Demon Recovery: Demolition Town Demon Temple at the Beginning Author: Devil Crayfish


During the construction of Wangwushan Scenic Area, a dilapidated Taoist temple refused to be demolished and was condemned by the whole network

Chapter 1

"Welcome to FM radio fm109.1... The latest news is that the Wangwushan tourism development project has been settled. According to the agreement, Jinshui Real Estate Company will be fully responsible for the development of the Wangwushan scenic spot. The demolition work is coming to an end..."

"Previously, I have refused to obey the host of the demolition town Yaoguan, and I have reached an agreement with Jinshui Company to demolish it within three days... Finally, Jinshui Company will rebuild the Tianshi Mansion on the top of Wangwu Mountain. It is reported that the newly built Tianshi Mansion It will bring 15 billion in tourism revenue to Qingzhou City every year, and the villagers of Qingniu Mountain expressed their great support for the development project of Jinshui Company..."

In the dilapidated Taoist temple of Zhenyaoguan.

Facing the unclear sound from the semiconductor 30 years ago, Chuhe put down his bowl and chopsticks.

When did I reach an agreement with Goldwater?

He stood up with a complicated expression, and walked out the door.

The gymnasium was originally brilliant, but now there is only this courtyard and a barely leaky hall left.

He turned his head and glanced at the three large characters on the plaque in the main hall - Zhenyao Temple.

After 2000 years, the three characters Zhenyaoguan are still the same as before, glowing with golden light, majestic and solemn.

He sighed slightly... In the end, is it still impossible to keep this town of demons?

The God of Chuhe looked into the courtyard with emotion.

I saw only a three-meter-high nine-story stone tower standing.

This is a wooden pagoda, in which the bones of Master Chuhe are placed.

Chu He looked at the stone tower in a daze, and murmured.

"3000 years ago, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, the seals of the spiritual world were loosened, and evil spirits were rampant, raging in the world. All schools of thought came together to fight against the demons and seal them together."

"2000 years ago, the seal was loosened, evil spirits were revived, wars arose, the Three Kingdoms were in chaos, the Five Husbands disturbed China, and there were countless dead. Just as my Dao was prosperous, Taoist masters joined forces to strengthen the seal, and the chaos was put down."

"700 years ago, a foreign race went south again, and the seal was loosened again. It was my master Baixing who couldn't bear to see the purgatory on earth reappear in the world. Watch, protect the peace of the world..."

"In the past 700 years, the world has changed, people's hearts have declined, the incense of the demon town has withered, and the demons are ready to move. They almost broke through the seal time and time again, all thanks to the master's body and bones to suppress them."

"But now..."

Chuhe's expression was gloomy, and he couldn't help dreaming back to 700 years ago.

He is not from this world, but the 700-year-old seal has been loosened, and he has traveled from another world.

This world has almost the same history as the world before he crossed, but there is also a slight difference.

For example, in this world, demons really exist.

At that time, he was just an ordinary person, and he almost died in this vast mountain.

Master Baixing took him in, gave him food, taught him the Taoism, and took him to travel around the world...

The good times didn't last long, and after three years, the seal was loosened, Master Baixing couldn't bear the suffering of the common people, and at the price of dispersing Tongtian Xiu's body, death and Taoism, he suppressed demons.

All of this is in Chuhe's eyes.

He especially remembered asking Master Baixing, was all this worth it?

Master Baixing just smiled slightly.

As the saying goes, if I am inferior to hell, who will go to hell?If I have a profound cultivation, but ignore the sufferings of the people, how can I have the face to call myself a master?

Don't be sentimental, after this time, if the people can always chant my name, can teach mortals to be good, and don't breed evil results, and attract demons to seal, it will be a great merit.

After all, Master Baixing's soul and body were separated, leaving only the golden body and bones, which were stored in the nine-story stone pagoda as the eyes of the big array.

This is the one in front of you.

Chu He bowed to the stone pagoda with his body, neither joy nor sorrow in his eyes.

"At that time, everyone knew that it was Master Hundred Stars of my demon temple who did not hesitate to die to suppress demons. At that time, my demon temple was crowded with pilgrims."

Chuhe glanced at the dilapidated monastery again, "How many people still remember?"

"You said that as long as people in the world do good and don't breed evil results, it is a great merit. But now, everyone is chasing profit and has no compassion. How is it different from the demons in the past?"

