I saw the blood demon beckoning slightly, and two powerful demons appeared immediately.

One of the demon heads went straight to the Demon Slaying Platform brought up by Chuhe, while the other head headed for Qixing.

"Is it going to start!? It's starting to fight! I didn't expect this monster to attack Chuhe. Don't they belong to one side?"

"Another monster rushed towards the Seven Elements Son, it's just courting death!"

Everyone watched this scene excitedly, and then the enthusiasm gradually cooled down, replaced by a shock.

I only saw that after the devil came to Qixing's side, he fought with Qixing directly. Various moves were used in endlessly, and Qixing was hard to parry!

Although he has a treasure like Qiankun Yiqi, this treasure can only be used by people with names and surnames. How should he use this kind of monster that he doesn't know what it is called?

And now Qixing's strength is not suppressed by a huge demonic energy, and it is impossible to exert its full strength. If it can exert its full strength, it can easily solve the devil in front of it, but now.

It can only be beaten on the ground by this devil!

Because this is not a simple demon head, but a demon venerable next to the blood demon!

The Gorefiend looked at the following scene with great interest, his eyes were like watching crickets biting each other again.

And when he saw Chuhe's side, the expression on his face froze immediately.

I only saw another monster rushing directly over Chuhe, and there was a cruel smile on that monster's face.

Because there are many women behind Chuhe, it just so happens that this demon king is very interested in female heat.

"Hehe, go to hell, your woman, leave it to me to take care of you!"

The demon lord said something, and then launched his own unique move directly at Chuhe, intending to kill him instantly.


His figure, which was still in mid-air, suddenly froze.

And then a chaotic divine thunder descended from the sky!

Directly blast it into slag!

A devil, just like that, was smashed into scum by Chuhe in an instant, and wiped out in ashes!

Those who were watching the live broadcast almost dropped their jaws.

In their opinion, Qixing should be the one who instantly kills the devil. How can Chuhe kill the devil all at once?

On the contrary, Qixing, who they had placed high hopes on, is still fighting with that devil, and is still losing ground!

"Come and save me!" He even asked for help directly, Ran Chenzi hurried forward to help, and several Daoist and Buddhist bigwigs also shot, this was the way to forcefully drive the Demon Lord away, and did not The monster was not killed.

This comparison came out all at once.

On the one hand, it was a direct instant kill, on the other hand, a group of people went directly, and even in the end, there was nothing he could do about this monster.

Many people at the scene looked directly at Chuhe, and at the huge monster-slaying platform brought up by Chuhe. At this moment, a sentence came to their minds.

I thought of what Chuhe said to them before.

The demons are approaching, stepping on the demon-slaying platform now, they can still be killed!

It turned out that what Chuhe said was true. He was not lying or playing tricks. He knew that the demons were coming back, and he knew that these demons were completely irresistible.

No, at least he can still resist, he can instantly kill a demon king with one move!

Many people have begun to regret it a bit, why didn't they just listen to Chuhe's words and board the Demon Slaying Platform?

If these demons are going to attack directly now, how should they resist?

Just one demon master made a move, and he directly restrained almost all the masters of Buddhism and Taoism, and there were several such demon masters beside the blood demon, and even the blood demon might make a move himself!

There are also countless demon heads behind the Gorefiend.

How should they resist?

Standing on the demon-slaying platform, Chuhe looked at the demons in the sky and the Buddhist and Taoist monks under his feet.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because, in his mind, he had already started to gain remorse points in the reminder.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 2233 regret points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 2235 regret points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 2237 regret points!"

Chapter 140 The Chance of Escape

The remorse value of these monks is so much stronger than that of ordinary people.

The remorse value of an ordinary person is only a few dozen points, at most a hundred points.

But the remorse value of this ordinary monk has already reached more than 2000 points!

Even the people who are starting to regret it now are probably people with relatively low cultivation bases.

And those with higher cultivation bases will have higher regret values!

"What should we do now!?"

Now, no matter whether it is people from Buddhism or Taoism, they are all gathered together. Among them are Qixing and Ranchenzi, and there are Fakong and Wenjian Shengzi, all of whom are the highest combat power here. .

Shen Lingshi from Bailianmen asked, "Otherwise we will forcefully break through! Otherwise, we will definitely suffer heavy losses in this battle!"

"Yes! Breakout! Breakout now!"

"Those ordinary people, let them seek their own blessings, we are the hope of this world, we cannot die here!"

"As long as we live, we can save more people, so we must not die!"

