Where is the mood to fight to the death with these monsters?

These monks can't resist demons, and those ordinary people can't resist.

Almost instantly, those ordinary people were killed.

One after another, the live broadcast room turned into a black screen due to the damage of the camera.

And those who were lucky enough to be able to continue the live broadcast, the inside of the screen was also blood red, looking like purgatory.

From time to time, there will be corpses flying past the screen, and some monsters will directly ask to eat in this sea of ​​corpses and blood, enjoying the deliciousness brought by flesh and blood.

More than purgatory?

It has reached the level of nightmares just by looking at it!

"It's over! These fairy elders are not the all-in-one enemy of these monsters... No one can protect us, what should we do?"

The people who were watching the live broadcast were wailing.

And more people are already thinking, how to escape next?

These ferocious monsters are definitely not what they want to encounter.

Now, after seeing this, the remorse in their hearts has become like a vast ocean.

"Chuhe, Chuhe can save us! But he..."

"Why can't we treat Chuhe better? No matter what he says, he is still a human race!"

"What's the use of saying this now? We regret it, but we also missed the opportunity..."

After these pictures spread to the world, the whole world was in chaos!

The cities near Leiyin Mountain had already started to stir up trouble.

Countless people dragged their families out of the house, got into the car, and planned to leave.

I don't know where to go, but in short, this place can't stay any longer.

Because according to what those monsters said, after they wipe out the people on Leiyin Mountain, they will come down the mountain and come to the world!

The whole world is vibrating because of this!

At the very beginning, people actually had a little confidence, thinking that there were so many strong people of the human race, and these monsters were all sealed by the human race at the beginning, even if they did it again, they might not be invincible.

But after seeing the masters of both Buddhism and Taoism gathered in Leiyin Mountain this time, they were about to be wiped out by the demon group.

They are scared, even desperate!

The atmosphere of panic and chaos outside is constantly spreading, and the atmosphere on Leiyin Mountain is definitely not much better.

It can even only be deeper despair and unwillingness.

"Save me! Save me! Didn't you say to keep us safe!?" An ordinary man screamed and shouted at the monk over there, "Aren't you going to protect us?"

"Why! Why did you refuse to listen to our advice when Chuhe said that he could protect his safety by jumping on the Demon Slaying Platform?"

"Aren't you monks? Didn't you say you want to kill demons?"

Every word and sentence pierced the hearts of these people like knives.

Some monks who have been frightened and shameless certainly don't care, but those monks who have a little bit of strength and have their own Taoism feel extremely tormented in their hearts.

It's as if you put yourself on a frying pan for frying.

Jiang Xinlian avoided the attack of demons, and was still desperately helping those ordinary people who had no ability to protect themselves. She was doing her best to give these people a little way out.

But when she saw the powerful monsters all over the mountains and plains, even she felt powerless for a while.

How to fight this?

It's just the difference between early death and late death.

That being the case!

That is not as vigorous as death!

Jiang Xinlian looked at the Demon Slaying Platform that hadn't flown far above her head.

I secretly made a decision in my heart.

She suddenly sent a voice transmission to the surrounding comrades, "Everyone, we are all monks, and we have the duty to protect the world, but now... encountering this kind of disaster, if we are not careful, all of us will die here. At that time, I don’t know how many orthodox traditions have been lost!”

As she said that, Jiang Xinlian's momentum continued to rise, and everyone looked at her.

This is... going to explode!

"I, Jiang Xinlian, would like to procrastinate for everyone's time by self-destructing. Everyone, take this opportunity and bring more ordinary people with you, and run away quickly!"

After she finished speaking, the momentum on her body had almost reached its limit, as if she was about to explode and die in the next moment.

Beside her, there is also a vacuum without demons.

Those monsters are not fools, and after they noticed this powerful fluctuation, how could they stay in that place for a long time?

But at this moment, a huge force suddenly enveloped Jiang Xinlian.

It wasn't Chuhe who made the move, let alone those monsters.

Instead, dye the dust!

Among these monks is almost the strongest one, Lingmingtang, Ranchenzi!

I only saw his miserable face, but with a trace of detachment.

He directly used the great magic power of his whole body to stabilize the state of Jiang Xinlian who was about to explode.

