Those demons with some sanity were waiting for Chuhe's further action, but Chuhe didn't make a move. Instead, he withdrew from the range of those people, far away.

It seems to be making room for them.

Some monsters couldn't bear it anymore and rushed directly to the crowd.

Chuhe also opened his mouth coldly at this time, and the moment Chuhe spoke, those monsters were all taken aback.

With the monsters who were casually beaten to death by Chuhe just now, these monsters dare not take Chuhe seriously anymore.

"These two, you are not allowed to move." Chu He said, pointing to Qi Linling and Qi Linfeng, and then said coldly, "As for the others..."

"You are free."

As soon as these words came out, a group of monsters howled immediately, and rushed towards the crowd overwhelmingly.

But Jiang Yunshan, Wang Changlin and others, after hearing Chuhe's words, their hearts sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

What does he mean by that?

Let the monster do whatever he wants... Does that mean he doesn't care?

If he doesn't care, what shall we do! ?

Jiang Yunshan's mind was about to froze, and he couldn't help shaking. The fear of death made him unable to control his body.

"Daozhang! As long as you are willing to save me, I am willing to do anything!"

Now Jiang Yunshan only thinks about how to survive, even if Chuhe asks him to swing his sword from the palace now, he will do it without hesitation.

Another bone-shaped monster rushed over.

Jiang Yunshan, who was kneeling on the ground, quickly got up, grabbed a person beside him and threw him out.

"Eat them! Don't eat me, I am the president of the Taoist Association! I am related to the Taoist leader just now, don't eat me!"

The person who was thrown out was directly bitten off by the bone-shaped monster, but the tiger-shaped monster in the shape of bones still kept rushing towards Jiang Yunshan!

A burst of warmth came from Jiang Yunshan's crotch, and he collapsed to the ground in fright.

"No! You can't leave us alone!" Jiang Yunshan yelled tremblingly, "You are still human, these are demons, don't you want to watch us die at the hands of demons?"

President Jiang screamed, "Grandfathers of monsters! This man has suppressed you for so many years, you should eat him if you want to eat, don't eat us!"

As if woken up by President Jiang, Wang Changlin also shouted, "Yes, yes! The one with the thin skin and tender meat is the best, and he killed one of your kind just now, so I'm sure he will also kill you later." Will deal with you!"

"You guys will be able to eat him together!"

Aren't you unwilling to save us?

Then you have to save!

They were forced to do nothing, and all of them were a little hysterical.

"Chuhe! If you don't save us, you will die! Will these monsters let you go? When they finish eating us, they will definitely eat you!"

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!"

Cold lips and teeth?

Chuhe smiled.

Don't give up, right?

Then let me get my point across.

Chuhe's eyes turned cold, and he glanced around coldly.

All the monsters that caught Chuhe's eyes quickly avoided them, not daring to look at them at all.

"Let me make it clear." Chuhe said coldly, "Creatures from the spirit world, you can do whatever you want. Don't worry about whether I will make a move. Don't worry, I will never intervene."

Speaking of this, those monsters began to get restless again.

They were afraid that Chuhe didn't use all his strength. Since Chuhe had already said that, what are they waiting for?

All of a sudden, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and a bunch of excited monsters rushed towards the crowd.

And at this moment, outside the crowd, there was a loud shout!

"Hey! Xiaoxiao demon, how dare you make a mistake!?"

As soon as the words fell, a spell flew towards the bone tiger directly.


The bone tiger was directly knocked into the air, and the spell exploded in an instant, producing a bright yellow light.

It directly broke a rib of the bone tiger!

Chu He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Bright light curse?

Ha ha, Taoist means.

I just don't know which one came, so I must have seen the live broadcast if I came so early.

Now that you have seen the live broadcast, you should have heard my warning.

No Taoist sect is allowed to interfere in this matter. Could it be that they don't take what I say seriously?

Outside the crowd, three men in Taoist robes came quickly.

The leader had a gray beard, but he was hale and hearty, with an aquiline nose and triangular eyes. He didn't look like a Taoist priest, but an eunuch.

The other two are not young either.

"Damn it, the seal has really been broken!" The leader of the old Taoist said coldly, "Are the people in the demon temple all trash!? It has caused such a catastrophe!"