"Master, the place where your golden body sits is the foundation of the formation, and this demon temple is the gate of demons."

"But now...they want to demolish this demon temple for some profit? Hehe..."

Chu He smiled, and the disdain in his eyes grew stronger.

In order to provide people with entertainment, just because the cable car passes by and obstructs the road, it is necessary to demolish the town demon temple that has maintained the stability of the world for 700 years?


I confessed to them frankly, but they said I was crazy?

Maybe I'm really sick...

Chuhe looked at the dilapidated Taoist temple and sneered.

That's right, now that the Taoist temple is down and down, and even the disciples are left with me alone, how can they take me seriously?

What they don't know is that if it weren't for my steady formation day after day for 700 years, they would have fallen into Avici Hell long ago!

But now...

Chuhe looked at the stone pagoda and was silent for a long time.

The 700 years of hardships have already let him know what the world is like. He persisted for 700 years, not for the world, but for the master's last wish.

"But master, you are wrong..."

"You gave up your life for them, how did they treat you?"

"Hehe, I've done everything I can, for 700 years...this is their last chance, I hope...they can repent in time...otherwise..."

"Otherwise, it will be another catastrophe!"

Chuhe looked at the stone tower in front of him again, and took out a golden bead from his bosom.

It was left to Master Baixing after his death. As long as he carries it with him, he can live forever.

But it also restricted his practice, he can only be a body of flesh and blood, otherwise how could he let the Zhenyao Temple fall into disrepair?

According to Master Baixing, as long as the Zhenyao Temple encounters a catastrophe, they can directly refine the beads, and then they will naturally get the solution.

He never thought that there would be a day when this bead would be refined.

But now... maybe it's time...

He put the beads back solemnly, turned around and took the broom in the corner of the Taoist temple.

The front yard is messy, it's time to clean it up.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain.

The engines of several excavators and bulldozers roared.

The people from Jinshui Company and the construction team are ready to go.

There are onlookers conducting interviews, surrounded by onlookers from the villagers.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that Zhenyaoguan did not reach a demolition agreement with you. Is it true?"

"It's nonsense!" The head contractor with a swollen face waved his hand, "This matter has been decided a long time ago, and we will go up the mountain to demolish the demon temple in Nailhu Town in the early morning of tomorrow!"

Chapter 2 If you want to dismantle, then do so

The next morning.

Chu He sat cross-legged in the meditation room, but was awakened by the noise outside the window.

It seemed that someone was shouting, and the machine was roaring.

The Zhenyao Temple, which has long since lost its incense, except for occasional donkey friends who venture here, the rest are the lobbyists of the Jinshui Company who have been pestering them all the time recently.

Could it be...

Chuhe seemed to have thought of something, got out of bed quickly, and came to the door in two or three steps.

Although he had anticipated what would happen, everything in front of him still made his eyes tear open.

The nine-story stone tower has been pushed to the ground, and the powerful mechanical arm of the excavator smashed the stone tower to pieces.

A few golden human bones were hidden among the gravel, exposed to the sun, and covered with dust.


Chu He's eyes widened, he staggered to the gravel, and bent down tremblingly, trying to restrain his master's bones.

Several workers leaned together and smoked. Seeing Chuhe like this, they laughed and said, "What's the matter? Why are there still people in the house? I almost bulldozed the house just now."

"Even if you flatten it, it's okay. This little brother has no relatives, no reason, no one to rely on, and no one will know if he is dead."

"Hey, young man, hurry up and get out of the way, I'm just playing with you, don't be so scared, who can really bury you?"

"Get up quickly, don't delay us from going to work, why are you sad, so much demolition money is given to you, I wish it was my house that was demolished."

Chu He gritted his teeth without saying a word.

In a piece of rubble, bit by bit, the bones of the master were restrained, and he didn't even care if his fingers were broken.

There was a roar in his ears, and endless killing intent filled his heart.

Resentment, monstrous resentment is brewing!

"It's almost over, hurry up and drive, I won't be responsible if you run over to death!"

The contractor took a disgusted look at Chuhe with his leather bag between his hands. It was because of this guy that the construction period was delayed for several months.

After all the demolition, he had to be present today.

"Hey, people over there, get out of the way. I don't know if we want to show the civilized demolition today, we will live broadcast the whole process? Save some space for the reporter!"

The live broadcast equipment has long been prepared.

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