Yinyue, the big demon of the demon clan, has endured the hardest. She is a demon, and the sandy nature in her body is very heavy. Unable to control.

"My lord...receive the supernatural power!"

Chuhe's eyes opened slightly, and a red light shot out from them.

He was slightly dazed, looked around, and then put the tiger soul knife into the system space.

And at the moment when the Tiger Soul Knife was put away, the pressure that was so overwhelming that people could not breathe when they entered the house also dissipated instantly.

But everyone will have lingering fears. If Chuhe hadn't put away the knife just now, they might not be able to bear it anymore and start killing each other.

Yinyue urgently calmed down her state of mind, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the urge to kill.

She said with lingering fear, "My lord, what kind of knife was that just now? Just by looking at it, it seemed that this knife was stuck to the throat, as if it was about to be killed by this knife in the next moment, then This terrifying and suffocating feeling is simply... stronger than when facing the Gorefiend Venerable."

"I even suspect that Venerable Gorefiend will definitely feel the same way when facing this knife."

It was just a knife, but it was even more terrifying to her than when she faced the Gorefiend Venerable. She even felt that the Gorefiend Venerable was not even an opponent of this knife!

What kind of knife is this?

Now all eyes are on Chuhe, waiting for Chuhe's answer.

I saw the corner of Chu He's mouth slightly raised. The name of this knife is - Tiger Soul!

Everyone froze for a moment, then fell silent.

They have never heard of the name of this knife.

"Such a powerful knife should have a name in history...or is this knife actually newly refined by you, my lord?"

They all know that Chuhe can actually refine weapons, and the level of refining weapons is very high!

Even the huge demon-slaying platform they are riding on now was made by Chuhe with the method of refining weapons.

Everyone looked at Chuhe, but saw Chuhe smiled slightly, "No, I did not make this sword, but a saber of a legendary and ancient warrior!"

"The peerless fierce man from ancient times?"

The Chinese were all taken aback.

All those present were people with inheritance, except Ah Qing.

She is just a witch, she can understand nothing, not to mention some legends and secrets, even daily life has many things she doesn't understand.

And Granny Baihua is the strongest person in the Five Immortals Sect of the Hidden World Sect, Yinyue is the big demon, and although Xiao Hei looks young, he is also an old demon who has been popular for who knows how many years.

These people know more secrets than most people.

But even they are still at a loss after facing the information Chuhe said.

"The fierce men of ancient times... Among the monks, not many used knives. Most of them used swords. There are quite a few people in my monster clan who used knives. Could it be said that this knives are inherited from others? A senior from my demon clan?"

Xiao Hei said in a low voice, "And I can feel that there is an extremely terrifying monster aura emanating from this knife. A knife forged from holy bones?"

As Xiao Hei said, he was shocked by what he said.

The great sage of the monster clan, that is the legendary existence among the monster clan!

Only the top powerhouse among the monster clan will be honored as the great saint.

This is not a certain realm, but a strength that is recognized by all the monster clan. Among the monster clan, how many great saints are there who have this strength recognized by the entire monster clan?

It can be said that there are very few!

And every great sage Xiao Hei is familiar with all their experiences. After all, Xiao Hei, as a great demon of the demon clan, grew up listening to the stories of these great sages.

However, he has never heard that a certain great sage actually has such a knife, let alone that it is likely to be a knife made from the remains of a certain great sage!

You know, how could those great sages of the monster race tolerate their bodies being refined into a knife with their pride?

Everyone was silent, they all looked at Chuhe, waiting for Chuhe to give an explanation.

Chuhe chuckled, and was also very excited in his heart.

"The previous owner of this knife was named Chi You!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience remained silent.

Chu He didn't expect them to react like this, "What? You don't know who Chi You is?"

Everyone shook their heads, "I don't know."

Chuhe was taken aback for a moment, then understood immediately.

These legends are familiar in the world I lived in my previous life, but in this world, they are absolute secrets!

