In just an instant, almost half of the monsters were killed or injured!

A quarter of an hour has not passed, and there is no longer a demon on the scene.

The huge crisis that almost drove all these monks to death was eliminated under the action of these pupils!

These monks, people of both Buddhism and Taoism, only had deep shock in their eyes.

"It's pretty fast." The man said softly.

Ran Chenzi couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly said, "Get rid of the evil! Please continue to chase, senior, and kill all the demons!"

"Huh?" The man's eyes slowly fell on Ran Chenzi, "You, what qualifications do you have to ask me?"

Chapter 151

Ranchenzi was stunned for a moment, his mouth grew wide and he was speechless.

At this moment, he seemed to be suppressed by a mountain, and the feeling of suffocation made him unable to move.

Someone around suddenly said, "Thank you for saving my life, senior!"

It was Jiang Xinlian who rescued Ranchenzi, "Thank you for saving my life, senior!"

Everyone below cheered.

The handsome man's gaze also slowly retracted.

Ranchenzi took this opportunity to let out a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Thank you senior, but now...the demons have reappeared, I am really worried about the safety of the world, that's why I said that to senior, please forgive me. "

The man snorted softly, "This really in a precarious state."

"Do you know why these demons came here?" The man looked at Ranchenzi, Fakong and others.

"This... must be because our masters of Buddhism and Taoism gathered here and attracted the attention of these monsters. They want to take this opportunity to gain their luck by attacking us..."

"Hey!" Before he finished speaking, the man sneered, "Get luck in the world by hitting you? You are taking yourself too seriously."

When everyone heard this, they felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Who can swallow so nakedly humiliated?

"Let me tell you, you are not the target of these demons at all!" The handsome man continued, "You just happened to appear here, this place is the important place of Leiyin Mountain Buddhism, and it is also one of the spiritual nodes in the world , The purpose of these monsters is only to destroy the nodes of the spiritual veins, so that the whole world will be out of balance, so as to achieve their own goals..."

"As for you? It's just bugs that happen to be here."

"You!" Someone finally couldn't help it, "Senior, I respect you as a life-saving senior, but now we are in the same boat, and we are all in the same boat, why do you say it so ugly? One piece of rubbish, one mouthful bed bugs!"

"The most urgent thing now is to help each other and resist the demons together!"

"call out!"

After the man finished speaking, a golden light followed him.

In an instant, that person's head was separated!

Everyone was shocked!

Originally, I thought that these so-called pupil clans were all on my side, but now it seems that they are merciless in killing people!

Everyone didn't dare to say a word more.

"Fight against demons together? Are you worthy?"

The man sneered, "I admit that your human race has a lot of arrogance, but in ancient times, it was your human race who betrayed their trust and stabbed almost all fight against demons together with you? A joke."

"I'm not trying to save you now, but to inform you that a small number of these monsters have been born, but most of them are still dormant. It won't take long, and there will be more powerful ones like the blood demon venerable." When monsters appear, even monsters stronger than the Gorefiend will escape from their shackles and appear in the world!"

Everyone shuddered when they heard it, and felt as if a basin of cold water was poured directly on their heads.

Just a Gorefiend Venerable has already driven them into a desperate situation. If Chuhe hadn't killed the Gorefiend Venerable with one move, they might not be able to persist in the rescue of these pupil clan people. died.

If there are more monsters as powerful as the Gorefiend Venerable, or even stronger than the Gorefiend Venerable, how should they resist?

Everyone was silent, because they knew that if this happened, they would definitely die!

"But now, you still have some time and a chance to seal the demon again." The man looked at Ran Chenzi and said, "I'm not trying to save you this time, but to tell you that the trouble I caused , solve it by yourself, re-seal the demon, otherwise, you will die!"

"But the seal has been broken, we... really can't continue to seal, there is no other way."

"Who said there is no way?" The man frowned, "Chuhe, as the descendant of the Demon Suppressing Temple, has guarded the seal for hundreds of years and never left it. Even with such high strength, he has never had any other differences. His understanding of the big formation is better than anyone in the world!"

"He can re-seal the formation!"

"But he...but his relationship with us now..."

The man said angrily, "Then go and apologize! Kneel down and apologize to Chuhe! Beg him, let him seal the formation again!"

