Taoist mantra!

"The seal of the Great Contest has not been completely broken. At that time, as long as I fill the seal again, it will be fine."

"Thank you, Master Yang!"

"Master Yang is an upright Taoist priest, helping the world and caring for the people, his merits are immeasurable!"

"It's not like that boy who suppressed demons. He obviously has the ability, but he doesn't save people. What's the difference between killing people? He really loses the Taoism!"

For a while, all kinds of foul language filled Chuhe's ears.

Yang Yufeng didn't stop him, but looked at Chuhe with a smile on his face, and waited until these people had scolded enough, then took a step forward and walked directly towards the breach of the seal.

However, before he reached the place where the seal was broken, there was an extra figure in front of his eyes.

Chuhe, stop him.

"You want to suppress the seal again?" Chu He looked at Yang Yufeng playfully.

"Hmph, not bad!"

"Hehe, did you ask what I mean?"

"What do you mean!? Do you want to stop me, you trash!?" Yang Yufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'll give you three breaths, get out of here immediately! Otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

"Otherwise, you will die! If you stop me from saving people, you are killing people. It is only right for me to kill you!"

"You!" Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling, the two elders of the Celestial Master's Mansion, stood up immediately, "How dare you be so rude to the Lord of my Town Demon Temple! How courageous!"

"Guard master?" Yang Yufeng frowned and looked at Chuhe, "You let such a waste be the temple master? I really didn't expect that the town of demons would be so dilapidated that I would entrust the care of the seal to such a brat Boy, it's just a child's play!"

He sternly said, "That's exactly what caused today's catastrophe. After I suppress the seal, I will definitely not spare you!"

"Can't you spare me?" Chuhe smiled, "What kind of thing are you?"

"Hehe, boy, do you really think that you are the master of the Demon Suppressing Temple? With this name, I dare not touch you? Do you know how big a thing it is that you can't keep the seal!"

"If I want to suppress the seal, I can do it with one finger." Chu He stretched out a little thumb, and then took it back, "But I don't do that, even if they want to demolish the town demon temple, I didn't When the seal of the spirit world was about to be broken, I did not act to strengthen it. These monsters are rampant and jealous, and they are reckless, and I am conniving..."

"You...you, you broke the seal on purpose!?" Yang Yufeng said in shock, "Are you crazy!? I thought you were just a waste, and accidentally caused the seal to break, but I didn't expect...you are arrogant to be orthodox! You are sorry for you Is Master Baixing, the ancestor of the Demon-Suppressing Temple!?"

Hearing Master Baixing's name, Chuhe's eyes turned cold.

"If Master Baixing sees the people he once desperately guarded, he treats him like this now, even digs up his grave, smashes his body into ashes, and destroys the demon-suppressing temple he has poured his heart and soul into! He, How would you feel?"

"You broke the seal on purpose, you are so cruel!" Yang Yufeng didn't listen to Chuhe's words at all, and said angrily, "I'll come to settle accounts with you after I suppress the seal!"

"Suppress the seal?" Chu He smiled, stretched out his finger, and directly hit the gap of the seal with a flash of spiritual light.

The crack that was originally one foot wide split into two feet with a click!

Endless demon energy soared into the sky, twice as violent as before!

"Didn't you say that I broke the seal on purpose? Hehe, then I will show you on purpose."

Chapter 14

The original crack was not too small, but now it was enlarged by Chuhe.

The soaring demonic aura immediately overflowed.

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds was filled with flying sand and rocks, and there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, making this place look like a ghost.

"What to do!? The crack has expanded! We are dead!"

"What are you panicking about!?" Although Jiang Yunshan's trousers were still wet, he scolded the others, "Didn't you see an expert here?"

"Right, senior? You must be able to keep us safe and sound?"

Jiang Yunshan's face was full of hope.

But all he saw on Yang Yufeng's face was livid.

Up to now, the progress of this matter seems to have been beyond Yang Yufeng's control.

He was angry and horrified in his heart, this kid dared to break the seal, isn't he afraid of death! ?

"Stop!" Yang Yufeng was not only disdainful of Chuhe at this moment, "Do you know what you are doing!? You were indifferent when the seal was destroyed before, maybe it is understandable, but at this moment you have broken the seal on your own .”

"You -- unforgivable crime!"


Chuhe laughed, so what if I'm guilty?