"Master, what should we do now? The people who suppress the monsters are useless, and they will bring trouble to the world!"

"Hmph! If I had known earlier, I should have snatched this demon town here, and driven this trash out, so that this disaster wouldn't have happened!"

The rest of the monsters also noticed the obviously unusual three people, and the bone tiger that was blown away by the spell just now rushed towards the three again.

"Humph! It's too much!"

The old Taoist pointed out casually, and a flash of inspiration flashed by.

The white-boned tiger seemed to have hit a wall of iron, and its skull was shattered.

"Die to me!" The old man pointed out again, and the bone tiger instantly shattered and turned into a pile of bones.

"Master is mighty!"

The old Taoist looked indifferent, and looked at Chuhe with disdain in his eyes.

"As the descendant of Zhenyaoguan, he let the seal be broken and did nothing..."

The old Taoist looked at Chuhe and said coldly.

"You—are you guilty!?"

Chapter 13 Intentional

Chuhe sneered.

"Instead, I want to ask you, how dare you forcefully come here regardless of my order, is it because you want to be an enemy of my demon temple?"

Chuhe's voice became cold as he spoke, "Wait, you know you're guilty!"

"Hmph! You are so shameless!" The leader sneered, "You still think that your demon-suppressing temple is the demon-suppressing temple hundreds of years ago?"

Another person said, "We are orthodox Taoists, descendants of the Shangqing sect! What qualifications do you have to order me to wait!?"

"Shangqing faction?" Chuhe smiled playfully, "Who is Yang Xudong from you?"

"That's my patriarch!" The man said, "Let me let you know that this is the deacon of the Zhantan of the Shangqing School, Master Yang Yufeng, and the seventh generation successor of Patriarch Yang Xudong!"

"Oh, it turns out they are Yang Xudong's disciples and grandchildren." Chu He smiled disdainfully, "Hundreds of years ago, Yang Xudong came to ask for advice, and I also gave him some pointers. After all, you still have to call me Master Uncle..."

"Bold! Shameless boy!" Yang Yufeng yelled angrily, "How dare a person like trash insult my patriarch?"

"Uncle, the gap in the seal is getting bigger and bigger!" The apprentice standing in front of Yang Yufeng said with some panic.

Yang Yufeng glanced at Chuhe, and said in a low voice, "Are you scared?"

"Don't dare!" The two bowed their heads respectfully.

"Qinglin, Qingmu, how many times have I taught you, don't panic when things happen, but it's just a broken seal. I have passed on the Shangqing School for so many years, what scene haven't I seen?"

"Uncle Master is right." Aoki Qinglin didn't dare to refute at all.

"These monsters seem powerful, but they actually pose little threat to us. The real hidden dangers are those big monsters who are still under the seal!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "The current seal gap is too small, and those big monsters can't get out. If the seal gap becomes bigger, those real monsters can get out... the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Then what to do!?"

"What are you panicking!" Yang Yufeng scolded, "The gap in the seal is still small, we just seal it up again!"

Because Yang Yufeng beheaded a monster with a wave of his hand, those monsters were surrounded by the crowd, hesitant to go forward, even the group of people with Wang Changlin and Jiang Yunshan were much safer.

Now that they heard that Yang Yufeng could suppress the seal again, they all surrounded him as if they had found their backbone.

"Master Yang! Help us, Master Yang!"

"Master Yang, I am the president of the Taoist Association. As long as you can save me, master, I... I will give you the position of president!"

Yang Yufeng sneered, "What kind of bullshit Taoist association?"

But speaking of it, Taoism really has a secret alliance, which is specially used to unite to deal with the seal of the spirit world.

There is no fixed leader of the alliance, and the person who has done the most to suppress the seal is the leader.

The leader of this life is Zhenyaoguan, so Chuhe has that almost commanding tone to order the Taoists in the world not to come to rescue.

It's just that Master Baixing directly paid the price with his life in order to suppress the seal at that time, so after Master Baixing died, these Taoist sects no longer took the Demon Suppressing Temple seriously.

At first, I still dealt with it out of face, but later I didn't even deal with it at all.

People take tea to cool down, let alone people are already dead?

"You don't need to panic!" Yang Yufeng shouted this sentence with a sinking dantian, and the big scene suddenly fell silent.

Those who were originally flustered heard this and calmed down.

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