Beg...beg him?

"That's all for now, life or death is all in your mind!"

After the man finished speaking, he turned around, snorted coldly, and turned into a streamer and flew away!

The other pupil clans also turned into streamers and disappeared in place.

Only the corpses of the human race and monsters on Leiyin Mountain, and the surviving monks remained.

"These people... these pupil clan, who are they?"

"Tongzu..." Ranchenzi looked at the direction in which those people disappeared, "I've never heard of such a group of people in the world. Although they claim to be the Tongzu, they don't look like demons in terms of aura. It doesn't look like a foreign race, but the eyes are different from ours, other than that, it's more like a human."

"These people are so powerful! Everyone has the strength to kill a big demon with a single sword. So many monsters have been swept away by more than 30 of them!"

"I really didn't expect that in this world, there are such high-level people, it is simply unbelievable!"

Jiang Xinlian looked at the sky that had been dyed red, and said in a low voice, "Back then when the Demon Town Temple was forcibly demolished, you probably never thought that there was such a powerful person as Chu He in the Demon Town Temple."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent.

Although these Tong clan people are powerful, the image of Chuhe killing the blood demon venerable with one move is still deeply engraved in their minds.

"Those experts are very powerful... But what they said is that even they can't seal the monster again. If they want to seal the monster, it can only be Chuhe in the end."

"Damn! Chuhe has already abandoned us, how can we expect him to help us seal the demon?"

"If there is a chance, I would rather kill him with my own hands! If it weren't for those masters of the pupil clan to rescue me, I would have died under the hands of the monsters, and all this is because of him, Chuhe, and he and I are irreconcilable !"

They are now filled with righteous indignation, but they have forgotten the time when they begged Chuhe to step on the demon-slaying platform.

"Maybe we can design something..." Qi Xing suddenly said with a gloomy face, "We just need everyone's cooperation, then even if he doesn't agree, he must agree!"

Chapter 152

"Moreover, if the design is good enough and the plan is perfect enough, maybe after Chuhe re-seals the monster, he can be killed again!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked at first, and then smiled.

Jiang Xinlian secretly sighed.

She repented sincerely, and now she is also thinking about the relationship between herself, the world and Chuhe.

But looking at her colleagues.

There was another inexplicable feeling in her heart.

do not know why.

She felt that these people were dying... and they were still on the way to death.

A hundred miles away from Leiyin Mountain.

This is the closest city to Leiyin Mountain.

This is a tourist city with beautiful scenery and many people.

There is a high mountain on the edge of the city. After standing on it, you can have a panoramic view of the whole city.

Good Shanting.

Inside the pavilion stood two figures.

One male and one female.

The woman is charming and charming, wearing a goose-yellow gauze dress, with the wind blowing, the scenery is infinite, making people intoxicated at a glance.

And the man is standing under the woman's hands.

Zhang is extremely ugly, the skin on his face is dry and cracked, it looks like the bottom of a dry river pond.

And under this cracked gap, there is not flesh and blood, but a substance surging like magma.

"Master, when will we support the Gorefiend Venerable..."

The man opened his mouth in a low voice, spewing out a wave of heat.

If Xiao Hei was here, he would definitely be able to recognize who this person was.

Scarlet Spirit Demon!

An extremely rare existence among the monster race, born in the depths of magma, extremely powerful.

It can be called the strongest demon under the demon emperor!

"The blood demon venerable?" The woman sneered, "It's better to be called a blood demon trash, knowing that the town of demons is not easy to provoke, but still insisting on confronting Chuhe... Damn it..."

"What!?" The red spirit demon said in a low voice, "The blood demon venerable is dead!? He died at the hands of... the descendant of the Demon Suppressing Temple?"

The woman just nodded slightly and looked towards the back mountain.

Hidden there is the monster army led by her!

And she is the demon emperor of the demon clan!

According to the original plan, it was the blood demon venerable who led the demons to charge first, and she waited for the opportunity here. If there was support, she would surround the spot and fight for help. Annihilate them all.

Of course, the main purpose is to open up the spiritual vein node on Leiyin Mountain.

But now...

She no longer intends to go again.

Over there, it doesn't make any sense anymore.

"Master, the agreement with the Gorefiend Venerable..."

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