A secret that even they can't touch.

Chuhe nodded, and slowly told them about the origin of the tiger soul knife.

It is rumored that during the battle between the ancient emperor and Chi You, the emperor got the help of a group of gods including the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and directly suppressed Chi You and retreated steadily.

However, Chi You also has expert help.

One day, a strange beast suddenly descended from the sky, and this strange beast would eat any living thing it could see.

Ever since, Chi You caught this strange beast, and then fed it blood food, and even fed his own flesh and blood to this strange beast!

After eating Chi You's flesh and blood, this strange beast turned into a strange stone.

Chi You asked someone to forge this strange stone into a long knife.

After obtaining Wu this long knife, Chi You was invincible in battle, but he never expected that this knife was so evil, because it killed too much, it started to turn against its master!

At the critical moment, Zhanhu, Chi You's mount, swallowed the long knife in one gulp and saved Chi You.

But Chi You was backlashed by this divine weapon, he lost his mind a long time ago, he only knew about killing, and even disregarding the loyalty of his mount, he directly pulled that divine weapon out of Zhan Hu's body!

At this time, the divine weapon has already merged with Chi You's Zhanhu, and the divine soldier has even fused with Zhanhu's spine.

Zhan Hu's soul also entered this divine weapon.

From then on, this magical weapon was called Tiger Soul!

Chapter 156 Tian Gang Volume 36

After holding Tiger Soul, he directly started a decisive battle with the emperor.

Chi You, who got the tiger soul, became more and more brave as he fought, but the backlash became more and more severe.

In the end, he was beheaded by the emperor.

Since then, this amber soul has also been lost on the battlefield, and its whereabouts are unknown.

Become the legendary number one fierce soldier in the world!

This is the origin of Tiger Soul!

What Chuhe said was simple, but it still shocked them.

These stories, which are well-known in Blue Star, are absolutely unheard of in this world!

After they finished listening, they were silent for a long time.

In the end, it was Qiqi who bowed to Chuhe and said, "Thank you, Lord, for imparting the ancient secrets!"

These things will be absolute secrets in any sect, or in any organization, and will not be made public, but Chuhe told them all these things without reservation.

This moved them greatly, because it meant that Chuhe regarded them as his own.

Chu He froze for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

Who would have thought that these things, which should be known by everyone, are extremely precious in this world?

"Okay, it's not a big deal." Chuhe shook his head and looked at the city in front of him.

He wanted to speak again, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

In front of him, he felt a powerful demonic aura.

Although it was faint, he still felt it.

"Fun, interesting..."

Chuhe shook his head, "Let's go to that city."

With so many people in the city, they can harvest a wave of regret points.

Presumably, after watching the live broadcast just now, those people should also understand what kind of situation they are in now. As long as they show up, the regret points will continue to flow in, right?

Chuhe stopped the demon-killing platform above the city.

The huge demon-slaying platform appeared above everyone's heads without any warning.

Suddenly, countless people raised their heads.

Pay admiration to this almost miraculous Demon Slaying Platform.

Although they couldn't see the people on the Monster Slaying Stage, they watched the live broadcast and knew that Chuhe was on it!

The crowd below began to panic.

"Chuhe! It's Chuhe! Chuhe is here to save us!"

On the edge of the city, someone shouted frantically, "Chu River! We know we are wrong! Please save us! Let's go up!"

"We really knew it was wrong!"

On the edge of the city, these people who have escaped from the city burst out with a huge amount of regret.

Chuhe just stayed still, and harvested 10,000+ in an instant!

Soon, Chuhe let the monster-killing stage fall.

A group of people jumped off the demon-slaying platform directly.


Chuhe frowned slightly.

When he was on the edge of the city just now, he obtained 10,000+ regret points. How come after he came to the city, the regret points became sporadic?

Now, the Chu River is in the core area of ​​the city, inside a park.

After getting down, I saw a car suddenly appearing in front of me.

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