There are also many reporters.

Jinshui Company has been building momentum for this project for so long, and even came up with the idea of ​​live broadcasting the demolition to promote it.

This also makes netizens who are used to seeing all kinds of weird things live broadcast feel excited.

Live demolition?Or a Taoist temple?Stimulate!

There were already many people in the live broadcast room, and the bullet screens were endless.

Seeing the camera pointing at Chu He who was squatting on the ground, the barrage began to explode again.

"Hey, the name of this demon temple is so domineering, why is the gymnasium so broken? I thought it was too big, that's it? It's not exciting at all, it's exciting when the live broadcast pushes the gods to that!"

"I'm convinced. To demolish this dilapidated temple, three excavators and two bulldozers are needed? It's so dilapidated, can't the work be done just by letting the workers beat it with hammers?"

"Wait, what...bone is in that young man's hand? Why is it still gold? It can't be gold-plated, right?"

"This thing is a cultural relic. It should be placed in the exhibition hall. It cannot be taken away by the young man."

Chuhe still collected the corpse silently without saying a word.

Carefully hold the broken bones in front of his chest, and hug them with the front hem of his clothes.

He looked around coldly.

I saw that the majestic aura of the great formation has weakened and almost dissipated, and the dense devilish aura surrounds the surroundings.

If it's still too late to make amends...

"Hey! Put down the gold in your arms! We bought the land with money, and this is ours!"

Mr. Zhang with a swollen face rushed to Chuhe, reached out and snatched a bone directly.

"What?" Mr. Zhang squeezed hard, and the bone shattered and fell to the ground.

Chuhe was stunned, his breath gradually became thicker, and his whole body was trembling.

There is still time for Dazheng to make amends... But is there still a need to make amends?


Chuhe reached out and took out the bone from his bosom.

The master said that there was a catastrophe in the town of demon temple, so he refined this bone, but, is it really useful?

Chuhe squeezed his bones tightly, and began to refine by reciting formulas silently


Daogu instantly turned into a stream of pure energy and was absorbed by Chuhe.

And the golden remains in his arms also lost their luster in an instant, turning into fly ash and floating from his arms.

Mr. Zhang was even more taken aback. The bone in his hand, which was considered solid, turned into ashes in an instant?

A huge aura circulated in his body, and it even gave him the confidence to move mountains and fill seas!


He got it.

It turned out that in this bone, there is the purest mana of the master.

At the beginning, he suppressed the big formation with his undefeated golden body, and all the mana in his body was concentrated into this bone by him.

For 700 years, Chuhe has been nurturing it and recites the formulas left by the master every day.

Just for this moment.

Master Baixing's cultivation is perfectly integrated with Chuhe at this moment!

"What the hell? I thought it was gold!" Boss Wang scattered the ashes of Master Chuhe in his hand in disgust.

He said disdainfully, "Anyway, the Town of Monsters was once brilliant in ancient times, why doesn't it even have a treasure?"

Chu He stared blankly at the lifted master's ashes, and his heart kept sinking.

Sure enough, the master didn't lie to him, as long as he refines this bone, he will have the cultivation level of Master Baixing at his peak.

If you want to repair this large formation that is not completely damaged, you only need to wave your hands.


Chuhe raised his head and looked at the dense devilish energy that was constantly spreading around him, with a sneer on his lips.

"If you want to dismantle it, then you can dismantle it, but... it's best to dismantle it cleanly and thoroughly."

Chapter 3 You are at your own risk!

As soon as he said this, everyone around was taken aback.

Everyone thought that Chuhe would fight to the death and not let them continue to dismantle it.

Mr. Zhang has already made a plan for this, but now he doesn't stop him?

He sneered, disdainful in his heart.

After talking for so long, I couldn't talk about it. I thought it was a hard bone, but this is the end?

Frightened by a few excavators?

If I had known you were so soft, I would have sent someone up to demolish it long ago, so I would have spent so long with you?

The owner of the Jinshui real estate developer who had been in a suit and leather shoes for a long time saw this, threw away the handkerchief covering his mouth, and walked in.

"Young man, that's right. We develop scenic spots for everyone's benefit. If you said that earlier, things will be simpler?"

The figure of Boss Wang appeared in the live broadcast, and countless "Papa Wang" began to float on the barrage.

Now that he has some money, he can be a father. As a real estate developer, he, Wang Changlin, naturally has no shortage of money. The key is that he can market himself.

