"Because...the one who came this time is the eldest princess of Sansang——Li Fujian!"

When Cheng Cheng mentioned it, Gao Qiqiang was really interested: "The eldest princess of the third mourning?! The one who is going to marry the security guard?!"

"It seems that boss, you are really interested in her!"

Cheng Cheng said with a smile: "But she has not married her bodyguard yet, it is said that it is because of her father's strong opposition."

Gao Qiqiang chuckled, I'm afraid the truth may not be like this...

Chapter 240 Five The Story of the Eldest Princess

From outsiders' perspective, Li Fuzhen is the head princess of the Three Funeral Groups, and she could have married better. Why would she choose to marry a worthless little security guard? !

Many people probably think this is true love, but in fact Gao Qiqiang thinks it may not be so.

Li Fuzhen's second younger sister, Li Xuxian, married the son of the president of "Dongya Daily" in a marriage arranged by her father.

Originally, she held an important position in Sansang Company, but since she got married, she was kicked out of the company, and even deprived her of the right to inherit the Sansang Group.

Obviously, the concept of sticks is like the ancient ones in China.

The married daughter poured water out of the house, and the daughter gave birth to someone else's son, for fear that others would come back and divide up the family property.

A poor security guard would be much better. He could get married for the sake of great power and wealth, which immediately saved Li Fuzhen from the chance of being kicked out.

In fact, Li Fuzhen was indeed not kicked out because of this marriage, although in the end she was assigned some poorly managed assets.

But it was much better than having my second sister kicked out and getting nothing in the end.

"Then let's meet her first! I'm actually very curious about this eldest princess."

Gao Qiqiang laughed out loud. To be honest, this eldest princess does have something extraordinary.

Many of the assets assigned to her were poorly managed, yet under her management the sales of these assets increased day by day.

For example, the Shilla Hotel she undertook is the first choice for many Bangzi Country stars to get married.

And the highest performance increase under her command exceeded 650%, which shows her extremely powerful ability.

"What?! The boss is also interested in her?!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed, walked up to Cheng Cheng and whispered in her ear: "Actually, I'm more interested in you!"

"Boss! There are still many people here!"

Cheng Cheng blushed all the way to the ears, and the female assistant hurriedly made herself blind, unable to see anything.

Gao Qiqiang, on the other hand, laughed, let go of her and stopped teasing her.

Cheng Cheng brushed his hair and pretended to be calm.

In fact, the heart is extremely flustered, after all, this is downstairs in the Hong Kong Island Shenghe headquarters!

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at her. Although everyone in Shenghe knows that she is Gao Qiqiang's woman, after all, everyone only knows but no one says anything publicly.

Now that Gao Qiqiang is making such a fuss...

Cheng Cheng couldn't help but feel a little headache, he had nothing to do to tease him.

"Hello! Ms. Li, our board of directors has come to Hong Kong Island. If you are free tomorrow, our chairman will invite you to meet at the company."

When Li Fuzhen received this call, he couldn't help but be overjoyed!

This is the first time she is in charge of negotiating on the communication side, and she doesn't want to mess it up!

For this reason, she rushed directly to Hong Kong Island before the end of the year.

The purpose is to meet the legendary chairman of Shenghe Group as soon as possible!

"Of course! We have been waiting for Mr. Chairman to be summoned!"

Li Fuzhen held the phone, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

Because Shenghe Digital currently occupies the only 3G license on Hong Kong Island, and their users have already accounted for 75% of Hong Kong Island.

In other words, they will need to build a large number of base stations to ensure this part of the communication.

"Okay! Then please come to Shenghe Cyberport at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Tell the front desk that there is also an appointment, and the front desk will handle it for you."

The other end of the phone said to Li Fu in English: "Then, thank you for answering! I wish you a happy life!"

Li Fuzhen put down the phone slowly, and let out a deep breath.

Since Gao Qiqiang won the 3G license, all the companies in the world with 3G construction capabilities are eyeing it!

After all, Hong Kong Island is an extremely densely populated city, and it is also the financial center of the Asia-Pacific region!

Winning an order for 3G construction here will undoubtedly serve as a benchmark!

And this project was obtained by Li Fuzhen's strong request from his father.

In order to better communicate with Gao Qiqiang, she even hired a Mandarin teacher to learn Mandarin from scratch.

Now, success or failure depends on this meeting tomorrow.

Li Fuzhen let out a deep breath, pressed the phone to call his own image management, and the company's top management for a meeting.

