But at this moment, Chuhe is driving the demon-slaying platform, flying slowly in the sky.

His speed is not fast, not because he can't be fast, but because he is doing some crucial things on the Demon Slaying Platform.

"Open the system panel."

Name: Chuhe.

Identity: Lord of the Town Demon Temple.

Inheritance: The Gate of Wonders, Cangwu Inheritance.

Regret value: 2300214

Innate magical methods: Lihuo supernatural powers, mantra of restraining gods, bardo body, watching the sea and listening to the waves, five thunders rectifying the law, suppressing the soul, casting beans into soldiers...

Compared with before, Chuhe now has one more inheritance from the Cangwu inheritance than before, and one more supernatural power of Lihuo supernatural power.

As for other magic weapons such as the Heavenly Master Sword, they did not appear in Chuhe's system panel.

That day, the master sword was a reward exchanged through the system mall, so it should belong to external possessions.

But it is extremely powerful.

Chuhe couldn't help but feel a little excited. Although the rewards in the mall cost a lot, they are also super powerful.

As long as it can be exchanged, there is absolutely no loss.

But now, Chuhe has more than 200 million regret points!

It seems that it is time to improve a wave of strength.

Chapter 154 What kind of knife

After experiencing so many monster battles just now.

Although Chuhe is still very confident in his own strength, but if his strength is higher, who can refuse?

Especially in the current world where monsters are born and the world is in chaos.

Moreover, Chuhe has a vague premonition that the world now is completely different from before.

It's not as simple as a monster being born and rampaging again.

Rather, the spiritual power and rules in this world have changed a little bit.

Chuhe even suspects that the world should have changed a long time ago and become more majestic and full of spirituality. The seal he guards not only seals demons, but also a switch for the world to rejuvenate spirituality.

As long as the seal is broken, the world will become wild and powerful again, and even gradually return to its ancient appearance!

Of course, all this is just Chuhe's guess.

But in Chuhe's current state, this premonition of not coming has to be taken seriously.

"Open the system store."

Chuhe didn't go to the lottery draw, but took a look at the system mall first.

Now that he is full of supernatural powers, and even has a Cangwu inheritance, he even wants to see what are the things in these system malls that can only be exchanged for millions of regret points.

Moreover, the exchange of the innate magic method is a bit too random.

Having had a super lottery experience, after directly drawing a magic method of the level of Lihuo Shentong, Chuhe has a little disdain for those ordinary lottery draws.

After the system mall was opened, treasures appeared in front of Chuhe one by one.

Many are still shrouded in that inexplicable smog, but there are also many grids that were shrouded in smog before, and now they can clearly see what is inside.

Chuhe knew it in his heart. It seems that the exchange of these treasures needs to be supported by enough regret value.

Now I have 200 million regret points on my body, and I can see a lot more things than before.

"Huh? What is this?"

Chuhe suddenly saw something like a Frisbee, and when he thought about it, the name of that thing directly appeared in Chuhe's mind.

"The Flying Star Compass, on which are recorded the addresses of many treasures, as long as you follow the instructions of the Flying Star Compass, you can find rare treasures from it..."

Redeeming the Flying Star Compass requires 100 Regret Points. After successful redemption, you can go on a treasure hunt.

Chuhe was a little speechless from the following description.

Another lottery?

The system really likes randomness.

Chuhe just planned to withdraw, now he has 200 million remorse points, and he can freely exchange for what he wants, there is no need to engage in these random things.

But the following line of small words attracted his attention.

The treasures drawn by the Flying Star Compass have a minimum value of 80 Regret Points, and a reward of up to 800 million Regret Points can be drawn, and the Flying Star Compass can draw hidden rewards.

Note: Hidden rewards do not appear in the mall.

What does this mean?

What are hidden rewards?

Doesn't appear in the mall?

Does that mean that hidden rewards cannot be exchanged for regret points, that is to say, hidden rewards are actually priceless?

Chuhe's heart brightened.

That is to say, the hidden reward... is a super reward?

Otherwise, it would not be called a hidden reward, and it was specially marked.

if it is like this……

Chuhe grinned, I really believe in my luck.

But he didn't go to exchange it directly, but went to the mall first to look around to see if there was anything he particularly needed. In that case, he could exchange it directly.

But Chuhe thought about the flying star compass in his heart, and he felt bad about looking at any treasures. Even if he saw some good ones, he still didn't make up his mind to buy them.

Hey, it seems that I am just a gambling dog.

However, who can refuse the temptation of lottery draw?

Anyway, there is absolutely no way to lose much, at most 20 regret points. After all, this Flying Star Compass draw can draw treasures with a minimum of 80 regret points.

The exchange of Master Sword that day was only 50 regret points, and it already had such a great power, so even if you got the lowest level, it might not be too bad.

And now in this world, my regret value should be inexhaustible.

Chuhe made up his mind and directly exchanged for a flying star compass.

After successfully exchanging the flying star compass, Chuhe's remorse value instantly decreased by 100 million, which also made him very painful.

After all, this is a regret value of 100 million.

Flying Star Compass, let me call you bro, get me something good bro!

Chuhe muttered, and directly chose to start the treasure hunt!

With the sound of ding, the flying star compass began to emit a dazzling light, and then star maps appeared one after another on the top of the flying star compass. These star maps kept flickering, and the flying star compass began to vibrate continuously .

Those star charts began to continuously light up one after another, forming an incomparably mysterious formation.

next moment!

The formation above the compass suddenly began to expand.

Accompanied by a dazzling light, people can hardly keep their eyes open.

And there was a ding sound in Chuhe's ear.

"Congratulations to the host, the treasure hunt is over. In this treasure hunt, I found a tiger soul knife for the host!"

What are you doing?

Amber Knife?

Sounds unremarkable.

Chuhe was disappointed for a while, but the light in front of him disappeared, and a long knife nearly two meters long appeared in front of him!

All I saw was a transparent white color on the long knife, like a crystal clear bone.

Look carefully and find that it seems to be bones!

Moreover, the evil spirit is awe-inspiring, exuding a kind of evil nature that makes people regenerate distracting thoughts and can't help but want to kill.

Chuhe went up and grabbed the amber knife.

On the demon-slaying platform, the Tiger Soul Saber in Chuhe's hand was held in his hand.

But the people around suddenly felt a fierce and violent aura suddenly appeared!

They looked towards Chuhe, only to see a slender bone knife in Chuhe's hand, which exuded a cruel killing atmosphere, which made people unable to look directly at it.

Even those who were close could already feel tremors in their arms, and a trembling feeling came from their hearts.

Just by looking at it, it was as if his soul had been beheaded!

Even Granny Baihua, who has the highest level of cultivation here, is the same!

When she faced those thousands of monsters just now, Granny Baihua didn't feel this way either, but now, just seeing this knife, she already felt as if there was a knife on her neck!

What kind of knife is this?

It turned out to be so terrifying and powerful! ?

Chapter 155 Divine Weapon Tiger Soul

People standing beside Chuhe can't help but retreat.

Because at this moment, the aura emitted by Chuhe and the knife Shangmin is already unbearable for them.

Moreover, they even felt that their hearts were constantly beating, as if they were about to jump out of their bodies, and a primitive impulse to kill that existed deep in their blood began to revive constantly.

Before they knew it, their eyes turned red, and they couldn't control themselves.

"My lord... my lord!"

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