The others felt a chill in their hearts.

"Fight with these monsters!"

A group of people rushed out directly, thinking that they couldn't sit still.

But just like what Ran Chenzi said, after these people rushed up, they were directly separated by a group of monsters, and then they were defeated one by one. None of the dozen or so monks survived!

The scene was eerily silent for a moment.

Those monks who were scattered before, except those who were killed just now, are now consciously gathered together.

Those on the ground who were still carrying the cameras were already unable to stand steadily, and some even put the cameras on the ground long ago.

The barrage is also quiet at this time.

"What's the situation? Could it be... these fairy elders can't beat these monsters?"

"Isn't it? My house is not far from Leiyin Mountain. If you can't stop the monster, what will you do if the monster rushes out?"

"There are so many monsters... These monsters should be the biggest group of monsters since Chuhe lifted the seal, right? If no one stops them, will these monsters sweep the world directly!?"

At this moment, someone finally began to know the fear.

"Get up and fight! Go and kill all those monsters! Isn't that what you monks are supposed to do!?"

"Hurry up and fight! Hurry up and slay demons!"

The barrage suddenly became hysterical again.

"Look over there, the Chu River is on fire!"

Someone discovered the abnormality of Chuhe, who had been in mid-air, and only saw that Chuhe's skin was still a little reddish.

He was still standing there properly, and did not directly explode himself as Yinyue said.

The monks below also noticed Qin's abnormality, and all looked towards him.

"Hehe, even if we can't escape, Chuhe will be buried with us when he dies." Qixing clenched his fists.

They are all depressed to despair at the moment. After seeing that Chuhe is also in this situation, they are more or less relieved.

Yinyue Ahqing, Granny Baihua, Xiao Hei and other members of the Five Immortals Sect stood on the Demon Slaying Platform behind Chuhe, staring nervously at Chuhe.

All I saw was a flame burst out of Chuhe's ear, and then flames began to emerge from Chuhe's nose, mouth, eyes, and thousands of pores!

A voice emerged from Chu He's mind, "Hehe, you have fallen into my myriad demons, do you still want to escape? Do you still want to fight? Haha, give up, what is waiting for you will be endless torture!"

"Don't worry, I will never let you die so easily. I will let you try all the tortures in this world. After that, I will refine your body into a magic weapon, and I can even keep a trace of your blood." Consciousness, how about letting you go anywhere you don't want to? Isn't it fun?"

"And the people you want to protect behind you will all be tortured to death by me one by one..."

The devil's tricks are these devil sounds, the blood demon venerable tried to interfere with Chuhe's mind.

Unexpectedly, Chuhe sneered.

"Torture? Do you want to experience the burning torture?"

Venerable Gorefiend suddenly felt something was wrong, "What!? Are you going to use fire... Hahaha! I am a Bloodfiend, and now I will melt my blood into your body, we have become one, you Burning me with flames is burning you!"

"Moreover, all of this is happening in your body, so you must be the one who dies first!"

Chuhe still smiled slightly, "Really?"

After Chuhe finished speaking, Lihuo's supernatural power was activated!

Chapter 146

The blood demon venerable suddenly felt a burst of heat, but he still felt that Chuhe was using the method of injuring the enemy a hundred and himself injuring a thousand.

"You are courting death!"

The Gorefiend Venerable whispered, "However, since you want to die, then go to die. After all your blood is burned out, you will still feel the deepest pain!"

"Who told you that I'm going to burn my own blood?" Chuhe asked back from the bottom of his heart, even with a hint of sneer.

The Gorefiend sneered and said, "Now you and I have merged into one. Killing me is killing you. Our blood flows together. Burning my blood is also burning your blood."

"Oh." Chu He sighed lightly, and said casually, "Then have you ever heard of a kind of flame that burns things outside the body, as long as it touches a trace, it will be burned cleanly, leaving no slag left behind?" Down……"

The Gorefiend Venerable, who was still laughing strangely in Chu He's mind, suddenly paused.

"From... from the fire?!"

Looking at the inside of Chuhe's body, the blood and body are indeed burning, but it doesn't hurt Chuhe at all.

Because this Lihuo supernatural power can only burn things that do not belong to Chuhe's body, which is the so-called external things.

The blood demon venerable is really strong, and even this move is really hard to guard against, but it is a coincidence that Chuhe just knows this powerful Lihuo supernatural power!

"You actually have Lihuo supernatural powers!? You, damn it!"

The blood demon venerable began to desperately want to escape and leave Chuhe's body.

But at this moment, his whole body was completely ignited by Li Huo.

"What? Want to leave?"

Chu He opened his mouth lightly, and a flame spewed out of his mouth.