After preparing all the materials and documents, and simulating the interview response several times to ensure everything is safe, I started to prepare the clothes and makeup for tomorrow's meeting.

Everything was packed, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

That night, Li Fuzhen was so nervous that he couldn't sleep,

She even got up straight away when it was only after six o'clock the next morning.

Let the styling, makeup and hair arrive at the scene immediately, and start preparations after swallowing some grains and bread.

Exquisite and capable makeup, elegant and energetic image design.

Li Fuzhen is very aware of her advantages. Even under this makeup and image, she also highlights her figure and feminine charm.

When she walked out of the room slowly, the three executives outside didn't even dare to look up at her.

All of them lowered their heads slightly, as if waiting for the queen to arrive.

"...Let's go!"

Li Fuzhen let out a deep breath, and walked out of the hotel with a group of executives who bowed and led the way.

Parked outside the hotel is a Bangziguo Hyundai Equus.

It is also known as "Century", and it is the first choice and almost the only car for all senior officials and overseas business owners in Bangziguo.

The car looked completely black and seemed very low-key.

However, its core is not low-key at all.

In addition to the thick armor and super bulletproof glass all over the body, even the tires can be self-inflated in the event of a bullet.

Not to mention the long-term backup battery, reinforced door hinges, engine compartment fire extinguishing system, internal satellite communication system, automatic leakage repair fuel tank and other various security functions... The weight of the vehicle is 3840 kg, and the length is 5.46 meters, which has already reached the level of Europe. Highest VR7 bulletproof safety standard.

A few years later, it became the designated car for the Busan Olympics.

Most people outside Bangzi Country don’t know this car, but in Bangzi Country, this car is the standard power of the rich!

The driver slowly opened the car door, and Li Fuzhen sat in the back seat with a blank expression.

A group of executives bowed outside the door, and this scene attracted countless people to watch in front of the hotel!

There are many gray-haired old men among these executives, but they all bow to such a woman.He even stood in front of the car door.

It wasn't until the car started slowly that they boarded and followed behind one after another.

Chapter 240

When the black convoy slowly arrived at Shenghe Cyberport, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Li Fuzhen was in the car, seeing the turbulent crowd like yesterday and couldn't help but sigh.

The chairman of Shenghe is indeed a master in management!

It is completely different from the son of the richest man, Li Cucuma, who swallowed Hong Kong Island Telecom beyond his control.

So much so that I choked to death due to indigestion, and after taking over the mess, this guy first delisted and privatized, and secondly set up the entire Hong Kong Island Telecom and Cyberport together in less than a year!

People and people are really incomparable.

Li Fuzhen's convoy slowly entered the underground parking lot under the command of the security personnel.

After getting off the car, Li Fujian saw the legendary beauty president of Shenghe Group.

Li Fujian couldn't help being a little surprised, didn't he just ask him to go to the front desk to report? !

Why is this beautiful president suddenly appearing to greet him personally? !

"Welcome! Welcome to Hong Kong Island! Come to our Shenghe!"

Cheng Cheng greeted her with a smile, and Li Fuzhen shook hands with 020 with a smile.

He said softly: "I have seen your demeanor on TV a long time ago, and now I find out the demeanor on TV in person, it is better for you in person!"

"You're flattered, but it's not a good name to handle some sundries."

As soon as the two women shook hands, they felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Li Fujian was impressed by Cheng Cheng's ability and luck, and he was able to take the position of president of such a large group as Shenghe in just one year.

Conversation planning, full of everyone's demeanor!

This was exactly what she wanted to be, but the Li family... obviously couldn't give her this chance.Even though she's been fighting for it now.

Cheng Cheng was sympathetic to her situation, and Gao Qiqiang finally gave a general introduction to Li Fuzhen's current situation under her resignation last night.

And why she has a soft spot for a security guard.

There is no other reason. If she wants to get her management share in the three funerals, the first condition is not to have a strong husband-in-law.

The weaker the better, the easier it is to control.It can also ensure that the assets of Sansang will not be lost to outsiders.

Once she obeys her father's arrangement to get married, what awaits her is to be completely kicked out of the management of Sansang.

It is also impossible for the husband's family to allow the eldest princess of the third mourning to control the management of their own business.

Even though she can be rich and honored all her life, this kind of life is not what she wants.

She is fighting, trying to get her certain inheritance rights in the Sansang.

But this process is very difficult, and she may have to pay a lot.

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