Why is that?

Qixing only felt dizzy for a while, and even felt like he was dreaming.

He never imagined that Chuhe could escape Qiankun's gas cylinder?

How on earth did he do it! ?

Chapter 138 Abyss Gorefiend

Not only Qixing was stunned, but everyone else was too.

They have more or less heard of the prestige of the Qiankun Yiqi cylinder.

Moreover, just now, when the seven-color aura of the Qiankun gas bottle flew out, they could also feel a strong aura that made people fear and tremble.

This breath will definitely not deceive people.

But why, after the colorful aura circled around Chuhe's body, it flew back again?

Why didn't you put Chuhe in the bottle?


Qin looked at the people below who were looking at each other, thinking secretly.

Lao Tzu is not from this world at all!

This Qiankun gas cylinder looks a bit like the gourd in the hands of the King of the Golden Horn in the Journey to the West that Chuhe had seen before.

As long as you say the other party's name correctly, you can receive the other party into the gourd.

But this bottle of Qiankun seems to be a little more advanced, you only need to know the name of the other party, and you don't need to ask the other party to agree to it, you can also take it in.

When Qixing was talking again, in order not to make mistakes, he also specifically mentioned the apprentices of the Master of the Town Demon Temple and Master Baixing.

In this case, even if there is someone with the same name and surname as Chuhe, Qiankun's gas bottle will only take in the Chuhe in front of him.

However, Qixing's expectations were still in vain.

Qiankun didn't take any action against Chuhe at all!


Because Qiankun is a cylinder, it is only useful to people in this world.

Chuhe is a person who traveled to this world hundreds of years ago. Although he lived and practiced in this world, he was not born in this world.

Naturally, the gas cylinder of Qiankun, which operates based on the rules of the world, cannot take away Chuhe.

At this moment, there was silence below.

The Monster Slaying Platform controlled by Chuhe is still rising, and it has already hung high above everyone's heads.

They only now know that maybe Chuhe didn't plan to escape after knowing the name of Qiankun's cylinder, but he didn't take this Qiankun's cylinder into his eyes at all!

Qixing's complexion looks like a pig's liver.

How, how could it be so?

Qiankun Yiqi bottle is the treasure of Lingming Hall, and its power is extremely powerful. Even if you say those words to Xu Lingzi, Qiankun Yiqi bottle will take Xu Lingzi into it without hesitation!

Could it be that Chuhe didn't use his real name?

Qixing suddenly realized.

"Chuhe! You are not human at all!" He roared, "If you were still Chuhe, then you should have been taken away by Qiankun just now! You have long been a sub-demon, right!? You pretend The appearance of an adult is to release so many monsters directly one day!"

"You are an undercover agent sent by the demon!"

Chuhe frowned, and then sneered.

"Whatever you say, in short, now is your last chance."

The demon-slaying platform at the foot of the Chu River kept flying up, and now it was tens of meters high.

For ordinary people, this height is already an insurmountable gap, but for these monks, this height is just a matter of lightly jumping.

However, no one wants to fly up.

Because they knew that after going up, even if they were not killed by Chuhe, they would be killed by angry human monks!

"Are you planning to confuse people with evil words now!?" Qi Xing roared from below, "How can you, a vicious devil with a vicious mind, save us with kind thoughts in your heart?"

"What kind of monster is coming, you made it up, right?"


It seemed that it was specifically for the purpose of slapping the face. In the sky on the side of Leiyin Mountain, a huge thunderous sound suddenly erupted.

All I saw was a thick black cloud that almost crushed the whole world, it just appeared out of thin air without warning!

The reason for such a powerful thunder is all because the black cloud is too close to Leiyin Mountain, and there is a man-made nodule on the periphery of Leiyin Mountain, which is the method of protecting Leiyin Mountain.

Ordinary monks can't break through this nodule at all, and it is also the basic formation that Lei Yinshan relies on besides the mountain protection formation.

But at this moment, this nodule, which was extremely powerful to Lei Yinshan, was completely vulnerable in front of this black cloud, and was directly swallowed by the black cloud, and thunder burst out from the contact place.

