Many monks are talking about it through sound transmission, and the results they get are also very uniform.

Now, I can't go yet, I have to wait until the battle between Chuhe and the demons begins,

Chapter 141 Multiple Choice Questions

"You, what was the trick you used just now?"

The Gorefiend who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke, his voice was like a muffled thunder, directly appearing in everyone's heart.

It felt like a mountain was directly pressed down, making people unable to resist the slightest just hearing the sound.

Everyone present was shocked!

"What a terrifying blood demon!"

Someone said tremblingly, "Just hearing this voice, I feel like all the energy in my body is about to collapse."

"How can we resist such a blood demon? Even if we really seize the opportunity to escape, how can we avoid being chased back?"

"The moment the Gorefiend strikes, we will flee from all directions!"

This is their only option.

After hearing the voice of the gorefiend, Yinyue behind Chuhe also trembled.

She is also a demon head, and also a great demon.

His status in the demon world is very high, but even so, after hearing the voice of the blood demon, he still feels like sitting on pins and needles.

"It turned out to be... the blood demon venerable!"

Yinyue said the name tremblingly.

"My lord! I can't match you. The strength of the blood demon venerable is very terrifying. Even you may not be his opponent, and the other strengths are very strange. You can control people's blood and make people explode to death !"

"He is, one of the ten venerables in the demon world! He is known as the blood demon venerable!"

The people around were startled, Ah Qing said stupidly, "If you say that, he is very powerful?"

Yinyue said almost desperately, "Very powerful, one level higher than our realm, and it's still a big realm!"

She claims to be a great demon, but there are also three, six or nine grades among the great demons. Yinyue is just an ordinary big demon, and in the human world, she is only at the level of the alchemy stage.

Of course, this level is already enough to walk sideways in the human world, even in the devil world, it can be called a devil on one side.

However, it is still not enough to see in front of the Demon Lord, even if the Demon Lord wants to, even if he just blows his breath, he can directly wipe out a big demon in ashes!

In the face of absolute strength, all skills and defenses will appear very pale.

Demon Lord, that is a creature of another level!

"Master." Yinyue said bitterly, "Now, I'm afraid it's..."

And at this moment, Granny Baihua, Long Weiling, and Xiao Hei all stood up, "We are willing to make the final cover for the Lord's retreat!"

There is light in their eyes.

The Five Immortals Religion, represented by Granny Baihua, exists only to wait for someone to obtain the inheritance of Cangwu, and then serve them. They are willing to die for Chuhe, which is their mission.

As for Xiao Hei, needless to say, all this happened because of him.

They looked at each other, confirmed each other's intentions, and then said, "My lord, maybe if we blew ourselves up collectively, we can delay the attention of the blood demon for a while, and even hurt him. At this time, you are taking the opportunity... "

Chuhe waved his hand directly, "What are you talking about? Why did you think of self-destruct?"

"But if you don't blow yourself up, how can you resist the blood demon..." Yinyue said nervously, "My lord, I don't have time to think so much now. If the blood demon venerable directly makes a move, we will have no chance of surviving!"

"Oh? Really?" Chuhe opened his mouth, "I don't believe it."

Chuhe stood in mid-air, under his feet was the suspended demon-slaying platform, behind him was a group of people who supported him and were willing to die for him.

His gaze was full of pride and confidence.

Venerable Gorefiend?

Is it amazing?

Isn't it the same as being sealed by my master, Master Baixing?

Now, I have obtained all the inheritance of Master Baixing!

There is even a system of help, will you be afraid that you are a mere blood demon venerable?

Chu He faced the Blood Demon Venerable directly, and did not answer his question, but said directly, "Then what is the Blood Demon Venerable, right? You sent your men to attack me just now, and it is normal for me to kill you."

"However, I don't want to get involved in the battle between you and the monks below. I'm just a bystander when you hit you."

When the people below heard this, they all laughed.

How dare you talk to the blood demon like that?

Do you put your own life first?

He said he was just a spectator, and to put it bluntly, he was just greedy for life and afraid of death, not daring to confront the blood demon head-on.

Those who were watching the live broadcast also cursed at this scene.

"What the hell! Do you really treat yourself as a dish?"

"If you dare to say such things now, you obviously want to escape, but there is no way to escape, right?"

