Chapter 144

Everyone immediately looked into the sky intently.

I saw that the blood demon venerable had already transformed into his original appearance, holding the Xiangfei flute tightly in his hand.

"Good baby, for a baby like you, following Chuhe is just a pearl covered in dust, let me take care of you in the future..."

The moment he touched the Concubine Xiang flute, the Blood Demon Venerable also noticed the extraordinaryness of the Concubine Xiang flute, it was simply the most powerful magic weapon he could come into contact with in his life!

That indescribable feeling fascinated him.

Even let him sigh!

This time I traveled thousands of miles to Leiyin Mountain, just to get this Concubine Xiang Di was worthwhile, even if I paid some price for it, it was not unacceptable.


But when the blood demon venerable was whirling with the Xiangfei flute, he noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the Xiangfei flute.

Obviously the flute is in his hands, but there is a feeling of being out of control.

Trembling slightly, even wanting to fly away!

Could it be that this flute has already produced spirituality! ?

Venerable Blood Demon was overjoyed.

He said directly to the flute, "I know you already have spirituality, but Chuhe will die soon, follow me, and I will let you continue to grow until one day, let you grow into a spirit!"

"What good is there to follow such a dying person? The so-called good bird chooses a tree to live in..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a terrifying wave erupting directly from the Concubine Xiang flute. Even the blood demon venerable couldn't hold back that kind of wave, so he let go of his hand immediately.

"This is... the power of the ancient times!? The power inherited from the ancient times..."

The blood demon venerable couldn't bear this force, so he let go of his hand, and let Xiang Fei flute fly back to Chuhe's hand again, but the blood demon venerable's eyes were already full of greed!

This flute has been passed down from ancient times, and it is an ancient treasure!

Greedy flames ignited in his eyes, the aura around him was also rising, and his figure was gradually becoming taller.

Behind him, the army of monsters retreated directly, as if they were afraid of being affected.

And the monks below were all waiting with bated breath, they could also see that the blood demon venerable was really angry this time.

"It's true, I never thought that this flute would be so powerful. Without any help, just relying on the strength of the flute itself, it would be able to directly escape the control of the blood demon venerable!"

Wen Jian whispered a Buddha's name, "It seems that we lost to this flute just now, and we didn't lose wrongly. After all, even the blood demon venerable couldn't fully deal with it."

"It seems that this is all Chuhe's trump card." Qixing gritted his teeth, "What kind of skill is it if you only rely on magic weapons?"

Now Qixing said so, but he was also the one who used the Qiankun gas bottle just now.

Jiang Xinlian didn't speak the whole time, just watched this scene quietly.

She is different from others. Now she only thinks that Chuhe can defeat these monsters, although she also knows that it is impossible.

"I am the Blood Demon of the Abyss!"

The size of the blood demon venerable became extremely huge, and the black clouds in the sky also directly turned into blood clouds, "Wherever I pass, thousands of races, all surrender!"

After he finished speaking, all the army of demons behind him knelt down!

As for the monks below, they only felt an overwhelming pressure, and people couldn't help but want to kneel down directly, and some even knelt down, it was completely from the trembling of the soul, and they couldn't resist at all.

"You, you will definitely die today!"

The Gorefiend turned into a whirlwind and disappeared!

Such a large body, if it disappears, it will disappear immediately!


Someone behind Chuhe exclaimed, but only saw that the blood demon venerable had come behind Chuhe at some point, and rushed towards Chuhe with a grinning grin!

Chu He turned around, and directly waved and slashed with the Heavenly Master Sword!

The blood demon was instantly split into two, split into two halves!

The people below exclaimed, "What!? The blood demon was split in half!?"

"Could it be that the Celestial Master Sword is so powerful!?"

"No! Look! The Gorefiend Venerable has been split into two!"

However, he saw that the Gorefiend Venerable who was split in half by Chuhe did not die directly, or was seriously injured, but directly transformed into two Gorefiend Venerables!

There are no signs of injury at all.

These two blood demon venerables, one left and one right, rushed towards the Chu River.

"You can't escape, no one can escape this trick, no one!"

Chu He's expression didn't change, but he lifted the Heavenly Master Sword and swung it horizontally again!

This time, the Gorefiend Venerable still didn't directly block him, but was cut down again by Chuhe. The Gorefiend Venerable who was originally split into two was split into four again!

It seems that it can't be killed, and it seems that the more you kill, the more you kill!

"What a weird technique! What the hell is this!?"

The people below cried out in surprise, and in the blink of an eye, Chuhe was surrounded by red figures of blood demon venerables!

Each of these red figures of the Gorefiend Lord has the strength of the Gorefiend Venerable. Although they have become smaller in size, their strength has not decreased in any way!

