When the Wang family brothers heard the words from Gao Qiqiang's mouth, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately beaming with joy, Gao Qiqiang called Zhang Lei in front of them and informed him of his investment.

Zhang Lei was dumbfounded, the new boss seemed a bit ruthless!

How long has it been? !I didn't even get the first investment, but the boss has already made an investment, and there is a second one waiting for him to come back and sign.

After giving instructions to Zhang Lei, he exchanged the phone numbers of the Wang family brothers with him.

Ask him to discuss the details with the Wang brothers after he gets back to Hong Kong Island.

Then, amidst the thousands of thanks from the Wang family brothers, they took a taxi and left the courtyard and went straight to the airport.

"It's really inconvenient not to have a car. I'll have to prepare a few more cars here later."

Gao Qiqiang muttered, but Cheng Cheng completely lost his temper with him.

This one seems to be a bit open to all comers, right? !

Although Cheng Cheng also felt that this investment was actually worthwhile.

After all, the profits of the Chinese Brothers are there. In the past few years, after they tied the pants, they have successively signed a large number of film and television singers.

Even the income from commercial performances is extremely impressive.

Gao Qiqiang did not explain to Cheng Cheng that he was not interested in the current profits of the Chinese Brothers, but that he wanted to wait for the explosion of domestic film and television and the listing of the Chinese Brothers.

At that time, the money was the bulk!

As soon as David reminded him, Gao Qiqiang remembered.

Now, if you say that the best place to invest in the world, it must be in China.

Almost a large number of later unicorns and giant companies are still small Karamis.

It is extremely simple to buy shares in them, and when these companies grow up, their assets will increase wildly by more than a thousand times!

Of course, now Gao Qiqiang is not only considering investing in these companies.

If it's just for capital, it's just repeating the old days for him, and there's not much novelty about it.

He now wants to build a special enterprise, which is the enterprise he once conceived.

That is the model of Jinghai Shenghe, he wants to become the largest digital chain experience store in the country.

On the way to the airport, Gao Qiqiang suddenly received a call from David.

"Oh! My dear boss! Did you know?! Today is amazing, I actually met Jobs! By the Jade Emperor! I actually met this legendary guy!"

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, Jobs? !apple? !

"Apple's Steve Jobs?!"

 "Yes! It's Apple's Steve Jobs, those idiots screwed up Apple and had to bring him back! Hahaha..."

 David on the other end of the phone obviously drank too much: "I met him at an investor's reception today! This guy is very interested in the mysterious East and Zen. Fortunately, I also did some research when I was in Hong Kong Island. And understand, actually chatting with him is very fun!"

 "This guy is a genius! Genius in the true sense! By the Jade Emperor, this guy's sense of business and human nature is as sensitive as a hound! He is a born businessman!"

 David on the other end of the phone seemed a little incoherent: "It's a pity that this guy's personality is too violent, the Jade Emperor! Such a guy, working with him and being his employee will be under a lot of pressure!"

 "No wonder those shareholders don't want him to come back, hahaha..."

 Holding the phone, Gao Qiqiang felt helpless: "I'm on my way to the airport, so if you have anything to say, just keep it short..."

 "Okay! My wise boss! I plan to make a long-term investment in Jobs!"

 Gao Qiqiang was taken aback when he heard the words: "So, what are you going to do?!"

 "Now Apple's market value is 60 billion dollars, I plan to eat 30% of his shares with 25 billion dollars! Then, fully support Jobs in his research and development!"

 David didn't hesitate at 2.9, and directly expressed his thoughts: "Boss! Believe me, this guy will bring miracles! Because he is absolutely, absolutely paranoid, this guy will be everyone's nightmare, but Will be a successful friend!"

 "I trust your judgment, David! Go ahead and do it, I will have no opinion!"

 Holding the phone, Gao Qiqiang said with a smile: "I said I will leave everything to you, then I will really leave everything to you. You don't need to report to me."

"No! Boss, I'm not reporting to you! I'm sharing joy with you! My dear boss, I have to thank you! Thanks to the supreme Jade Emperor! Oh! All this is wonderful!..."

Just as Gao Qiqiang was about to say something, he heard a "bang" from the other end of the phone...

Then there was a "beep beep" disconnection sound.

Chapter 140 IX

"Ah Sheng! Go and see what happened to David... Oh, that kid fell to the ground?! Did he not die?!...Okay, take him to the hospital."

Gao Qiqiang thought that David had his head blown off when he met a robber.

In the end, I asked my younger brother Gao Qisheng to take a look. It was the old boy who fell to the ground after drinking too much, and even broke his phone.

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard the news, how much did David drink?

But there is no time for him to think too much, because the airport is here.

After getting the boarding pass, we entered the VIP waiting room through the VIP channel.

A group of flight attendants watched Gao Qiqiang lead Cheng Cheng in with winking eyes. When Gao Qiqiang entered, the flight attendants' eyes lit up.

But after seeing Cheng Cheng who was following Gao Qiqiang, these gazes dimmed visibly with the naked eye.

