Only she knew that she had done a lot of embarrassing things these days in order to make Gao Qiqiang's investment more comfortable.

"Boss, you should run and practice boxing with me in the morning starting tomorrow."

When Xie Rong's voice came, Cheng Cheng felt ashamed again.

"You have such a strong body, I am afraid that you will die young."

Gao Qi was so angry that he wanted to take off his shoes and beat him up: "If you can't speak, just say Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"It's definitely Chinese New Year, but you have to remember to give me a red envelope."

Hearing Xie Rong's words, Gao Qiqiang smiled.

After that sincere meeting, Xie Rong's heart was opened.

At least this kid is still joking with himself now.

At this time, Gao Qiqiang's phone rang again.

Chapter 150 The old foxes

Gao Qiqiang took it out and saw that the number was Liu Shide.

"Old Liu, it really is the dragon of the provincial capital! I just got off the plane, so you know it."

Picking up the phone with a smile, Gao Qiqiang was also a little startled by Liu Shide's strength.

"Your driver has never been driving that Lincoln out these days, but suddenly drove out this afternoon. I asked someone to check the afternoon flight of the imperial capital, and then checked the time, so I can roughly know when you leave. It's the airport."

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't help but admire Liu Shide, the old guy's mind.

No wonder Uncle Tai couldn't beat others for so many years, it's true that ordinary people don't have this kind of mind.

The rank gap is too big, Liu Shide is at least the king in terms of rank, and Uncle Tai is at most platinum.

Even if Huang Lao, the unparalleled king, is with him, Liu Shide's side is a diamond with a tacit understanding, so the two sides can only fight evenly.

As for He Liming... From Gao Qiqiang's point of view, he is probably a diamond player.

Even being able to catch Zhao Lidong's sore feet while interacting with Zhao Lidong, this level is really much lower than Huang Lao's, a big rank is indispensable.

If it weren't for the fact that the operation is still good, and there is really no one in the Jinghai faction, if he is forced to be taller than the short, he will not have his turn to go to the provincial capital.

As for Meng Dehai...

Gao Qiqiang smiled wryly, Mr. Huang came to the provincial capital to develop the Jinghai faction, not to find someone to fight.

Meng Dehai's problem with his eyes being above the top was probably taken care of by Zhao Lidong in Jinghai, and when he came to the provincial capital, he came to deliver food.

It's not that he's not good at skills, or that he doesn't realize well, it's just that this guy likes to grow in the wild and grab the line of troops. He doesn't fit in with the group!

How about a diamond player like Liming.

 After all, if He Liming saw Uncle Tai being besieged, he knew to support him. If it was Meng Dehai, he would probably pass by and leave after eating the soldiers. If you want to die, you will die!Don't delay my development, rely on me, Kerry, to take the audience!

 "What's the plan for tonight?!"

 Gao Qiqiang smacked his mouth and said, "I have an appointment, let's do it tomorrow night¨‖!"

 "it is good!"

 Liu Shide didn't talk nonsense, and hung up the phone directly after asking the time to confirm the time.

 After all, the current relationship between the two parties is very delicate, and many things can only be said after meeting.

 As for Cheng Cheng, after Gao Qiqiang answered the phone, he said with a smile: "Boss, there is no such thing as a good banquet!"

 "Whether it's a celebration wine or a Hongmen banquet, it really depends on whether I give him meat or soup."

Gao Qiqiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "The old fox is not ignorant. He knows how to scoop out the meat in the soup pot, but he won't scoop up the biggest piece."

 After finishing speaking, Gao Qiqiang called Mr. Huang and the boss of the provincial capital.

 The place where everyone meets is still the bathhouse, and Uncle Tai's Platinum has at least one thing in place: he flatters his ass very well.

 He bought the bathroom directly, but instead of redecorating it, he kept it as it was.

It is open to the outside world on weekdays. Occasionally, when Mr. Huang and the provincial capital boss want to take a bath, he will let people put up a rest sign.

Then let the two big guys come in to take a bath through the back door. The rest area is also designed according to the style of the bathhouse back then.

They also thoughtfully prepared a buffet, which will be prepared when the two bosses come to take a bath, ensuring that they can eat, drink and take a bath in it, and feel comfortable.

On this point, Gao Qiqiang felt ashamed.

I have to say that Uncle Tai's flattery has reached a very high level, no wonder so many "friends" are willing to help him.

It's just that the old guy can always scratch someone's itch without being obtrusive and making you feel comfortable.

This kind of proper flattery is much more advanced than compliments, loyalty, money, cars, and houses...

But Uncle Tai, an old guy, also has his own problems, that is, to a certain extent, his eyes are higher than the top.

He would do this to Mr. Huang, but to He Liming...

Obviously, this was also the fundamental reason why He Liming didn't say anything when Uncle Tai was seized and sacrificed.

I'm the boss of the faction, why don't you take a good picture of me.

In fact, Gao Qiqiang roughly guessed Uncle Tai's psychology. After all, in Uncle Tai's heart, his position in the faction was roughly equal to that of He Liming and higher than that of Zhao Lidong.

But the actual situation is that after Mr. Huang stepped down, Uncle Tai's role was almost zero.

Especially since his real power has been taken away, what Huang Lao wants is not someone who can only flatter him, not too many people who want to flatter him.

