Smelling the aroma of tea, Gao Qiqiang was sure that this was the top-quality Phoenix Dancong.

"When my mother called me, what I was thinking at the time was: I am already like this, why are you telling me to go back and make tea¨‖!"

Li Cucumber continued the story just now: "But I went back anyway, it was my mother after all! I returned home honestly and made a good cup of tea for my mother."

"My mother watched me make tea, and told me: I'm impatient, it's a big taboo! The hand making tea is not stable, so how can I hold the pot?!"

His eyes were full of nostalgia at this time, and he sighed softly: "If the heart is not steady, the hands will not be steady. And you can't make good tea."

"Since you are sitting down to make tea, you have to make it well. Only when you stabilize your heart can you stabilize your hands, and then you can make good tea. Otherwise, you will either drop the cup or smash the pot, let alone make tea. The tea set has to be broken."

As Li Cucumber said, he washed the cups for Gao Qiqiang and the others, and served another course of tea.

"When drinking tea with others, you should be honest. You can say what kind of tea it is. If you don't know what kind of tea it is, just say you don't know it. It doesn't make much sense to talk about fake big empty and tall."

After rinsing the cup again, Li Cucumber continued to serve tea: "Tea please."

"and after?!"

Even Little Superman, who is his son, has never heard this story from his father. Obviously, when his father told this story at this time, it was not just for him.

"I drank three courses of tea with you, and then went back to deal with the company's affairs."

Li Cucumber smiled and said, "Let the bank and all the customers come to the office separately, and make three cups of tea for each of them."

"My heart stabilized, and my hands did. I brewed three cups of tea and made it clear to everyone that the refund should be refunded, the money should be lost, and the apology should be apologized. There are not so many for the time being. For funds, we agree on the time and interest for repayment. After all, it was my mistake first, so I am willing to make some concessions in terms of interest."

Seeing that Li Cucumber's eyes were full of nostalgia, he sighed softly: "I thought I might go bankrupt, but it only took one afternoon to solve it."

"Everyone sees that I am not panicking, and I have reasoned with them. They feel that I am still reliable, and they are willing to give me a chance and give me more time."

Li Cucumber smiled: "If it weren't for everyone's support, I'm afraid I wouldn't be where I am later."

Gao Qiqiang silently listened to Li Cucumber's words, put down his teacup and bowed slightly, "Lingshoutang's strange woman, it's no wonder that the old man can achieve such achievements!"

Li Cucumber waved his hand, smiled and sighed softly: "After all, I haven't made any great achievements, I can only say that I have never been ashamed of my mother's teachings!"

Little Superman was silent, as if he was still thinking about the story his father told.

In his impression, Ah Ma was a gentle old lady who never spoke loudly to them.

She has always been very gentle, even when she is the most angry, she still maintains that kind of gentleness.

"Mr. Gao came here this time to do two things: first, capital injection. Or, acquisition."

Just when his son was in a daze, Li Cucumber spoke slowly.

Little Superman's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at Gao Qiqiang in disbelief.

"...Mr. Gao! You have to think clearly, our current debt is more than 100 billion! And it's all in US dollars!"

Seeing his son's performance, Li Cucumber couldn't help sighing.

After all, life is different, and looking at Gao Qiqiang opposite, compared with his son's astonishment, he is so calm and breezy.

"I know that now Yingke not only has debts of more than 100 billion US dollars, but also the stock price has fallen to the bottom, and it has also incurred huge losses."

Gao Qiqiang looked at Little Superman seriously, and said, "But I want to try."

Little Superman exhaled deeply, looked at Gao Qiqiang and said, "Then, what is Mr. Gao going to do?!"

"I'm going to just buy back all the shares and go private."

As soon as Gao Qiqiang said this, Little Superman was stunned.

(Nuo Wang's) immediately shouted: "Are you crazy?! Buy back all the stocks?! Take on these debts yourself?! You will go bankrupt!"

"Probably not, if I can manage it."

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said, "I'm not very good at operating the capital market, but I think I can still do a little bit of business."

"If there is too much interference from investors, I will not be able to operate well. So privatization will give me more space."

After a pause, Gao Qiqiang said with a smile: "Of course, the risk will be slightly higher if you do this. But at least the risks are within my controllable range."

Little Superman stared blankly at Gao Qiqiang, as if he was looking at an arrogant lunatic and a fool who didn't know what to do.

"Okay! If you want, I will sell Yingdong."

Gao Qiqiang picked up the teacup, smiled and toasted Superman: "Thank you!"

Chapter 190 To Kill a Mockingbird

After that, the three of them didn't talk about this matter any more, they just talked about some trivial interesting things to each other.

Gao Qiqiang talked about the people and things he met when he was in Jinghai and Zhijiang.