At the moment when the nodules burst, a soaring devilish energy directly covered the entire Leiyin Mountain!

Even what was visible in the air became a little darker, and all the scenes were covered with a black red.

Some people with relatively low cultivation base even felt this breath, and began to stand unsteadily, feeling extremely horrified in their hearts.

Everyone looked in the direction where the nodules broke open.

I saw that it was an extremely thick black cloud, and the black cloud looked almost as strong as a wall, full of oppression, as if the black cloud was crumbling in the sky and would fall down in the next moment.

And on top of this black cloud, there are still many demons with their teeth and claws!

The stature of these demons is similar to that of humans, but some of them have sharp bone spurs, and some of them are covered with sharp scales.

Just by looking at it, you know that it is full of lethality and is definitely not easy to mess with.

After all, the Demon Race is a race born for fighting!

Qixing, Ranchenzi, and other Taoists and Buddhists finally changed their complexions, becoming even more gloomy than this dark cloud.

It even reveals a bloodless paleness.

So many demons!

How to deal with it! ?

This was the first thought in the hearts of so many people present.

But Qixing and Ranchenzi and other top monks are not thinking about whether they can deal with it now, but instead, they set their sights on the reddish position above the black cloud.

That place was still shrouded in black clouds, and besides that, there was also a powerful wave that made people unable to control the trembling.

This feeling of wanting to bow down is so strong that even Qixing and Ranchenzi couldn't help but kneel down!

And the black mist in that direction also gradually dissipated with everyone's gaze. In it, there was a man covered in a bloody red robe, sitting on the throne made up of those monsters.

His eyes stared at all sentient beings, and his skin also glowed a faint blood red. He didn't look that healthy, and moreover, he exuded an uncomfortable smell of blood.

When Ranchenzi and Qixing saw this devil, they were horrified.

In their hearts, they suddenly thought of a legendary monster.

"Abyss Gorefiend!"

Qixing said in horror, "It turned out to be an abyssal blood demon!"

Chapter 139 Remorse

"Abyss Gorefiend!"

The other people also heard what Qixing said in his mouth, and they all instantly understood why there was a slight tremor in Qixing's words.

This, but the abyssal gorefiend!

The legendary Demon of Demons is the scariest variant among the Demons!

And judging by the appearance of this blood demon, he is at least at the same level as the Demon Lord, or even a top existence among the Demon Lord, and may even have reached the realm of the Demon Emperor!

In short, no matter which one it is, it is not something they can deal with.

The people below immediately started to riot.

"Blood demon! One is a blood demon! This... how can we deal with it?"

"And this blood demon has brought so many subordinates... You see, there are several demons next to the blood demon?!"

What made them even more horrified was that the few demons who seemed to be served by the blood demon standing next to the blood demon were all legendary demon masters.

Originally, they still had some thoughts of resistance, but when they saw this, they immediately thought of how to run away!

The outsiders who were watching the live broadcast also got excited after seeing this scene.

It was like watching another blockbuster with very gorgeous special effects, and seeing the strange and bloodthirsty demons above the black clouds in the screen, they couldn't help but tremble.

"Monster! There are so many monsters!"

"Aren't these monsters afraid of death? They actually came directly to Leiyin Mountain where Buddhism and Taoism gather together!"

"Can you just wipe out all these monsters at once?"

"Fight! Why don't you fight? These monsters are too arrogant, give them a little color!"

These people just saw the monk from Leiyin Mountain and Qixing and others perform almost like gods through the live broadcast, and they all thought that these monsters were just delivering food after they came.

And even if it's a little difficult to deal with them, so what?

Anyway, they weren't at the scene, and they were really fighting in the dark, so it didn't matter to me, those monsters wouldn't sneak through the screen to kill me, right?

Therefore, these people also have a mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"Why don't you fight? Is it because these monsters are afraid to fight?"

"Hurry up! If you don't fight again, these monsters will run away! And that Chuhe, he's about to run away too!"

These people thought very well in their hearts, but at the scene, it was exactly the opposite of what they thought.

It is not these demons who want to escape, but those monks.

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