"It really makes me feel ashamed that you can have this kind of awareness." Ran Chenzi said lightly, "But, with your strength, what can you do even if you blew yourself up?"

"Even if it can be delayed for a little bit, that is a victory!" Jiang Xinlian said stubbornly.

Ran Chenzi smiled slightly, "No need, now the one who should die to apologize and protect you all... is me!"

Chapter 149 It's all garbage

At this moment, the door of Ranchenzi's heart suddenly opened, and he had not had any fluctuations in his heart for a long time, and began to have violent twists and turns.

Looking at this scene, thinking about what happened just now.

Ran Chenzi knew that he was wrong, that he was very wrong.

After suppressing the pressure that Jiang Xinlian was about to explode, he slowly looked into the air.

That's the monster-slaying platform controlled by Chuhe, not far above their heads.

But no one was able to leap up.

As long as you go up, you will be directly killed by countless monsters!

However, the current Ranchenzi was not in the mood to fly up directly, he just looked at the demon-slaying platform and let out a long sigh.

Then, bowed deeply to the Monster Slaying Platform!

"Chuhe, it's the old man who made a mistake... It's the Tao in my heart that made a mistake. My vision is still too small. I care about the gains and losses of individuals and sects, but I can't see the whole face of this world."

And the moment he finished speaking, Chuhe also got a system prompt, which was directly [-] regret points!

One hundred thousand at once!

Moreover, the regret value below is still being continuously absorbed by Chuhe's system.

At this moment, they no longer have any resentment towards Chuhe in their hearts, only remorse, regret and resentment, and the object of resentment is themselves.

Hate myself for not listening to Chuhe at the beginning, hate myself for attacking Chuhe indiscriminately.

He hates himself even more for why he knows that the truth may not be like that, but he still makes mistakes and pushes everything on Chuhe's head.

These people were extremely remorseful at first, but after Ran Chenzi sincerely repented to Chuhe, the feeling of remorse became even stronger.

Just in this short period of time, Chuhe has obtained at least millions of regret points!

These massive regret values ​​are still being absorbed by Chuhe continuously, and there is no intention of severing them.

Next, after finishing those words, Ranchenzi raised his head again, "Everyone, we can't expect Chuhe to save us anymore. Think about how we treated him before? Ask yourself, if Chuhe In the current scene where the river has fallen, would you guys help each other out? I’m afraid you will not only fail to save, but also go up and step on it?”

Ranchenzi smiled wryly, "Today's fruit will be tomorrow's cause. If we can understand Chuhe at the beginning and communicate more at the beginning, it will not be the result like now. .”

"The current evil consequences can only be borne by us." Ranchenzi raised his momentum as he spoke, and has reached an extreme point by now, "If this is the case, then I will pay for your retreat. One last bit of strength."

"This is also my final atonement."

Ranchenzi spoke sincerely, and a faint blue light began to radiate from his body, which was a kind of full, violent light.

"Uncle!" Qi Xing cried out sadly, "I will advance and retreat with you!"

Jiang Xinlian also felt so proud, "Me too!"

Those great monks glanced at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Fakong.

Fakong put his hands together and walked out, "The poor monk is also willing to advance and retreat with Taoist friend Ranchenzi. If there is one more person on Huangquan Road, it won't be too crowded, right? Hehe..."

The rest of the people looked at these high-ranking monks, and were shocked that they would sacrifice themselves in exchange for their escape!

"Everyone, don't hesitate any longer! This is the last chance!"

Qixing reluctantly turned her head back, "I'll see the right time later, just run! Run as much as you can, and run as far as you can!"

Ran Chenzi was already floating in mid-air, and no monster dared to approach it.

After all, he's a huge dynamite right now.

"Do you want to blow yourself up? Hehe, even if you blow yourself up, so what? No one at the scene can escape!"

The boss among the demons issued an order, and the encirclement circle of the demons suddenly expanded to surround these people. Ran Chenzi looked at all this and felt disappointed.

Could it be that this is not enough?

Can't I make up for my fault even if I pay the price of my life?

"Heavenly Demon Comes into the World Great Formation!"

A big guy among the monsters suddenly spoke, making a sound like thunder.

The surrounding monsters also began to distort into various strange shapes, and a kind of coercion directly enveloped the audience.

Ran Chenzi was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned gray!

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