In fact, he is a profiteer and nouveau riche.

"This gymnasium is so dilapidated. Even if we don't demolish it, it will still collapse in two years."

"Hehe, now that it's demolished for you, I can still give you some demolition fees. When your house collapses in two years, if there is any demolition fee, you won't be able to cry."

"By the way, how much was the demolition fee promised to you?"

Seeing Mr. Wang thinking deeply, one side of the dog legs hurried up and said, "1000 million..."

"That's right! One million, right?"

The dog leg was taken aback, and quickly grinned and said, "Yes, yes, 100 million! The price negotiated at that time was 100 million."

It is a reality that good people are bullied by others.

In their opinion, Chuhe has given up resistance, so why spend so much money?

He didn't even want to give 100 million.

Chuhe just smiled, seeing the dense devilish energy gradually rising around him, he didn't say a word.

"Hehe, but what I'm talking about is not giving you 100 million, but giving 100 million to the owner of the Taoist temple. If you can issue a certificate, such as a real estate certificate or homestead certificate, to prove that this Taoist temple is yours, I will give you [-] million yuan." I can give it to you, young man, do you have these things?" Mr. Wang asked lightly!

Chuhe laughed!

Totally laughed!

He has been guarding the demon temple in the town since 700 years ago. Where did he get the real estate certificate 700 years ago?

And most importantly, even if he had it, would the other party recognize it?

Seeing Chuhe like this, Mr. Wang was even more proud. Obviously Chuhe couldn't get it out, he smiled and said: "I don't think it's easy for you, so let me give you 10 yuan personally, and forget about it!"

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation around.

"Mr. Wang is so brave!"

"This kid might not be the master of this Taoist temple at all. Mr. Wang, why are you paying him back? Just drive him away!"

"Boss Wang did a good job. He knew that the other party might be a liar, but he still gave the other party money so benevolently. Looking at that young man, he didn't think he was sensible. I guess it took so long because he wanted more money for the demolition. "

"This kind of person shouldn't give him a good face. Mr. Wang actually gave him back one hundred thousand? It's a waste."

Mr. Wang listened to the words around him contentedly, looked up at Chuhe with his nostrils and continued, "Look at you alone, I can arrange a job for you when the Tianshi Mansion on the top of the mountain is built."

"I also invited Master Qingyun, the president of the National Taoist Association, to go to the Tianshi Mansion on the top of the mountain to be the host. Then you can also learn Taoism from Master Qingyun."

As soon as this was said, the barrage also exploded.

"Father Wang, do you want to be so nice to this guy? Can't you see that this guy just wants to ask for more money?"

"Papa Wang deserves to be Papa Wang. After being treated like that, he is still thinking about him."

"Just for Father Wang's name, I will definitely go on a trip when the Tianshi Mansion is built."

Wang Changlin deserves to be a master in this area.

With just a few words, he raised his figure by more than a notch, and gained the favor of so many netizens who watched the live broadcast.

After the end, buy another hot search of Wang Changlin repaying his grievances with virtue, which can be used as his philanthropist's character design, and can also promote new attractions.

"Why don't you talk?" Wang Changlin looked at Chuhe's cold eyes, thinking he had seen through his thoughts, and said with a chuckle, "Is it too little?"

The demolition fee is 1000 million, which I told Chuhe before, but now it has become [-]. According to Wang Changlin's thinking, Chuhe will of course be upset.

"If you think it's too little, I can add another [-] to you."

"Mr. Wang, don't give it to me! This kind of person is greedy!" Someone around shouted loudly.

The barrage in the live broadcast was also frenzied, "Is 15 too little? I think [-] is too much for this ruined temple!"

"That's right, this ruined temple in a barren mountain is not a development zone. If Mr. Wang's project hadn't come here, this ruined temple wouldn't be worth a dime!"

Chuhe just watched, from beginning to end, without saying a word.

Wang Changlin continued to perform, and the surrounding reporters and netizens watching the live broadcast were almost led by his nose.

After a while, the wind direction on the barrage basically settled down.

Wang Changlin turned into a philanthropist in the mouth of the barrage, while Chuhe turned into a greedy and stinky monk.

But at this time, the devilish energy rising around him has almost turned into substance. If it is not stopped, it will definitely cause a catastrophe!

There are even some black air visible to the naked eye flashing through the shadows.

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