun?"

"It's Fubuki-kun!"

Dojima Gin pointed to the dishes on the plate and said:

"During the duel, the snowflake fish steak I made did not use vanilla as a seasoning, so the flavor of mint somewhat suppressed the fragrance of the cod... I had already noticed that this dish was flawed, but for a while After a while, I didn’t come up with any clues, originally I planned to wait for you to come back, and then let you help me try it..."

"It just so happened that Chuuxue came back first, so I let him taste it first..."

"As you all know, Fuxue is a little introverted, so my original idea was to treat him with my own cooking... But I didn't expect that he would accurately capture the flaws in my cooking at the first time. And immediately made suggestions for its improvement...."

"Here, what you guys ate is the vanilla in this dish, which Fubuki suggested me to add..."

Hearing Seiichiro's words, everyone in Jixingsha was a little stunned.

Lily of Wenyuan dared not say anything:

"No way, Fubuki found flaws in Saiba-senpai's cooking at a glance?"

"Even if this dish lacks the seasoning of vanilla, it should still be called a very good dish. I'm afraid that even I can't find this flaw in a very short time and give suggestions for improvement. ..."

Seiichiro smiled and said:

"That's why I said, our juniors, it seems that it is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"This guy, he still wants to hide his hand in front of us... It seems that he has to dig out his potential in the future!"

Hearing Seiichiro's words, Dojima Gin nodded and said:

"In fact, I've always been worried about the kid Fuxue. I learned from the side that his grades in junior high school have not been good, and many people have even secretly called him the tail of the crane... Originally, I planned to develop for him when I was free for a while. Improve training, now it seems that this guy really has something to hide!"

"By the way, you may not know it yet. I feel that Fuxue has changed a lot during this time... He came to me a few months ago to borrow my private gym. I thought he was just a whim, but I didn't expect He really persisted, have you noticed that Fubuki's physical fitness is really much better than before..."

Wenyuan Lily heard this and immediately responded:

"It seems to be true. Although I am wearing clothes, I can clearly feel that Fubuki's body has become much stronger... Could Fubuki have been stimulated by something? Why has there been such a sudden change during this period of time?"

"Who knows? But it's a good thing that Fubuki has made progress. I don't want anyone in our Jixing House to fall behind..."

Dojima Yin smiled, and he continued:

"I have an idea, it should help us to test up close how much Fuxue has lied to us..."

"In a few weeks, isn't the school going to organize a school festival?"

"I want Fubuki to run the store alone at the school festival. Firstly, it can train him, and secondly, it can let us take a good look at how strong this kid is... What do you think?"

"Let Fubuki run the store alone at the school festival?"

Seiichiro was taken aback when he heard the words, and soon he shook his head and said:

"This method doesn't seem to work. Fubuki is still only a junior high school student. Junior high school students usually participate in the school festival as a group. There has never been a junior high school student participating in the school festival as an individual in the school. And More importantly, Fubuki himself may not be willing to participate in the school festival alone, after all, this event is quite tiring... Thinking about it from another angle, even if he is willing to participate in the school festival as an individual, he still has He is just a junior high school student, how capable he is, after all, we are not sure now..."

(Gao Dynasty is coming soon, the protagonist will also start to embark on the road of hegemony, the rhythm will gradually speed up...).

Chapter 17 The Butterfly Effect

After hearing Seiichiro's words, Kouji Nakajima, the tenth seat of Togetsu Academy, said:

"You guys have been discussing Fubuki before, which reminds me of one thing."

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