Ranchenzi has now become the absolute core, and it is difficult for him to make any statement in the face of these people around him.

"If we leave...wouldn't we become the laughing stock of the world!?"

Ranchenzi looked at the cameras that were still shooting around him, "Don't you guys know that now, our every move is being broadcast live?"

"Everyone outside is watching!"

Everyone was stunned, and looked around at the people carrying cameras. Some of them were already kneeling on the ground, or fainted from the shock of the powerful demonic aura.

"Otherwise..." Shen Lingshi looked at the ordinary people around him, with a stern look in his eyes, "When the demons slaughter all these ordinary people, we will break through..."

After he said this, many people fell into silence.

Some people want to refute, but when they think carefully about their current situation, they can't say that kind of rebuttal.

"Amitabha." Abbot Fakong recited a Buddha's name, "Although it seems to be cruel to them, it is actually compassion for all living beings. Therefore, this is not cruelty, but compassion."

"This is great mercy, Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Hearing the Holy Son also said.

A group of Buddhist disciples immediately unified their opinions, and even decided to deliberately sacrifice these ordinary people to buy time for their retreat later in the meeting.

On the Taoist side, many people have strange expressions on their faces, and they are naturally struggling in their hearts.

At the same time, many people are secretly cursing these old bald donkeys.

It's so grandiose, it really doesn't save any face!

It is really shameless and invincible, there is no more appropriate expression than this.

At this moment, Jiang Xinlian frowned and said, "I don't agree with this. The duty of our Taoist sect is to protect all living beings. How can we treat them as sacrifices? And these people came here because of us, if we didn't insist on live broadcasting , they can’t even come here, and naturally they won’t encounter such danger.”

"How could we..."

"Amitabha, Jiang Xinlian benefactor, if you are dissatisfied, you can stay below to protect them." Fakong said calmly, "What do you think?"

Jiang Xinlian was taken aback, and said angrily, "Hmph! If I knew I should have jumped onto the Demon Slaying Platform, I wouldn't have to be stuck here!"

Although it was just angry words, it was also the thoughts in the hearts of many people at the moment.

It's just that after saying this, there was a burst of laughter from around, and Fakong, Qixing and others looked at Chuhe in midair with disdain.

"Originally, he should be able to escape, but...hehe, he was so arrogant and directly killed that Demon Lord. Does he think that he is very strong?"

"No scheming at all, so what if it is powerful? It's just a machine that only knows how to fight."

Qixing sneered and said, "He killed the Demon Lord in full view, so what about the Blood Demon after the Demon Lord?"

He continued to forcefully say, "Actually, I was just acting just now. If I wanted to, I could kill that Demon Venerable in one go, but I don't want to."

These words are simply nonsense, and the people present are not blind, who can't see that Qi Xing has tried his best just now?

There was even a penetrating wound on his stomach by the demon's claws, which almost pierced Qi Hai's dantian.

If this is also a seven-pack, then he is really awesome.

"You guys, see, the next moment will definitely be the blood demon who will kill Chuhe, and Chuhe can also buy us a little time to escape. In fact, everything is in the plan."

He still looks so confident.

And those people around, after hearing this, they all gained a little confidence.

Those who regretted not going to the Monster Slaying Stage in Chuhe, at this moment, actually felt a little scared. If it was true what Qi Xing said, then the fastest way to die would be on the Monster Slaying Stage!

And sure enough, just like what Qixing said, the blood demon's attention was instantly focused on Chuhe.

The people below also felt a burst of relaxation.

The pressure of being watched by the abyss gorefiend is simply breathless.

"Look! Those army of monsters are facing the Chu River!"

Sure enough, as the Gorefiend focused on Chuhe, the demons behind the abyss Gorefiend all pressed towards Chuhe one after another.

The ordinary people below all turned their cameras on the two camps in mid-air because they lacked the pressure of being stared at by the monsters.

On one side is the Chu River, and the demon-slaying platform uprooted from the foot of the Chu River, and on the other side are endless demons.

In mid-air, the two parties faced each other from a distance.

But there is no doubt that the monster's side is full of momentum, while Chuhe's side is much cooler.

"Let them bite the dog, let's take advantage of this time and think of a way."

"You can't sit still, but right now... it's not easy to just leave. If you attract the attention of the blood demon now, you will definitely be targeted. At that time, it will be difficult."

"So, we have to wait for the moment when Chuhe and the Gorefiend confront each other before we have a chance to leave!"

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