His body began to become more and more powerful, and the lines of his muscles began to become clearer.

Now in the Pole Star House, Dojima Yin, who has always liked to exercise, is slightly better than Fubuki in terms of physical fitness, but Fubuki knows that with the excellent exercise plan provided by the system, it won't be long before his physical fitness is absolutely absolute Can crush Dojima silver.

In terms of learning theoretical knowledge, Fubuki also studied very hard.

In addition to Mr. Peter's explanations, Fuxue will also use his spare time to read books in the library.

In addition to French cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Turkish cuisine, Japanese cuisine, American cuisine, Brazilian cuisine, Russian cuisine... Fubuki has a certain understanding of the development history of cuisines in almost all countries.

After Mr. Peter in the system space taught him the theoretical knowledge he needed to explain to Fuxue, he began to organize the test session for Fuxue.

Every night, teacher Peter will provide a theoretical test paper to Fuxue, and let Fuxue answer.

In the eyes of Mr. Peter, there are only two results of full marks and zero marks in the exam!

Fubuki would fail his test if he couldn't get a perfect score.

As long as Fubuki can get full marks in the theory test three times in a row, he can complete the subject taught by Mr. Peter.

So for Fuxue, it is not enough to understand this knowledge, he must thoroughly engrave these theoretical knowledge firmly in his mind to be considered qualified.

In addition to using extracurricular time to recite these theoretical knowledge, Fubuki often discusses these basic knowledge with Nagi Nagi.

Since Nakiri Mana had a little interest in Fubuki, she began to have some contact with Fuyuki. Nakiri Manna felt that discussing the cuisine of the old era with Fuyuki would be very helpful to prove her own way of cooking , Therefore, Nakiri Magi often goes in and out of libraries and other places with Fubuki.

For Fubuki, communicating with Nakiri Magi can not only deepen his impression of the knowledge he has learned, but also establish a friendship with Nakiri Magi. This is definitely a good deal that kills two birds with one stone.

(PS: To make a digression, the author spent 1000 yuan to find an artist to paint the cover of this book, just to draw the type I like. Alice and Erina are really cute, I like it so much! Just watch For the sake of this cover, let me give some fresh comments... By the way, the rhythm will be accelerated later, so that the protagonist can enter an era of his own as soon as possible.)

Chapter 14 The Man Named Shura

The students in Fubuki's class saw that Fubuki often went out with Nakiri Managi, and they were envious to death.

However, they dare not gossip behind their backs.

Nakiri Magi has an amazing background, and her personal strength is also recognized as the number one in the whole grade. The boy who has a crush on her can only bury this love deeply in his heart.

As for Fuxue, although the previous test scores were all at the bottom of the class, after experiencing the classroom theory last time, no one dared to underestimate Fuxue anymore.

You know, even Richard, the lecturer, is full of praise for Fubuki's talent.

Who knows how much strength is hidden in this guy's body.

Even Nakajima, who has been secretly in love with Nagiri Nakiri, can only bury this reluctance in his heart when he sees Managi Nakiri going to the library with Fubuki every day.


After class that day, Nakiri Managi went directly to Fubuki.

"Fubuki-kun, do you want to go to the library together?"

Fubuki shook his head.

"Nakiri-san, I won't be going to the library today. I have some personal matters to deal with. Let's go tomorrow..."

"Is there a personal matter to deal with? Alright... Then I'll go back first... See you tomorrow, Fubuki-kun!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Seeing Fubuki rejecting Nagiri Nakiri, the boys in the class were really angry and envious.

If Nagiri Nakiri invites them, even if they have something big to do, they will definitely refuse.Fubuki is lucky to be able to reject the goddess so simply...

Really, people are more popular than people!


Nagiri Nakiri was actually quite curious about what kind of personal affairs Fubuki was going to do.

After all, she has seen Fuxue's hard work and dedication in the past few months. No matter what happens, Fuxue will not delay her studies.

Now Managi finally knows how Fubuki has such a wealth of knowledge... I spend all day in the sea of ​​books and study hard, can I not know a lot?

Any girl will have some affection for a man who is self-motivated, and Nakiri Mannagi is no exception.

She really appreciates Fubuki's efforts,

At the same time, she also wanted to see with her own eyes how far Fuxue could go.

Although theoretical knowledge is very important, what people look forward to is what kind of taste the cooker's final dishes will show.

It is not easy to transform the theoretical knowledge in your mind into real cooking...


After Nagiri Nakiri left the classroom, Fubuki also finished packing her books and returned to Polestar House.

Seeing Fubuki's return, Seiichiro Hami happily ran over.

"Blowing Snow, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Help? Senior Caibo wants me to do something?"

Seiichiro Saiba held Fubuki's shoulders and led him into the kitchen.

"This is a new dish I just developed. I want you to try it and give me a review..."

On the dining table, an exquisite dish was quietly lying on the plate. ,

The tempting fragrance diffused with the air, and after Fubuki took a sip, he felt refreshed.