But you have to have the strength and qualifications to stand in front of him before he will give you this chance to flatter him.

So after Gao Qiqiang got rid of Uncle Tai, he got the chance to pass scissors and move flowerpots to Lao Huang.

Gao Qiqiang asked Cheng Cheng to go back to the hotel first, while he and Xie Rong went to the bathing place together.

The couple who were in the orchard before, have now moved here.

The bathing place is under their name, and the old man obviously enjoys life in the bathing place.

He took the cigarette from Gao Qiqiang with a smile, and said: "... It's been a while since I saw you, your aura is different! The dragon and the snake rise from the land!"

When the sky sends out murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land;

This phrase comes from "Yin Fu Jing".

"I can't take your words seriously, I'm just a pawn for a living."

Gao Qiqiang bowed and smiled, then walked slowly into the bathing area.

Xie Rong stayed outside, looking for something to eat and waiting for Gao Qiqiang.


When Gao Qiqiang changed into a big towel and came to the bathtub, the two old men were happily soaking.

"Here we come?! You said how can you make such a fuss, go to the imperial capital and go to Hong Kong Island."

The boss of the provincial capital laughed and scolded without looking back: "It's Lao Dai who praised you a few times, saying that when you come to Hong Kong Island, you must treat you to a meal!"

"Mr. Dai is really stingy! I have won such a large business for him, so he treats me to a meal? (Wang Dehao)! You should give him some commission, right?"

Gao Qiqiang muttered in dissatisfaction: "I work for GD Capital, and I get 5% of the investment income. Old man Dai is really not solid!"

"You kid, don't get cheap and act good. Gaosr also injected 30 billion US dollars into Yingke this time?! And the shares it took are not low. As long as the little superman wins Hong Kong Island Telecom, your investment At least tenfold."

Gao Qiqiang smiled: "Indeed, at least in terms of market value."

"Oh?! Is there any variable in this matter?"

Gao Qiqiang sat down in the pool with a crash, and said with a smile: "A man from a real estate background hastily entered the financial circle, and then entered the telecommunications field that he is completely unfamiliar with..."

"This is equivalent to a farmer suddenly going to a car repair shop, and then working as a cook, what do you think will happen?!".

Chapter 150 Two Grandpas and One Grandson

He will screw up!

"Old Dai..."

The boss of the provincial capital frowned, and Gao Qiqiang said with a chuckle: "You think Mr. Dai doesn't know?! Mr. Dai actually knows everything!"

"No matter how much Little Superman struggles, his old man will take care of him. And as long as he is not that stupid, even if he messes up, it won't be out of control."

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Gao Qiqiang's mouth: "Li Cucumber has been in Hong Kong Island for so many years, spent so much money, and fattened up so many people, isn't it just for this time?!"

"Even if the little cucumber is dying, the old cucumber will use his own connections to fill up the little cucumber's hole. Otherwise, after a hundred years of the old cucumber, how can the little cucumber get lost in the world!"

The big boss of the provincial capital didn't know much about finance and Hong Kong Island, but since Gao Qiqiang said so, he didn't ask any more questions.

On the contrary, Mr. Huang asked a little curiously: "Xiao Gao, can't Xiao Cucumber see the risks involved?!"

"He probably saw it, but he really wants to surpass his father, Old Cucumber."

Gao Qiqiang laughed, and said: "Back then, his father, Lao Huanggua, relied on the acquisition of Wharf, and He Ji Huangpu entered the game!"

"Wharf, Old Cucumber played the side drum with the charter king as the vanguard, and finally let the two sides fight bloody, and he picked up a little bit of money. Later, the two sides lost a lot of blood in the fight, so they invited him in to develop Wharf together."

Gao Qiqiang sighed softly and said, "But no one knew at the time that the old cucumber was 'Xiang Zhuang dancing the sword, aiming at Peigong'! It's not true that he wanted to take down Wharf, but it was true that he wanted to achieve snake swallowing and eat Heji Huangpu! "

"Relying on abandoning Wharf and endorsing the influence of the charter king in HSBC, he used the small to fight the big and the weak to control the strong. Relying on Changshi's actual assets of only 6.93 million Hong Kong dollars, he managed to control the market price of 62 billion Hong Kong dollars. Huge group——Heji Huangpu!"

With an asset of less than [-] million Hong Kong dollars, it swallowed up a giant enterprise whose market value was ten times that of the market.

Therefore, Li Cucumber was regarded as "Superman" after that battle.

Because this accomplished a task that ordinary people could not accomplish, and Little Cucumber wanted to repeat his father's battle, and even wanted to do it better.

Because Hong Kong Island Telecom's assets... are as high as 3000 billion Hong Kong dollars, (bbcj) and the annual turnover is as high as 30 billion, and the profit is no less than [-] billion!

"What a pity! He overestimated himself and underestimated his capital."

The boss of the provincial capital smiled: "As Xiao Gao said, a farmer got mixed up in the car repair shop, and even worked as a cook..."

"It's hard for him not to cheat."

Huang Lao also nodded: "Changshi was in real estate and finance back then, so it is understandable that he won He Ji with the support of the charter king and HSBC. After all, he has the confidence."

"But Little Cucumber obviously doesn't have this background."

After chatting about the little cucumber for a while, the boss of the provincial capital quickly changed the topic to another matter.

"Liu Shide should call you, right?!"

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