Gao Qiqiang is too conspicuous, wearing a high-order suit and a low-key but not cheap Patek Philippe.

Even the inner lining is a high-order version of Givenchy with a price of tens of thousands.

So when he walked in by himself, those flight attendants 11 looked at him differently.

It's a pity that he has Cheng Cheng with him, otherwise, there might not be a flight attendant coming over.

"It seems that this president may not be able to do it. Otherwise, I don't know how many vixens will be killed by moths to the flames!"

With Cheng Cheng's piercing eyes, he could see the change in the atmosphere at once.

The helpless thing is that she is now the president of Shenghe Group, unless there is a special situation this time, she may not be able to travel with Gao Qiqiang in the future.

If she didn't follow, one can imagine how many mad bees and butterflies Gao Qiqiang would cause.

After all, in this era, it is really uncommon for a big shot to wear millions of dollars.

Those empty towns who have trained their sharp eyes early in the business class, how can they not see the difference between this kind of super boss and ordinary rich people? !

"Boss, you probably have to fly around in the future, how about we buy a business jet?!"

Cheng Cheng suddenly thought of a way to avoid this situation, and directly set up a private jet!

At that time, the flight attendants can completely choose by themselves, which will sweep away a large number of crazy bees and butterflies who want to take advantage of the opportunity.

Cheng Cheng's words immediately caused a bunch of flight attendants to prick up their ears.

Private jet! !

"Hmm... Let me think about it. It's probably more difficult to apply for domestic routes. There are also pilots and daily maintenance. To be honest, I probably won't use them much for the time being."

Gao Qiqiang let Chengchen ask this question suddenly, and he also began to think carefully about this question.

It's not that he has never owned a private jet, but it's not very expensive to buy. Maintenance, pilots, etc. are the most expensive.

You have to apply for a flight route, which is not so convenient and smooth in China now.

And to be honest, Gao Qiqiang was a little afraid of death.

Although it is said that airplanes are one of the safest means of transportation, the chances of survival are greater if there is a problem with other means of transportation than airplanes!

Once something happens to the plane, the chances of it getting cold are too high.

Gao Qiqiang would rather wait for the high-speed rail for a few years before talking about it. By then, the country will basically use the high-speed rail and it will be over.

It's OK to drive not far away, buy a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, and then modify the interior, you can almost travel.

If necessary, Gao Qiqiang even wanted to take a minibus to modify it.

Just put the indoor environment out, and you can also ensure that you have enough rest space and thinking space in the car.

Hearing that Gao Qiqiang was thinking about a private jet, some of these flight attendants suddenly felt a little ready to move.

Cheng Cheng saw all this from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help scolding himself for being an idiot!

Also mentioning private jets here, isn't this why you are still a small fish in front of cats? !

Fortunately, boarding started at this time, and all the flight attendants could only watch with regret that Gao Qiqiang took Cheng Cheng and boarded the plane directly from the VIP channel.

Cheng Cheng and Gao Qiqiang switched seats when they got on the plane. Originally, she bought the ticket at the porthole, but in order to prevent Gao Qiqiang from being stuffed with a small note, she changed directly to the aisle.

Gao Qiqiang himself didn't care, he didn't think so much at all.

Now he just wants to take a rest, because he has to meet with the big boss of the provincial capital soon, and even that old guy Liu Shide may come to him.

The Jinghai faction stepped into the provincial capital, and Gao Qiqiang agreed to the next investment, which would definitely leave a place for the provincial capital faction.

This is in exchange for Jiang Sheng and Shield conditions that the provincial faction can no longer only deal with. Now that the construction of the Jianghai Expressway is about to start, then this reward should naturally be given.

Gao Qiqiang figured it out with his toes, that old guy Liu Shide must have prepared a grand banquet for himself in the provincial capital.

At that time, if I can't bring out the benefits that they are satisfied with, I guess they may not be able to do what the three hundred knives and axe killed by tossing a cup.

Thinking of these nonsense things, how could Gao Qiqiang have any interest in watching the flight attendants!

Along the way, Gao Qiqiang put on a blanket and fell asleep.

I didn't even eat any food. After all, the plane meal was really miserable.

And because of the high altitude, people's sense of taste is degraded to a certain extent, and the taste of food becomes weaker.

Two and a half hours later, five o'clock in the afternoon.

The plane landed smoothly at Lizhijiang Airport, Gao Qiqiang and Cheng Cheng came out exhausted, and Xie Rong drove 613 to meet him directly.

"It's been a hard few days!"

Gao Qiqiang waved his hand at Xie Rong wearily, but Xie Rong looked at Gao Qiqiang sympathetically: "Boss, I think you have worked harder than me."

Hmm...it's quite hard work. You have to fight wits and courage with people during the day, and you have to fight physical strength and energy with Cheng Cheng at night.

I hardly have any rest!

Gao Qiqiang sighed suddenly: "Order me black-bone chicken soup with angelica, dangshen, wolfberry, and black chicken tonight. I have to make up for it..."

As soon as Gao Qiqiang said this, Cheng Cheng beside him immediately blushed.

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