It turned out to be a heavenly demon descending into the world!

Now, it's all over!

Under the large formation of the heavenly demon descending into the world, his own self-destruction will not cause any splashes at all, the human race is finished.

Ran Chenzi closed his eyes in despair.

And the other people who knew the Great Formation of the Heavenly Demon, all knew the horror of this Great Formation, and they all lost their fighting spirit, turned into cold statues in an instant, felt cold all over, and lost all hope.

At this moment, on the demon-slaying platform, Chuhe lowered his head and looked down.

After such a long time, the monster-slaying platform driven by Chuhe has flown very far, but with Chuhe's eyesight, he can still see what is happening on Leiyin Mountain at this moment.

Chuhe shook his head slightly, and turned his gaze to another mountain.

I only saw the one figure standing there originally, but now it has become more numerous. Several figures came directly across from the other side of the mountain!

A burst of clouds flew by, blocking Chuhe's view.

It also blocked Chuhe's thoughts.

On Leiyin Mountain, everyone has fallen into deep despair at this moment.

And just when Ranchenzi was about to blow himself up in despair, suddenly, there was a snort from the other side of the mountain!

The heavenly demon's descending formation, which was originally flawless, was directly shattered by a sword light!

Shengsheng opened a gap!

And behind this gap, a figure flew out quickly.

This figure looks extremely handsome, the eyes are not black pupils, but a kind of bewitching red.

But everything else is exactly the same as people.

And it is extremely powerful.

There is a sword in his hand. This sword looks ordinary, but it bursts out with a pressure like a mountain.

It's almost suffocating.

Who is this person! ?

Why is it so powerful?

What is he doing here?

Could it be the rescuers! ?

After seeing this scene, these people who were originally hopeless all gave birth to a little bit of hope.

However, he saw that person standing in mid-air, glanced at these monks, and then whispered two words from his mouth, "Garbage, it's all garbage."

Chapter 150 What qualifications do you have to ask me

When Ran Chenzi heard this, his expression changed immediately.

The meaning of these words could not be more obvious, but what is said now is different.

Could it be that he is on the side of the demon?

But since they are from the demon side, why did they attack the Great Formation of the Heavenly Demon?

"I didn't expect your human race to be so unbearable after so many years. It's really disappointing..."

The man shook his head with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he was very contemptuous of the human race.

And what he said in his mouth was the human race, but he is in the shape of a human being. Could it be that he is not a human race?

"Damn it! How dare you destroy my Heavenly Demon's Great Formation!?" A voice suddenly came from among the monsters, "No matter who you are, you will die!"

But I heard the red-eyed man sneer, "If Venerable Gorefiend is still around, I would be more cautious, but now, what are you cats and dogs? You should be barking at me!?"

After he finished speaking, he snorted coldly.

Then he raised his hand and threw the sword in his hand.

The sword was like a flash of lightning, it disappeared in an instant and disappeared, and the next moment, another flash of lightning flew back and landed in the man's hand.

It was the same sword, but on the blade of the sword, there was an extra head with a ferocious face and an expression of disbelief.

While talking and laughing, kill a big demon!

Dye Chenzi's eyes were fixed!

My heart is agitated!

This kind of strength, even if it is not as good as Chuhe's, should not be too much! ?

Doesn't that mean... now there is salvation! ?

He, who was already completely hopeless, now has hope for life again, and he just feels extremely excited.

Who is willing to die if they can live?

Even if the death is vigorous and powerful.

What is it to be scolded a few times?

As long as you can survive, no matter how excessive things are, it is not unbearable!

The rest of the people felt the same way.

Seeing hope from that kind of desperate situation, everyone will hold on to it desperately, and absolutely don't want to let go!

Therefore, these people just thought that they didn't hear the words that scolded the whole human race just now.

Seeing this group of people like this, the red-eyed weirdo twitched his mouth, turned his head slightly, and looked at the gap opened by his own sword.


Several figures jumped out of that gap again!

He wasn't the only one who came, he was just the first to arrive!

And looking at the aura of the person who came later, it was not at all as bad as the first one, and there were even several of them, who felt stronger than the first one!

Ran Chenzi looked stupid!

Just one is already beyond his imagination, it is almost comparable to the power of Chu River.

And now, there are more than thirty people standing densely in front of my eyes?

More than thirty people as powerful as Chuhe!

Ran Chenzi gulped down his saliva.

What he thought was not about being saved now, but that if these people were willing to help, they could even push them directly to the demon's hometown!

Kill all the monsters directly!

"Who the hell are you guys!?" There is a hidden boss among the monsters, but they dare not show their faces, "Why have I never heard of it? They still have your sect?"

"The army of demons is about to sweep the world, if you don't want to die, get out of the way now..."


A young man who looked only in his teens slowly walked out of those strange people.

His eyes are not red, but not black, but a bewitching purple. His face is even more handsome. Although he is a man, he is no worse than some women.

Even compared to most women, this look is considered beautiful.

It's just that the clothes on his body are not that gorgeous, they are just coarse linen clothes.

And all the clothes these people wore were coarse linen.

When this person came out, everyone around him saluted slightly. He looked at the monsters with some disgust, "I have been imprisoned by the seal for so many years. Could it be that I have imprisoned you all so stupid? Even our pupils The family doesn’t even know each other?”

"What!? Hitomi Clan!?"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation among the monsters.

"It turned out to be the pupil family!? How could it be..."

Those monsters immediately lost their positions when they heard the names of the pupil clan.

The rest of the monks are all in the fog.

Pupil family?

what is that?

Why are these monsters so flustered after hearing the names of the pupil clan?

Could it be said that the pupil clan is a very powerful force?

But if this is the case, then you should have heard of it before, why have you never heard of it?

No matter what it was, the sight of these monsters panicking just after hearing the names of the pupil clan still shocked these monks deeply.

These monsters who drove them to a desperate situation and even couldn't escape even self-destruct, turned into what they are now just after hearing a name.

This sharp contrast made even these highly cultivated monks feel a little dizzy.

"I hate these bugs." The handsome young man said lightly, "In fifteen minutes, I want all these bugs to disappear."

"Yes! Young Master!"

The pupils around all saluted the young man and agreed one after another.

It seems that it is not difficult to make these monsters disappear in a quarter of an hour.

And just after these people agreed, they immediately turned into streamers of light and flew around.

Their speed is very fast, and the tricks they use are similar to the fusion of swordsmen and swords, directly turning into streamers, and rushing to kill those monsters!

Although the army of monsters is powerful, most of them are middle-level monsters. The top Gorefiend Venerable has been beheaded, and the remaining big monsters are no match for these people at all.

The corpses of the monsters fell down like dumplings.

These monsters finally became the targets of slaughter, falling one by one in the midair.

They also finally started to panic, and began to run wildly in all directions, one after another phantoms used all their means of escape to scatter and flee in all directions!

But most of them died under the dazzling sword lights.

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