In this world, who can condemn me!

Chuhe's body suddenly exploded with momentum, and he broke the seal a little more with a casual blow.

Yang Yufeng's scalp was numb, "You are looking for death, these monsters are already difficult to deal with, so it is possible that you also want to die inside?"

"Are you afraid?" Chu He glanced at the seal crack, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Then when the big monster is born, don't you want to run away?"

"What? Big monster!?"

Yang Yufeng was startled.

But not all monsters can be called big monsters!

His complexion changed, and he said coldly, "Qinglin Qingmu, arrange a three-talent formation, kill him!"

If the seal is broken by Chuhe again, no one will be able to escape when the big monster comes to the world!

Yang Yufeng killed decisively, with a certain idea in his mind, and he didn't hesitate at all, he directly stepped forward, and suddenly a sharp thorn appeared in his sleeve, and he directly poked towards the Chu River.

I can't kill the big demon, and I can't kill you! ?

Chuhe smiled coldly, and pushed Qi Linling and Qi Linfeng aside.

"You two take good care of yourselves, remember, don't save anyone!"

"Good boy!" Yang Yufeng was furious, "You should worry about yourself!"

This spike is a magical weapon, a hairpin used by Yang Yufeng's patriarch, because his patriarch's cultivation base is strong, over time, this ordinary hairpin has also become a magic weapon.

If an ordinary monster is stabbed by this hairpin, it will surely be out of its wits.

Seeing that Chuhe was motionless, Yang Yufeng sneered in his heart. Could it be that he was frightened out of his wits?

No matter what, he would not hold back his hand, and directly poked Chuhe's throat with a hairpin.


A crisp sound.

Yang Yufeng only felt as if he had poked on a gold stone all of a sudden, and his whole arm was a little numb.

This...how is this possible! ?

He was shocked in his heart, and his face was even more incredible.

"Hehe." Chu He looked at Yang Yufeng who was close at hand, and sneered, "Seeing that you are a junior, so what if I stand still and let you beat me?"

Yang Yufeng backed away in shock.

But after a long distance, I saw that there was a layer of brilliant golden light on Chuhe's body, as if a god and Buddha descended from the earth.

This is... the Fumo Town Demon God Light Curse! ?

How could this kid know such a secret technique! ?

The curse of subjugating demons and suppressing demons, the external energy can suppress demons and demons, and the internal energy can not be broken.

Unless the mana is much higher than him, otherwise the Fumozhen Yaoshen Light Curse is invincible!

But this method also has a weakness, that is, it consumes so much mana that it cannot last at all, even for a moment.

As long as they continue to attack, they will surely be killed!

"Qinglin Qingmu! Why are you still standing there!?"

At this moment, Qinglin Qingmu had also prepared the formation, Yang Yufeng retreated to Qinglin Qingmu, the formation of three talents was formed in an instant, only to see a flash of divine light under the feet of the three of them, they moved forward at the same time, although the movements were different, but But there is a neat sense of coordination.

Three talents.

The simplest is also the most practical, and it is an extremely profound method to practice to the extreme.

Both Qinglin and Qingmu also untied the long swords from their waists, which were not just for looks, but solid Qingfeng swords.

The three talents are bursting up, and they are endless.

The three of them attacked around the Chu River, and the sound of Ding Ding Dangdang was endless.

One sword after another, one stab after another stabbed at Chuhe's body, as if forging iron.

But Chuhe still didn't respond, but they couldn't hold on anymore.

How can this be?

He is just a junior, how could he have so much mana to support him in casting the Fumo Town Demon God Light Curse! ?

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Under the attack of the storm, Chuhe said lazily, "You guys tore my clothes."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Yufeng's warning signs suddenly appeared, "Back!"

He screamed and backed away quickly.

But still did not escape.

Seeing a flash of golden light all over Chuhe, Yang Yufeng and Qinglin Qingmu flew upside down as if they had been hit by a truck!

Until now, Yang Yufeng still couldn't imagine how Chuhe could have such strong magic power?

He really is a young man! ?

How did he know that Chuhe had obtained all the inheritance of Master Baixing. In terms of the strength of mana alone, even if ten of them were tied together, it would not be enough for Chuhe's little finger.


Yang Yufeng fell to the ground, and couldn't help the pain in his throat, he suppressed the blood.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

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