For example, the brothers of the Tang family who collected their own sanitation fees at that time now help him manage the construction resource company.

Hearing that Gao Qiqiang had been extorted protection money, the father and son couldn't help but be surprised.

Then Gao Qiqiang talked about Huang Cuicui, Huang Yao and Lao Mo.

Little Superman talked about his experience of studying abroad in the beautiful country, and when he was a caddy, the boss of Bangzi Country was the most petty.

One time I tipped him, but only gave him $20.

At that time, he was so angry that he played [-] holes and filled the field with a bag on his back, but he was only paid five dollars? !

You must know that the caddies in the beautiful country tip $75 for one person and $150 for two people, which is the general standard. The boss of the Bangzi Country is obviously discriminatory and stingy.

Little Superman was not polite at the time, and directly complained to the supervisor about the guest.

The guest was immediately asked to give a tip of at least $[-], and after he reluctantly gave the tip, he was blacklisted from the stadium.

Even blacklisted by that region.

It was obviously the first time Li Cucumber had heard about his son.

Seeing his son say this about 960, Li Cucumber couldn't help but smile wryly.

At that time, he paid his son's living expenses, but his son didn't use even a penny of it, and he didn't even have much contact with his brother.

Instead, he silently worked as a caddy, worked at M Ji, and washed dishes... in order to earn his own living expenses.

An evening tea, entertaining the guests of honor.

After chatting until ten o'clock, Li Cucumber even asked the family to prepare sugar water for supper.

After Gao Qiqiang finished drinking the sugar water, he left in a sensible manner.

"By the way! Mr. Li, I have prepared a gift for you."

Before leaving, Gao Qiqiang took out a book and handed it to Little Superman. Little Superman was taken aback, and took it curiously.

"To Kill a Mockingbird?!"

Little Superman was stunned for a moment, while Gao Qiqiang smiled faintly: "I like the above passage better..."

"Sometimes, the love you take for granted is as precious as a drop of water in the desert in the eyes of others."

"The evil you are surprised by is commonplace for others. If it is you who are going through these horrific events, you may not be doing better than the other party."

In the middle of the night, Gao (bbcj) Qiqiang turned around and waved his hands.

He left behind his back to the father and son, and disappeared into the night.

After the car left Li's house, it drove to the largest and most luxurious private club on Hong Kong Island.

The membership fee here is only 300 million Hong Kong dollars for one year, and the tip is calculated separately every time.

It was built on the top floor of a building overlooking the entire Victoria Harbour.

There is only endless luxury here.

The floor is covered with terrazzo imported from Italy and cashmere handmade carpets imported from the camel country.

Swarovski's custom-made crystal chandeliers, limited edition champagne and whiskey.

There are also first growth Bordeaux wines from 1960 to 1990, and of course...these are not cheap.

But the most expensive here is not these.

It's those female artists, from third-tier and fifth-tier to first-tier and second-tier, from Hong Kong Island and Taiwan, and even customers can directly choose candidates through photos.

Even in the lobby here, one night's consumption starts at 30 Hong Kong dollars.

And the box is as high as 80 Hong Kong dollars.

However, such a private club was booked out tonight!

"Bang!" David opened a bottle of 18 champagne with great pride!

But he was howling with red eyes: "Let's pay tribute to the greatest! The wisest boss!!"


Jiang Tian, ​​Zhang Lei and others in the audience suddenly howled together, while Gao Qiqiang came on stage laughing amidst the cheers.

"I will bear all the tips tonight! You have only one task: eat well, drink well, and play well! If you don't finish today, you will not give me Gao Qiqiang face!"

Jiang Tian yelled wildly: "Long live Brother Qiang!!"

"Long live Brother Qiang!!"

Long live Brother Qiang, of course, even Jiang Tian, ​​who has captured the least in this sniper attack, has directly seized 20 billion in revenue with 80 billion Hong Kong dollars in his hand!

David, who entered with big money and high leverage, directly mortgaged the assets of Gaosr in this wave, and mobilized 120 billion US dollars in funds.

He won nearly 3000 billion Hong Kong dollars in one breath, which is about more than 200 billion U.S. dollars!

Although Zhang Lei didn't gain that much, the short position earned GD Capital more than 800 billion Hong Kong dollars.

How can such a huge and terrifying rate of return not make them cheer the boss long live? !

After all, after all their calculations, each person can get billions!

Get rich overnight (just like my readers).

Gao Qiqiang sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, watching them spray champagne on the tall female stars on TV.

As for himself, he was looking at the Victoria Harbor outside the window in boredom.

After a ridiculous night, Gao Qiqiang got up early to go to the gym.

When getting off the treadmill, Zhang Lei and the others got up like plague chickens one by one.

Looking at these guys, Gao Qiqiang couldn't help laughing.

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