"Old Mu!"

"Dead servant!!"

Immediately, shouts and curses resounded in the market.

On this day, Yingdong's stock price fell only close to 18%, but this was just the beginning!

The next day, at the request of the Hong Kong government's fierce rhetoric, Yingdong timidly announced its excess figure, which was -100%.

Everyone was dumbfounded now, those retail investors who thought they could hold on for a while, now even wanted to hack Superman to death.

Countless people cursed the little Superman to be rich and wealthy, while frantically selling the stocks in their hands.

It was only the second day, and Yingdong's stock plummeted by about 39% compared with yesterday.

The entire Yingdong stock has completely collapsed!

When Superman arrived at the airport, he didn't even dare to sit in his luxury car anymore, for fear of being recognized by others, he would die on the street.

For this reason, he specially asked the driver to drive an ordinary Honda, and then Qiao Mimi left through a special passage.

Even in the car, he didn't dare to go back to Yingdong's headquarters.

Because Yuan Tianfan told him that there are now a large number of retail investors and investors gathered outside the headquarters of Yingdong, and these people want to rush into the headquarters with red eyes.

If it wasn't for the extra large number of police officers, they would have killed everyone they saw.

Even Yuan Tianfan and the others didn't dare to stay in the headquarters anymore, and the staff had already been sent back to wait for the notice.

And they themselves are preparing to leave temporarily by plane.

At least until this incident subsides, they absolutely dare not return to Hong Kong Island.

The phone in his hand kept ringing, and Superman glanced at the number on it, but hung up directly.

But the phone rang again stubbornly, and he simply turned it off.

The whole person lay on the back seat of the car without saying a word.

"Boss, where are we going?!"

The driver watched Superman sitting in the car and didn't speak for a long time.

He could only ask, but his question immediately set Superman on fire.

"Where are you going?! Where else can I go now?! You drive first!!"

The driver was so scolded that he didn't dare to speak out, so he could only start the car and prepare to drive out of the underground parking lot.

At this time, a low-key Rolls Royce slowly stopped in front of Superman's Honda.

This car is very familiar to Superman, it is his father's car.

Sure enough, the driver opened the door.

Seeing Li Cucumber getting out of the car, Superman sighed and got out of the car.

"Dad... I..."

Little Superman wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

He thought he would be accused by his father, but Li Cucuma patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said softly: "When you encounter setbacks, you panic?! This is not your style!"

"Dad, this time the matter is too big! I..."

"If you're fine, it's not a big deal."

Li Cucumber said calmly, but saw him walking towards his car with his arms around his son's shoulders.

When hugging his son, Li Cucumber suddenly felt emotional.

In a blink of an eye, my son has grown up so much!

It seems that not long ago, he was just a kid who could only act like a baby to himself, but now he has grown into a young man.

After touching his thinning hair, Li Cucumber had to admit that he was getting old.

"Haven't you eaten yet?! Let's go home and eat first."

Li Cucumber didn't say a word of reproach, but asked his son to go home with him.

Come back home!

Little Superman's eyes suddenly became hot, but the first thing he thought of was going home.

However, he felt that he really had no face to go back, and things were messed up!

With a debt of more than 100 billion dollars, the annual interest is terrifying.

If he repays this debt within five years, he can't even imagine what will be waiting for him.

This time the halberd fell into the sand, which made his heart heavy.


Finally, Little Superman called his father, covered his face and began to cry.

Li Cucumber hugged his son and sighed.

He still lived so smoothly that when such a major blow came, he was at a loss what to do.

Little Superman crawled on his father's body, crying and falling asleep.

He himself forgot how he got home, everything was so dazed.

Having dinner with my father and elder brother, neither of them said a word of blame to themselves.

Instead, my brother kept telling funny stories about his childhood to make him laugh.

The father also blamed himself. When he was young, he spent too little time with them because he was busy with work. I was really sorry for them.

But the more they were like this, the more uncomfortable Superman felt.

Even if they beat him up or scolded him, they didn't say a word of blame, and that was what made him feel the most uncomfortable.

"Don't think so much, take a good rest! Get some sleep, everything will be new when you wake up tomorrow!"

Indeed, when he wakes up from sleep, what Superman faces is new.

How much they admired him in the past, and now how cruel those people are scolding him!

"Tiger Father Dog Son!Li Cucumber was a hero, but gave birth to a dog son! "

"It's not as good as raw barbecued pork!"What is the use of the second son of the Li family? ! "

960 "Bringing Down the Whole Hong Kong Island, the Wicked Second Young Master Li Takes the Lead in Selling and Cashing Out! "

"Shameless!Shameless!Shameless! !What face does Second Master Li have to live on! "


These reports are like a handful of sharp knives, and the pierced Superman's heart is bleeding.

Those former "friends" also jumped out to criticize, and even cursed and drew a clear line.

Others reported in the newspaper that they wanted to cut off his robes and ask him to come out as soon as possible to bear the responsibilities he should bear.

What's more, it was rumored that he was in exile overseas and he might not come back for a while.

There are also people who put out bonuses in newspapers, offering a reward of 100 million for finding his trace...

Little Superman watched these people's performance numbly. For the first time, he experienced the evil of human nature under capital.

This kind of evil made him shudder, and made him shudder to the bone.

Red paint was splashed on the outside of Li's mansion and on the gate of Yingke.

There are also people who send wreaths, throw paper money, and there are not a few people who yell and scold outside.

There are even some people who want to go there and smash it. If the police on Hong Kong Island hadn't been prepared, it would have caused a major incident long ago.

At this time, Li Cucumber whispered to his distraught son at the dinner table.

"After dinner, follow me to the study."

Li Cucumber said very flatly: "I have a friend who wants to drink tea."

Chapter 190 Are You Crazy Or Stupid?

After arriving at the study, Superman knew who this friend was.

"Mr. Gao?!"

Looking at the smiling Gao Qiqiang, Little Superman was very surprised.

Li Cucumber asked his son to sit down, and set up Kung Fu tea in the study.

This is a skill engraved in the bones of every Chaoshan person. They have watched their parents make fun since they were children.

A little older, when friends and classmates come to the house, they start to learn how to make bubbles.

When I stay older, I will hang out with my partners and friends.

Even if the creditor comes to the door due to poor management, everyone will sit down and discuss how to deal with it calmly after pouring a cup of tea.

Wake up tea, wash tea, Phoenix three nods, Guan Gong tours the city.

While soaking, Li Cucumber sighed softly: "When I first started to make Changjiang Plastics, although it was hot, the operating rate dropped due to insufficient raw materials. When I was in a hurry, I thought about buying some low-priced raw materials to fill the gap first. The big deal is to sell it cheaper!"

"Who knew that this decision caused me a big accident. Because the raw materials were not enough, customers returned a large number of orders. When the bank found out, they immediately sent people to collect the accounts! I was so devastated at the time that I wanted to die."

But Li Cucumber smiled and said to Gao Qiqiang: "At that time, my mother called me home and made her a cup of tea."

As Li Cucumber spoke, a cup of tea was already brewed in his hand.

There are always only three cups of Chaoshan Gongfu tea.

No matter how many people come, there are still three cups.

After drinking, he will wash the cup with boiling water, and whoever wants to drink the next dish can take it.

Heaven, earth and man, three talents.

There are only these three cups for each dish.

"Tea please."

Li Cucumber smiled faintly, and made a gesture of invitation to Gao Qiqiang and his son.

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