The people below saw that Chuhe directly turned into a burning man, but the strange thing was that although the temperature of the burning flame was very high, they could feel the temperature contained in it even from a long distance away.

But it can't hurt Chuhe at all!

Ranchenzi was taken aback, and muttered to himself, "Lihuo...Lihuo!?"

But at this moment, the flames on Chuhe's body became more vigorous, and a burning figure came out of Chuhe's body directly!

Who else could it be if it wasn't the Gorefiend Venerable! ?

"My God! Is that the Gorefiend Venerable? How did the Gorefiend Venerable be set ablaze safely!?"

"It seems that the Gorefiend Venerable is in great pain. Could it be that the Gorefiend Venerable...lost?"

"Impossible! The Blood Demon Venerable is so powerful, how could he lose to Chuhe!?"

Chuhe was not idle either, and waved his hand at the Gorefiend Venerable who was fleeing crazily, and the flames on Gorefiend Venerable's body became more vigorous!

The innate miraculous method Lihuo supernatural power that Chuhe comprehended was drawn at the expense of a super lottery quota, which is much stronger than all the previous miraculous methods.

It can even be said that it is as strong as a hundred and eight thousand miles!

This is the Lihuo supernatural power of the innate magic method, that is to say, Lihuo is also the innate Lihuo. It is not the flame lit by someone, but the innate flame naturally generated between the heaven and the earth.

Burn everything in the world, and there is almost no way to put out the fire.

And the flame is still controlled by Chuhe.

While Chuhe was waving his hands, the flames on Gorefiend's body kept burning, and his divine shape kept getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, it directly turned into a group of primordial spirits bumping left and right.

This Yuanshen who was burning with Lihuo was pinched tightly in Chu He's hands.

Now I can't see the original figure of the Gorefiend Venerable anymore, I can only see the Primordial Spirit of the Gorefiend Venerable constantly howling.

"Please! Let me go! Let me go! I shouldn't have shot you! Let me go!"

Now the voice of the Gorefiend Venerable is no longer condescending as before, but has become trembling.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and fell into the eyes of a crowd of monsters.

Let the atmosphere of the scene be quiet.

The Gorefiend Venerable, unexpectedly...was in the hands of Chu He! ?

The Gorefiend Venerable is defeated! ?

Those people below suddenly erupted with emotions called hope!

If Chuhe really killed the blood demon venerable, then these monsters must go back to Chuhe for revenge, right?

In that case, wouldn't it be possible to take advantage of the chaos and escape?

Although they don't know what method Chuhe used, nor how powerful Chuhe is now, they know that now is also an opportunity!

People who are watching the live broadcast are also stupid.

"It turns out that Chuhe is the last big devil!"

"It's so hidden, if we let him continue to cause harm to the world, what should we do!?"

"We must crusade against Chuhe, let Buddhism and Taoism all unite, we must kill Chuhe! His life is a threat to us!"

But at the scene, the reality is that the blood demon venerable is crying in the hands of Chuhe.

"Let me go, let me go, Lord Guanzhu!"

Chuhe sneered, "I gave you a chance."

The Blood Demon Venerable continued to wail, "I know I was wrong, I can make all the monsters under my command retreat, otherwise, under their crazy attack, none of the monks below will be able to escape, and all of them will die!"

When the people below heard this, their hearts sank suddenly.

Someone even said almost subconsciously, "Chuhe! You're about to release Venerable Gorefiend!"

"Let Gorefiend Venerable go! Our purpose is to stop the monsters, as long as you release the Gorefiend Venerable, you are blocking the demons!"

"And this is also a great opportunity for you to atone for your sins. As long as you let go of Gorefiend now and let all his subordinates retreat, then some of the sins on your body can be washed away!"

Hearing the following words, Chuhe smiled even brighter.

Venerable Gorefiend also hurriedly said, "Did you hear that? My lord! Your compatriots below also want you to let me go. As long as you let me go, I promise not to hurt anyone below. "

Chuhe didn't stop, but played with the blood demon lord Yuanshen, and said softly, "Their life and death...what does it have to do with me?"

Although Chuhe's voice was very low, everyone at the scene still heard these words.

For some reason, their hearts suddenly turned cold!

It was like falling into a hole in the ice.

Chuhe continued, "I told you a long time ago that I'm just a spectator. If you want to bring monsters to kill these monks, then you can do whatever you want. I won't interfere. If you monsters are accidentally turned back by these monks If you kill it, I will not make a move either."

"I'm just a spectator. Their life and death have nothing to do with me, and your life... also has nothing to do with me!"

After finishing speaking, Chu He's eyes turned cold, "But you are threatening me and the people around me, then will definitely die!"

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