After the words fell, Chu He squeezed his hand suddenly.


Venerable Gorefiend, the Primordial Spirit is shattered!

Chapter 147 The Inexplicable Figure

The blood demon venerable, one of the dignified demon clan's venerables, just died in the hands of Chuhe!

Only a little bit of flame fell down, and the last remnant of Gorefiend Venerable was also consumed by the burning of that little bit of flame.

Since then, there has been no more Gorefiend Venerable in this world.

Chuhe put down his hands indifferently, and looked at the monsters that surrounded the place.

I saw that none of those monsters dared to look at Chuhe, and even the hidden demon with the most cultivation level couldn't help trembling when looking at Chuhe.

No way, these monsters saw their boss, the most powerful demon among them, die so easily in the hands of Chuhe, no one dared to continue to provoke Chuhe.

Then, Chuhe looked away, and looked at the monks again.

I only saw those monks with complicated eyes.

But most of them turned out to be holding a kind of hope, even a kind of begging.

At this moment, as long as Chuhe said a word, these demons would retreat directly.

Chuhe wants to save them first, it's just a word!

All eyes are on Chuhe and waiting for Chuhe.

Chu He smiled slightly, turned around and returned to the Demon Slaying Platform.

The Monster Slaying Platform continued to rise rumblingly.

Chuhe's words also came with the wind.

"I gave you a chance, as long as you can jump on the demon-slaying platform, I can take you away, but... none of you are willing to believe me."

"It's like that day, when I told you that you can't dismantle the demon temple, as long as it is dismantled, the demon will break the seal, and the world has been in chaos since then. At that time, no one believed me."

Chu He's voice was a little ethereal, more of a joke, "You self-righteous guys, you, please ask for blessings."

Speaking of this, Chuhe continued, "Everything here has nothing to do with me. I came here to take Xiao Hei away. Now, my purpose has been completed, and the rest... is the grievance between you."

The huge demon-slaying platform controlled by Chuhe keeps rising.

It is also constantly taking away the hope of these people below.

"No! You can't leave us! Take us away!"

"Isn't it normal for us to think about such a big matter of life and death? We just didn't jump on the demon-slaying platform in the first place. Please give us another chance!"

These people can't hold back anymore, because they know that what Chuhe said is true.

Now, no one takes Chuhe's words seriously anymore, even if Chuhe speaks softly, they still have to listen respectfully!

"Are you still a human like this!? We are all compatriots!"

"As long as you save us now, we will forgive you! From now on, we will admit that you are a member of the Taoist sect, and that you are the leader of the Taoist sect!"

Chuhe sneered in his heart, what are you guys?

I need you to admit it?

Ranchenzi didn't say a word, and Fakong and other high-level officials also gritted their teeth.

"Now that the power of the Chu River is still there, those monsters may not dare to make a move. Let's run away!"

After finishing speaking, these people scattered away!

Sure enough, those monsters didn't do anything at the first time, as if they were worried that Chuhe would make a move.

But Chuhe didn't pay attention at all.

The Hidden Demon probed and found that Chuhe was really indifferent, and finally revealed his bloodthirsty nature again.


All the monsters swarmed up and joined this bloodthirsty feast!

The sounds of fighting, shouting and begging for mercy continued.

Leiyin Mountain, which was originally a blessed land of the fairy family, directly turned into a purgatory!

Ran Chenzi realized that he still overestimated his own strength. Under the attack of these high-level monsters, he couldn't break through at all!

"Chuhe! As long as you make a move now, my Lingmingtang will directly revoke the statistics on you! We are all compatriots!" Finally, Ran Chenzi couldn't take it anymore and begged for mercy.

Qixing also said, "Chuhe, I was ignorant just now, but now in the face of big right and wrong, facing these monsters, our human enemies, you can't be indifferent. Fight these monsters first, and then I will resolve the grievances between us!"

More people are regretful.

"Why didn't I jump on the demon-slaying platform? If I had jumped on it, I wouldn't be here now!"

"I hate it so much, why didn't I believe in Chuhe at the beginning?"

A wave of regret poured into Chuhe's body.

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 3658]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 6541]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 3822]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 4513]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 5231]


The remorse value of these people can even reach more than 6000!

Compared with the regret value of tens or hundreds of points before, it is simply not known how much higher.

As expected of a monk, even if it is remorse, the remorse value it brings is much more than that of ordinary people.

In just the blink of an eye, Chuhe directly harvested hundreds of thousands of regret points, and these regret values ​​are still soaring!

And those who were watching the live broadcast felt shuddering when they saw this bloody scene.

Although they were still far away, the chilling aura had already given them goosebumps.

"These monks and Buddhist disciples...can't resist these monsters at all?"

"What's going on? Shouldn't it be a massacre of demons!?"

"Why is it like this! If these monsters kill these monks like chopping melons and vegetables, wouldn't it be easier for these monsters to marry us?"

"Is there no human master who can resist these monsters?"

These people suddenly thought of a person.

Yes, in fact, the human race also has a master who can resist these monsters.

He even killed Venerable Blood Demon, the boss among these demons, with a single strike.

With one look, thousands of monsters surrendered and trembled.

This person is the traitor of the human race they hated so much before.

The only person who could save them was beaten by them to the opposite of them!

"I suddenly regretted it a bit. In fact... Chuhe did remind us not to dismantle the demon temple at the beginning, but...we didn't listen..."

"His strength is so powerful, even thousands of monsters are no match for him. Such a person has been forced to the opposite side by us."

And as the monsters raged, those cameras were gradually blacked out, and there were fewer and fewer scenes to watch the live broadcast, until finally, in one shot, the demon-slaying platform flew higher and higher.

And under the Demon Slaying Platform, endless demons and monks are fighting.

There are monks who are constantly being killed, and demons who are constantly being killed.

However, the number of monsters is too many to kill at all, and they are powerful.

Ran Chenzi had a sad face.

Is that the end?

But Chuhe, who was standing on the Demon Slaying Platform, didn't look down, but looked towards the side of Leiyin Mountain.

In that cloud and mist.

A figure stands on the top of the mountain...

Chapter 148 It's Me

"Why! Why didn't I jump on the Demon Slaying Stage!?"

A monk let out a miserable cry, and was cut off by the monster horizontally, turning into two pieces, and the blood spilled down, making the people below feel a little bit of warmth.

And the last scream before his death became the unifying sound in everyone's heart!

"Hehe! The Gorefiend Venerable is dead, we want to avenge the Gorefiend Venerable!"

Among the group of monsters, there was a rumbling voice, but the voice was not fixed.

That is the strong man hidden among the monsters, "All of you will die! You must pay the price for your arrogance!"

"The seal has imprisoned our demons for so many years, it's time for you to pay back!"

"It's not just you, this world will also be ruled by our demons!"

The voice became more and more arrogant, and he could also find out that even if he said such words, the super strong man who killed the blood demon venerable still did not take any action.

So, what he said is true!

He really wants to be a spectator!

"Hehe, it seems that the sky does not intend to help you." The demon said coldly, "You have committed evil, you can't live, your death time is here!"

Following his order, all the monsters rushed into the crowd, as if killing chickens, no one had the ability to resist!

These people have lost the spirit of resistance in their hearts, and now all they think about is how to escape, and they are all regretting that they did not listen to Chuhe's words.

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