We must retreat to advance!

Daomen must have other ways!

Now Chuhe didn't take a direct shot to take advantage of the victory and pursue it is a clear proof!

At this moment, Chuhe really didn't take advantage of this opportunity to pursue them.

Instead, look to the southwest.

He could feel that strange force getting closer.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's time to reap the remorse.

He looked at the crowd below, and said calmly, "I can give you another chance, now, kneel down and apologize to me, kneel down and apologize to Xiao Hei, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, so what!?"

Qixing gritted his teeth, exuding a strong Dao rhyme all over his body.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a time to use Master Void Lingzi to give me this treasure."

He didn't know when, a treasure bottle appeared in his hand, and there was an earth-shattering fluctuation in the bottle.

Ranchenzi, who was in the palm of Chuhe's hand, was overjoyed when he saw this.

"One gas bottle for Qiankun!"


Ranchenzi's originally desperate heart regained its vitality.

The gas bottle of Qiankun is Lin Mingtang's most precious treasure, and it is the possession of Xu Lingzi. It has been passed down from ancient times and is said to have incredible power.

Sure enough, Xu Lingzi raised Qixing as his heir, and even gave him this bottle of Qiankun to save his life!

Some people at the scene didn't understand why, but Shen Lingshi from Bailianmen was explaining excitedly.

"A bottle of Qiankun can smelt everything in the world. As long as he is a person of this world, he can be directly put into the bottle and turned into blood directly!"

"Chuhe is finished this time!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and looked at Chuhe with confidence.

Granny Baihua's complexion became extremely ugly, and she spoke to Chu He in a low voice, "My lord, you may not know what this gas bottle is, but... Laoshen and the followers of the Five Immortals are willing to blew themselves up to fight for your lord's evacuation." time!"

"Explode?" Chuhe shook his head, "Why self-explode? I haven't seen them kneeling and apologizing yet."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe looked at the crowd again, and said in a low voice, "Did you hear what I just said? I said, I can give you a chance to kneel down to apologize and sincerely repent. If this is the case, when the monster comes At this time, I can still save your life, otherwise..."

"Shut up! How dare you be rampant when you are about to die!?"

Chapter 137 How Did You Do It?

Qixing roared at Chuhe, "Don't you think it's your advantage now?"

Everyone also sneered.

"It seems that you still haven't figured out the situation. Could it be that you think that my bottle of heaven and earth is as useless as that eight-treasure Zen staff?"

This sentence not only ridiculed Chuhe, but also ridiculed those monks.

But they dare not speak out, after all, they have to look at the seven lines now.

This is their last hope.

"Quickly let Master Ranchenzi go!" Qixing continued, "Otherwise, within a quarter of an hour, you will turn into a puddle of blood."

Chuhe glanced at the southwest direction, and he could already see the dark clouds visible to the naked eye, so he smacked his mouth.

"It may take less than a quarter of an hour for you to become the monster's dinner." Chu He looked at everyone, "So, I will give you a chance to repent, kneel down and apologize now, and I can save your life later .”

"What?" Everyone finally discovered the anomaly in the southwest direction at this time.

I saw that the sky in the southwest direction had become extremely dark, and ghosts and wolves were howling.

A little novice suddenly flew over from there and shouted loudly, "It's not good! The demons are attacking!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chuhe instantly.

"It was you who brought the monster here!?"

Chu He curled his lips and didn't bother to explain. Anyway, no matter what he said, it was useless.

They have already confirmed this matter in their hearts.

Qixing glanced at the black cloud over there, and sneered, "It doesn't matter if the monsters are here, just kill them all. Don't tell me there are so many masters of Taoism and Buddhism here, afraid of this mere monster?"

"These monsters are not here to sneak attack, but to cast a net!"

In fact, those monks were not too worried about these monsters. After all, this is Leiyin Mountain, an important place for Buddhism, and now it has gathered an unknown number of masters.

How could it be possible to be afraid of this mere monster?

On the contrary, it is the Chuhe in front of him that needs to be resolved quickly.

Chu He shook his head slightly.

Don't you all have brains?