Yinyue, who is also a demon, muttered silently behind her, "Thousands of demons and ten thousand transformations... I never thought that the blood demon venerable has already learned the thousand demons and ten thousand transformations!"

"My lord! Don't continue any longer, get out quickly, or you won't be able to get out again when the Great Law of Thousand Demons and Myriad Transformations takes shape!"

"Want to withdraw?" The voice of the Gorefiend Venerable came out of the mouths of these bloodfiend Venerables who had been split into hundreds of ways at the same time. There was something strange and difficult to understand, "It's too late now!"

"Thousands of demons and myriad transformations!" The more than 100 mouths on the blood demon's forehead shouted in unison, and then turned into a red torrent that circled around Chuhe non-stop!

In the end - it was directly attached to Chuhe's body!

Chu He froze for a moment, and cast the Fumo Town Demon God Light Curse almost instantly!

A golden light suddenly burst out from Chuhe's body, but this time the strange thing is that on top of this golden light, there is also traces of blood-colored light.

No one can resist the spell of subduing demons and suppressing demons and gods!

The blood-red rays of light are continuously penetrating into Chuhe's body through the Fumo Town Yaoshen Light Curse.

Almost instantly, Chuhe's body turned red.

It was about to be completely controlled by the Gorefiend Venerable.

Yinyue cried out from behind, "My lord! Self-destruction, quick self-destruction! Otherwise, you will definitely suffer inhuman torture later, and if you self-destruction now, you may even hurt Venerable Gorefiend!"

Chapter 145 Activation of Lihuo Divine Ability

Has it reached the point where it is about to explode! ?

Seeing this scene, the people below knew that the opportunity had come.

Ran Chenzi's expression froze, and he sent a message to everyone, "Now the blood demon venerable is attacking Chuhe with all his strength, it is a good opportunity for us to withdraw!"

"All Buddhist disciples obey the order and break through!"

Almost at the same time, the Buddhist and Taoist families flew madly in all directions!

At this moment, there is no etiquette and humility, and those who run slowly are dead!

Those ordinary people, who were carrying the cameras live, were a little at a loss when they saw this scene, and pointed the cameras at the fleeing Buddhist masters.

People who are watching the live broadcast are also full of doubts.

"What are these fairy elders doing? Are they trying to escape for their lives?"

"How is it possible! I guess they are going to take the initiative!"

"But you can see that there are no monsters over there, so why are so many masters flying towards that side?"

At this moment, those who are watching the live broadcast are also holding back their anger.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they saw that all these flying fairy elders were blocked by demons.

"Look! I just said how can these fairy elders let go of these monsters? Do you think this is a fight?"

"Who said just now that the fairy elder ran to a place where no one was there to escape? Now open your eyes and see, there was no space for monsters just now, what are all the people standing densely now? That's all demon!"

But at this moment, the mood of Qixing, Ranchenzi and others is far from that of the audience watching the live broadcast.

They were fleeing quickly in the direction of a vacancy free of demons.

But who knows, just after coming here, a bunch of monsters suddenly appeared.

Only at that time just now did they know that this was actually a trap of demons, the so-called encirclement and lack of one.

It is to deliberately expose a loophole and let them drill this way, but in fact, the most powerful enemy is here!

"I can't help it! Taking advantage of the absence of the Gorefiend Venerable, I will fight them!"

Ranchenzi has no other way up to now, but can only hope that if the blood demon venerable is not around, these monsters will have a lot less command and dispatch, and their strength will also drop a lot, so they can take the opportunity to escape.

"Everyone! For the sake of the dignity of the Immortal Dao, and for the sake of the innocent people in the world, we can only save them if we get out alive! Everyone, attack!"

Ran Chenzi rushed directly into the monster.

Just a burst of laughter burst into the ears of everyone.

Ran Chenzi's blood was cold, and he, who was the first to charge, stopped immediately, stepped on a sudden brake in mid-air, and retreated abruptly.

And the few people in front who didn't have time to stop seemed to have bumped into a transparent wall suddenly.

Then, in the void, a figure suddenly walked out. This figure looked translucent, but the aura it exuded could not be underestimated at all.

"Hidden Demon..." Ran Chenzi's voice was a little desperate, "It turned out to be a hidden demon..."

He stepped back decadently.

Someone asked, "Senior, what is the Hidden Demon?"

Ran Chenzi shook his head and explained, "It's over, everything is over... The Hidden Demon is so powerful that even I am no match for it. More importantly, the Hidden Demon is equivalent to a military advisor in the demon clan. Law and conspiracy... Our plan to break through has been seen through, and it's over..."

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