"This is—Kenmaru!?"

"Is there such a sword cultivator in this world!?"

Sword cultivator is the most powerful and rarest kind of monk among many monks.

Ordinary monks are all trying to prolong their lives and work hard to live longer, but sword immortals are different. Their purpose throughout their lives is to become stronger, stronger, stronger!

I don't care about self-cultivation at all, and my obsession with the sword is simply born for the sword!

Therefore, some sword cultivators often do not seem to be that powerful, but as soon as they draw their swords, they can explode with energy like opening up the world!

However, sword immortals are very mysterious and rare, and they often come and go alone, which is why these people are so surprised.

Could it be that Chuhe is still a sword fairy! ?

It's never been exposed before, and it's only now that I show my skills?

Everyone was dumbfounded, only to see that after the explosion of those sword pills, the sword energy that came out wantonly directly tore the blood cloud to pieces!

The blood cloud that was suppressed by people who could hardly lift their heads was broken by a few small sword pills, and even the haze in the sky was torn apart by the power of these sword pills. The sun slanted down, as if it brought a glimmer of life to people!

Everyone below was shocked by this scene and was speechless for a long time.

Qixing clenched his fists tightly, "Sword cultivator... it turned out to be a sword cultivator... If it is a sword cultivator, then his strongest strength can only be his sword, and when he was fighting me just now, he didn't even know what to do. Without drawing the sword, could it be that he looks down on me so much? I'm not even worthy of his sword?"

Wen Jian and the others thought the same way, and immediately fell into a deep despair.

It turned out that everything just now was an illusion. With their strength, they are not qualified to leave Chuhe who can resist the blood demon's move and is still a hidden sword repairer.

Those who were watching the live broadcast didn't know all this, but they all exclaimed when they saw that Chuhe had broken one of the blood demon's big moves.

"I didn't expect this guy to have some skills."

"No matter how capable you are, you will die. You see, the blood demon seems to be angry, and his body has grown a lot!"

All I saw was that the Gorefiend Venerable suddenly grew a little bigger. His figure was slender, with two blood-red horns growing on his head, and he was wearing a red robe, which looked weird and frightening.

But at this moment, he slowly walked out of the group of monsters surrounding him in front of him, with his hands slightly opened, and what looked like thorns slowly formed in his hands.

It was something like Mitsubishi Junci.

Yinyue's eyes narrowed, "Master, be careful! That's a bloodthirsty sword! As long as it is touched, the blood will be sucked dry!"

The people below also saw the bloodthirsty venerable who went out in person, and even saw the bloodthirsty sword in the blood lord's hand, and a feeling of frenzy and horror rose from everyone.

"That is... the most precious treasure of the Demon Race, the Bloodthirsty Sword! I never expected it to be in the hands of the Blood Demon Venerable!"

Ranchenzi's eyes were stained with fear, "The bloodthirsty sword showed its power last time when the monsters attacked, and even a senior in our Lingming Hall died directly under the bloodthirsty sword, just because he was killed by the bloodthirsty sword." The blood sword has scratched the skin, and that senior's cultivation base... is far above you and me now!"

He said to Qixing through sound transmission, "Be careful later on the red light emitted by the bloodthirsty sword, don't be exposed to it, now that the bloodthirsty sword has even been used by the bloodthirsty sword, Chuhe has no chance to struggle anymore Now, get ready, this is our chance to escape!"

Ran Chenzi was not the only one who recognized the bloodthirsty sword. Shen Lingshi from Bailianmen and Fakong from Buddhism also recognized this prestigious sword.

They have no idea of ​​resistance anymore, they just want to escape in the chaos when the gorefiend focuses all his attention on killing Chuhe.

Even, they are still praying at this moment, otherwise, it is not impossible to make Chuhe stronger, at least they can persist in a few tricks with the blood demon venerable, so as to hold the blood demon for a while.

Or let them survive.

At this moment, all eyes are on Chuhe, planning to see how Chuhe should respond.

As a result, they saw that Chuhe smiled.

laugh?Can you still laugh at this time?

And laugh miserably from time to time?

But... sneer?

But only Chuhe's hand was slightly shaken in the void, and a sword was slowly forming in Chuhe's hand.

The moment Ranchenzi saw the sword, his eyeballs almost popped out.

"Tianshi... Tianshi sword!?"

Chapter 143 True Strength

"The Heavenly Master Sword!? Is that the Heavenly Master Sword!?"

As the sword in Chuhe's hand slowly took shape, more and more people saw the shape of the sword.

Some monks with low cultivation levels may not be able to recognize what this sword is, but those with higher cultivation levels and more supervisors have already fully recognized what this sword is.

"Hasn't the Celestial Master Sword been lost a long time ago? Hasn't it... long ago disappeared? Why is it in the hands of Chuhe!?"

Among the people below, there were also some people who belonged to the Heavenly Master Way. They exclaimed, "Impossible! The Heavenly Master Sword and the Heavenly Master Seal are the symbols of the Heavenly Master, but the Heavenly Master Sword has long been lost, and now only the Heavenly Master is left. There is only one master seal, and the place where the Heavenly Master Sword was lost was outside the territory, how could it have fallen into the hands of Chuhe!? It must be a fake!"

The people below have been dazed by the sudden appearance of the Heavenly Master Sword.

If the Eight Treasures Zen Staff is only the Buddhist treasure of Leiyin Mountain, then the Celestial Master Sword, even if it is placed in the entire Taoist sect, has a pivotal position.