"Now I wish these monsters could tear Chuhe into pieces!"

Obviously they are all human beings, but now these people subconsciously stand on the side of the monsters, just because Chuhe didn't help them.

"Lorry, you're so wordy, let's just die quickly! Don't delay the fairy elders to slay demons and demons!"

Even now, those who were not at the scene but who were watching the live broadcast still felt that the gathering of people from Buddhism and Taoism would definitely be able to withstand the attacks of these monsters, and even kill them all!

At the scene, these monsters did not directly attack Chuhe as they thought.

The Gorefiend Venerable said with a half-smile, "Hehe, a spectator? Just a spectator? Why is it so ridiculous to say this from you...from the mouth of you, the master of the demon town?"

After he finished speaking, he looked directly at the music behind Chuhe, and said gloomyly, "As a demon, you are standing on the side of human beings at this moment, what should you do, do you know?"

Yinyue pursed her lips and did not speak, letting the contemptuous gazes of those demon compatriots fall on her.

In the eyes of the demons, the human race is cunning and despicable, standing on the side of the human race is tantamount to betrayal!

Yinyue is a demon, how can such values ​​formed over hundreds of years be easily changed?

"Now, as long as you come back, I can promise to save your life." The blood demon venerable continued, "I am also in the time of employing people, and I just wait for these people to be wiped out. This world is the world of our demons!"

"It is our duty to revive the glory of the demon race!"

Venerable Gorefiend roared, and those who heard this voice felt the blood in their bodies flow backwards, and these people hurriedly stabilized their minds.

"Now, I want you to make a decision!" Gorefiend said to Silver Moon, "Choose life or die?"

Chuhe turned his head to look at Yinyue, saw the struggle in her eyes, and smiled, "Maybe you should go back, to the midst of your fellow clansmen."

Yinyue was taken aback for a moment, pursed her lips and immediately firmed her mind.

She stood up and said to the blood demon, "I choose to die!"

Standing behind him, Chuhe shook his head and chuckled, "Are you stupid? Why do you have to do multiple-choice questions given to you by others?"

Chapter 142 Celestial Master Sword

The Gorefiend shouted angrily, "If that's the case, you're all going to die!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and a cloud of blood flew towards the flying demon-slaying platform.

All eyes turned to Chuhe immediately!

Now, Chuhe must be finished!

That's all the people think about.

Qixing and Wenjian had cruel smiles on their faces.

Chuhe made them suffer so much, they wish Chuhe would die the most!

"The power emanating from this blood cloud makes me feel a little terrified. If I am in it..." Ran Chenzi shuddered, and came to a conclusion that terrified him.

If he stays in it for less than three quarters of an hour, he will be melted into a pile of blood!

Chuhe, oh Chuhe, let's see how you resist!

At this moment, Chuhe, still calm and calm, came directly in front of Yinyue, stopping her who was about to jump into the blood cloud to buy some time for Chuhe.

"My lord! Retreat! This is the blood cloud supernatural power of the blood demon venerable. Anyone who falls into it will be corroded by the blood cloud. Even if the body is indestructible, don't melt into a pile of blood!"

Chuhe smashed his mouth, "So powerful? Then why do I have to go in?"

Watching the incoming blood cloud.

Chuhe shot out a few sword pills casually.

The sword pill whirled and flew towards that side.

Yinyue doesn't know why.

And the others didn't know what Chuhe meant.

The people below are all monks, and their eyesight is very strong. Naturally, they saw the stone-like things thrown by the Chu River.

"What is that? Hidden weapon?" Shen Lingshi, the master of Bailianmen, sneered, "Even if Qilianzi is here, it's hard to resist this cloud of blood. How could this thing he threw casually be able to resist the cloud of blood?"

"Even at such a moment, I'm still holding on to the university, I really don't know how to live or die!"

"You don't need to look at it. We still have to look at the right time. It's more important to take care of ourselves. It seems that Chuhe has no resistance... What!?"

Before Shen Lingshi finished his sentence, he was shocked by the scene in front of him and exclaimed.

In the reflection of his eyes, a bright glare gradually expanded.

Chi Chi Chi!

Waves of energy suddenly exploded from mid-air!

The eyes of Qixing and Ranchenzi froze, revealing incredible light.

"What a pure sword intent!"

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