Of course, these monsters also know that this place is an important place for Buddhism, and they also know that there are many masters gathered here, but they still dare to come, doesn't that just show that these monsters are not afraid of them at all?

"A group of idiots." Chu He said lightly, "The monsters are approaching, and there are not many opportunities left for you."

Chuhe silently moved the secret method in Cangwu's inheritance, and the ground under his feet was trembling constantly.

Everyone was taken aback, not knowing what he was doing at all.

And the next moment.

All I saw was that the Demon Slaying Platform, which was already in ruins, was slowly floating up!

This demon-slaying platform is a forbidden area of ​​Leiyin Mountain. I don’t know how many restrictions and formations have been arranged on it. is indestructible.

A few pillars that were still upright also trembled and fell some gravel.

The Demon Slaying Platform, which is nearly [-] meters long, was pulled out of the mountain like that!

flew into the air.

"This is your last chance. As long as you jump onto the demon-slaying platform, you can escape the calamity of demons in the future."

Everyone looked at the slowly rising demon-slaying platform and heard the words from the innermost part of Chu River, they were shocked.

Shen Lingshi, the master of Bailianmen, was even more dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he kept muttering, "It's... unexpectedly, you can use the entire Monster Slaying Platform as a weapon for refining weapons, this amazing control..."

This shocking visual effect has amazed almost everyone.

This is especially true for those who are watching the live broadcast.

When they saw a mountain being slowly pulled up by one person, the feeling that almost made people tremble all over, deeply stimulated each of their hearts!

"Quick! Shoot! Chuhe is going to run away!"

After a brief shock, many people at the scene began to exclaim.

They thought that Chuhe was just afraid of the Qiankun cylinder in Qixing's hand, and now he wanted to run away.

There is also a very small group of people who are skeptical about Chuhe's words, and even want to step on the slowly floating demon-slaying platform.

For example Jiang Xinlian.

However, she held back.

If she jumped up at this time, she would definitely be regarded as a traitor who came to the door.

And even if she jumped up, she would definitely not be able to hide from Qiankun's gas bottle.

She knows the power of Qiankun's gas cylinder, which is a kind of great power that comes from ancient times and is irresistible!

As the Chu River slowly raises the Demon Slaying Platform, the monsters in the southwest direction are getting closer and closer, and you can almost see some ferocious monsters running fast in front.

But those people below don't care, they think that the demon can be dealt with easily, after all, there are so many masters here now.

Now, the most important thing is to kill Chuhe!

Qixing finally moved.

He held up the Qiankun gas bottle respectfully with both hands, nodded to the bottle, and then said to Chuhe.

"The master of Zhenyao Temple, Chu He, disciple of Master Baixing." After finishing speaking, Qi Xing looked at the bottle again, and said respectfully, "Please take this man back, baby."

A gas bottle of Qiankun suddenly exudes a burst of colorful aura from the mouth of the bottle, which looks so dazzling that it only makes people want to be intoxicated by it.

The colorful aura spread out, like a gorgeous sunset glow that spread continuously, and finally came directly to the foot of the Chu River.

What emanates from this colorful aura is a kind of power that makes people feel a little strange and a little scary.

Chuhe felt this bone strength immediately, he just felt a little familiar.

Isn't this the kind of power that Cangwu inherited?

It's not that the current force is exactly the same as the Cangwu inheritance that Chuhe obtained, but that these two forces have one thing in common.

That is enough simplicity and solemnity, it is a breath that seems to come from the ancient times.

Chuhe is almost certain that this magic weapon is definitely not made by modern people, or even made by ancient people, but a product of the legendary ancient times, or the mythical age!

Put it now, it is definitely a magic weapon that kills a large number of unknown so-called magic weapons in seconds!


However, this magic weapon is useless to Chuhe.

I saw that colorful aura lingering on Chuhe's body for a while, and then shrank back directly.

Chuhe didn't get the slightest harm from it, and even felt a little comfortable. After all, it was a kind of power and spiritual power from ancient times, and ordinary people would never have the opportunity to contact him.

But Qixing over there was stupid.


It didn't work! ?

One cylinder of Qiankun couldn't take Chuhe away! ?

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