"Senior Caibo made snowflake fish steak?"

"Smells so good!"

Hearing Fubuki's admiration, Saiba Seiichiro said with a smile:

"Today there was a brat who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth wanted to challenge me. As a senior, I naturally had to teach him a lesson. This is the dish I presented in the duel. Although I successfully defeated the brat, but I always feel that there are still some flaws in this dish, but I can't figure out where the flaws are for a while, so I made another dish when I got home. You have to try it, and then give me some opinions... "

Hearing Caibo's words, Fubuki didn't refuse.

He directly picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food on the plate, and then put it into his mouth.


I have to say that Saiba Seiichiro is really strong.

Being dubbed Shura, Fubuki felt that Seiichiro was absolutely worthy of the nickname others gave him.

This snowflake fish steak is definitely a masterwork in terms of material selection and processing techniques.

Although the bread crumbs coated on the surface of the fish fillets are fried golden and crispy, the fish meat still maintains a smooth and tender taste.

With one bite, the aroma of the cod almost exploded in the mouth.

Fubuki felt as if his teeth were filled with a strong fragrance.

And the most wonderful thing for Fubuki is,

Seiichiro actually poured his special sauce on the surface of this snowflake fish steak.

The juice extracted from fresh mint and lemon, combined with some other spices, can easily arouse the most instinctive desire of any diner.

No wonder when I smelled this fragrance before, I felt refreshed and refreshed. This is because the fragrance produced by the menthol contained in mint after being heated constantly stimulates my olfactory nerves.

Fubuki put down his chopsticks and said to Seiichiro:

"Senior Caiba is really amazing, this dish is really delicious!"

"Using mint and lemon to enhance the taste of the snowflake fish fillet makes it more flavorful. Today's classmate lost to Senior Caibo is really not wronged at all..."

Seiichiro scratched his head and said:

"Anything else? I mainly want to hear Fubuki's other suggestions for this dish!"

"I always feel that there is a flaw in this dish, but I can't always grasp the key point!"

"I'm still going to discuss it with Ah Yin and the others later..."

Before Seiichiro finished speaking, he heard Fubuki spit out a few words slowly.

"It's mint!"


Seiichiro was slightly taken aback.

"What do you mean? Fubuki, you mean, the flaw of my dish is on the mint?"

Fubuki nodded.

"I think if we can neutralize the smell of mint in the dish, the overall level of this dish should be improved!"

"The biggest surprise of this snowflake fish steak made by Mr. Caibo is the sauce made with mint and lemon!"

"But at the same time, it also brought a defect to this dish. I think the so-called defect that Saiba-senpai said is precisely here..."

(One more chapter, by the way, the cover of the author really cost 1000, and I drew several different styles, which cost me almost 4000 yuan in total, you will definitely not find me on the Internet For the price of this picture, you can go to MiPainter. Now it is really expensive to hire a good painter. I still hire a medium one. There are hundreds of cheap painters, but I can’t draw what I want. .... Later, the pictures I asked the artist to draw will be released occasionally as a benefit for everyone. I am willing to pay this price because I really like it... and the matter of Erina and Alice, I have designed it long ago. After all, it is the direction of the world. It is not easy to solve a bloodline...... I set different worlds as dungeons for the protagonist's experience. The first one I want to write is that strength comes first Doctrine classroom, I watched it again yesterday, I feel that this episode is really good, if you are interested, you can go and see it...).

Chapter 15 Sharp Comments

Although Saiba Seiichiro said before that he hoped that Fubuki could provide some suggestions for his cooking, but to be honest, in his heart, he didn't think Fubuki could give any constructive suggestions.

In fact, Seiichiro just wanted Fubuki to taste his own cooking, but he didn't expect that Fubuki really wanted to express some of his own opinions.

This time, Seiichiro became interested.

He really wanted to see what opinion this elementary school boy who didn't like to deal with people very much, whether in school or in the dormitory, could say.

Under Seiichiro's gaze, Fubuki slowly expressed his opinion on this dish.

“The sauce made with fresh lemon juice and mint juice is indeed the highlight of this dish!”

"But at the same time, this highlight also brings a flaw to this dish!"

"The taste of mint juice is a bit irritating, it will cover up part of the aroma of the cod steak and bread crumbs... This is also considered by Senior Bo, so you use lemon juice to neutralize the mint juice citric acid can effectively reduce the menthol content in mint juice, so that the smell it emits becomes softer and more suitable for the fusion of the cooking itself...but I think, just lemon juice Blindly seasoning is not enough!"

"When I tasted the dishes just now, I noticed that the aroma of the mint juice is still a bit too strong, and because of this, the aroma of the cod has been lost in the process of blending with it...I think the so-called flaws in Saiba-senpai's mouth, It's here!"

"My personal opinion is that Caibo-senpai might as well try adding one more seasoning to the sauce. Caibo-senpai, what do you think of vanilla juice?"

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