The Celestial Master Sword not only symbolizes the inheritance of the Celestial Master, but also possesses various incredible abilities!

As long as you master the Celestial Master Sword, you can exert extraordinary power even if your cultivation base is not high!

Chuhe held the Celestial Master Sword, which he had exchanged for 50 regret points, in his hand, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the reactions of those people below, is this Celestial Master Sword really the one lost by the Celestial Master Mansion?

If that's the case, why did your sword appear in the system mall?

Chuhe could only feel the magic of the system and didn't think much about it.

Anyway, this system is mine, of course the more powerful the better.

And at the moment when Chuhe's Heavenly Master Sword appeared, the Blood Demon's face finally changed, "The Heavenly Master Sword...it turned out to be the Heavenly Master Sword...Aren't you from the Demon Suppressing Temple? Why is there a Tianshi Mansion?" Celestial Master Sword!?"

The Gorefiend's voice was suddenly excited, "Hehe, I didn't expect to see the Heavenly Master Sword again after so many years. This time, I will absolutely smash this sword that hurt me once!"

"There is also the Tianshi Mansion, and your demon-suppressing temple, and all the so-called decent sects in this world who are so dignified, all of them will die!"

Chuhe couldn't figure out why this guy suddenly became crazy for no reason.

But the people below know.

"One thousand and three hundred years ago, the blood demon venerable broke through the seal. It was the old celestial master who held the celestial master sword and sealed it. It is said that this battle was inseparable. That day the master sword Lost outside the domain..."

"No wonder the blood demon is so excited. It turns out that he saw something that hurt him."

"In that case, isn't Chuhe...dead this time?"

"This is a furious blood demon! Although the old heavenly master used a large array to seal the blood demon when he dealt with the blood demon, he fell and died shortly after returning. Could it be said that Chuhe's strength is better than that of the old heavenly master? He must die!"

Just as he was talking, the Gorefiend suddenly moved!

All of a sudden, as if teleporting, he suddenly came to Chuhe's side.

The bloodthirsty sword in his hand cut directly towards the Chu River!


The bloodthirsty sword was blocked directly!

The Gorefiend was stunned for a moment, only to see that his indestructible and extremely sharp bloodthirsty sword hit a piece of bamboo pole unexpectedly.

This piece of bamboo pole looks like a flute made of ordinary bamboo, in addition, there is an inexplicable aura exuding from it.

But it was this ordinary flute that actually blocked his furious blow and blocked the bloodthirsty sword! ?

What's even more exaggerated is that there was not even a single trace of the bloodthirsty sword left on the bamboo.

That is to say, my desperate blow didn't break the defense of this bamboo flute at all!

How many treasures does this guy have! ?

There was also some surprise in the blood demon heart.

From the moment he saw Chuhe, he felt that Chuhe was not simple. First, the magical sword pill, although it did not pose a fatal threat to him, was also a magical weapon.

The most important thing is that the pure sword intent in it, even the blood demon venerable himself feels frightened. If these sword intents are more and more pure, then even he may fall here Among the sword pills.

The second is the Celestial Master Sword.

The treasure of the Heavenly Master's Mansion once seriously injured him, so he knew the power of the Heavenly Master's sword, so he immediately used the killer move as soon as it came up.

Then there was this unknown, ordinary flute, which was able to directly block the attack of the bloodthirsty sword without any damage! ?

This is almost completely beyond his imagination.

But immediately he felt a strong sense of greed in his heart.

He completely regards Chuhe as Taoist Taobao, and wants to take all these things away from Chuhe.

At the level of Venerable Gorefiend, there are very few things that can make him feel greedy.

"Hehe, that's a nice flute. Now, it's mine." The words of Venerable Gorefiend rang in Chu He's ears.

But all I saw was that the figure of the blood demon venerable suddenly darkened, and turned into a blood shadow directly, which didn't look like an entity at all, but a shadow.

And this shadow came directly to the Concubine Xiangdi, and then rolled up the Concubine Xiangdi and left Chuhe's side directly.

It's just that this blow also left a loophole for Chuhe, the Celestial Master Sword in Chuhe's hand was directly chopped off!

There seemed to be thunder flashing in the sky, and with a sword slashing down, part of the blood shadow turned into by the Gorefiend Venerable was also cut off!

"What!? He actually hurt the Gorefiend Venerable!? Cut off a part of the Gorefiend Venerable's body?"


"Why are you excited? It's all because of the strength of the magic weapon. If it wasn't for the Heavenly Master Sword, how could he have hurt Venerable Gorefiend? After all, the Heavenly Master Sword is more powerful than Chuhe."

"That's right, and the purpose of the Gorefiend Venerable is this flute. Now that the flute has been obtained, how can Chuhe guard against it? If the Gorefiend Venerable makes a move at this time, this time, there will be no flute that can resist that deadly attack." One sword!"

Those who didn't know thought that these monks were on the side with the Gorefiend Venerable.

It seems that Chuhe is the one who hates more in his words.

This is human nature. They would rather Chuhe be killed than believe that Chuhe has the ability to take them away, but they refused because of their stupidity.

If Chuhe can really leave alive, it will only prove their stupidity.

Therefore, they wished that Chuhe would die, and the sooner he died, the better.

"Here we come!" Qixing opened his eyes sharply, "Venerable Blood Demon, finally wants to show his true strength!"

"Everyone get ready!" Ran Chenzi also said via voice transmission, "The victory or defeat is in the next moment, and whether we can escape depends on the next moment!"

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