It seems to have followed the Monster Slaying Platform all the way.

The car door opened, and several Taoist priests in blue Taoist robes stepped out of it.

It's just that these Taoist priests are all potbellied monks who don't seem to have any sense of immortality. On the contrary, they are fat-headed and fat-brained, and they look like leaders of a certain place.

"Chuhe! It can be regarded as waiting for you to come to Chuhe!"

The leader burst out a few tears after seeing Chuhe, "Master Chuhe! We have supported you from the beginning, and now, these ordinary people can finally see that you are the savior of this world!"

Supported me from the beginning?

Chu He was slightly taken aback.

Look at these Taoist priests who don't look like Taoist priests.

"Master Chuhe, I admit that I misunderstood you at the beginning, but now, these misunderstandings have been completely solved!"

"Master Chuhe, please, please save us! We really know that we have repented!"

As he said that, one of them knelt down on the ground directly, "Master Chuhe, the monsters are coming soon, don't you really have the heart to look at us, those of us who can't resist the monsters, just die in the midst of the monsters?" ?”

"Master! We know we are wrong, please forgive us, Master!"

These people knelt down on the ground with a common sound, and a few cars drove up behind them, and many people came down from above, and many people rushed over from all directions.

"Chuhe! We know we are wrong, we are the bastards who will repay our kindness, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, please save us!"

"Master Chuhe! This place is the only way for the monsters to pass. If the monsters over there go down the mountain, we will surely die! Also, Master Chuhe, please save us poor people!"

"Now, we already know that the only person in this world who can save us is Master Chuhe!"

As he said that, he even brought these people down to his knees!

A group of people knelt down on the ground, their faces were full of remorse, and what they said was sincere.

The corner of Chu He's mouth curled into a sneer, "So, you are the only ones left in the whole city?"

"No!" The man raised his head sharply, "All of us are in the square in front of Central Park. All of us are sincerely repenting, and we have discussed together to apologize to you collectively in front, so that you can collectively apologize. Protect us!"

"Oh." Chuhe nodded, "Then lead the way."

Chuhe agreed directly without any hesitation. This straightforward attitude surprised the people around Chuhe.

According to these people's thinking, Chuhe should not agree so simply.

The man didn't think too much, and was pleasantly surprised, "I'll show you the way!"

He said and walked straight ahead.

There was even a flush of excitement on his face, which didn't look like the kind of gratitude and rejoicing that he was about to be saved, but a kind of madness and cruelty!

He leads the way, while Chuhe walks slowly behind.

Divine consciousness has also directly entered the system, and now there are more than 100 million remorse points left.

And the Flying Star Compass just now directly extracted the Divine Weapon Tiger Soul, this kind of peerless treasure!

He felt that his luck might be better now, so he planned to try again.

Taking advantage of this time, Chuhe directly opened the system mall and bought another wave of flying star compasses.

Following the system prompt, the Flying Star Compass was in hand, and all of Chuhe's 100 million remorse points were thrown away.

Without hesitation, the lucky draw started on the [-]th!

"The Flying Star Compass is activated...the lottery is being drawn..."

"Congratulations to the host, the treasure hunt is over. In this treasure hunt, I found a fragment of the 36 volumes of Tiangang for the host!"


Chuhe was taken aback.

Volume 36 of Tiangang?

Or a fragment?

What exactly is going on?

Chapter 157 I Know Your Choice

Chuhe was puzzled, and also directly absorbed the so-called fragments of the Tiangang 36 method.

And after Chuhe absorbed the information, he finally understood what was going on.

The so-called Tiangang 36 method is actually the 36 changes used by the legendary Bajie.

It corresponds to 72 changes, but it is not so appropriate.

Because there is still a difference between the 36 method and the 36 change.

And it's not like in the legend, I feel that the 36 methods are not as good as the 72 changes.

In fact, the true situation may be exactly the opposite.

Tiangang 36 spells, as the name suggests, has a total of 36 spells.

Each of them has incredible abilities.

As for the fragments that Chuhe drew this time, the spells recorded on them are rather peculiar.

It's called the Great Escape of the Five Elements!

As the name suggests, it is a method of escape.

It is an incomparably mysterious spell.

Although it is still a five-element escape technique, it is like Chuhe's thunder method. Although it is a thunder method like others, its ability is stronger than other people's by more than one level!

In addition, there is also a spell recorded in this fragment, which is called whipping mountains and moving stones!

This is an extremely powerful body technique, and it is also one of the sixteen methods of Tiangangsa. If you get this method, you can be infinitely powerful, and your physical strength reaches a certain limit, so that the vajra is not broken.

But defense is still the most important thing in this method.

The main thing is power, pure power.

If you hold a whip in your hand, you can directly pull away the power of a mountain!

Among the fragments of Tiangang 36 Laws, these two are recorded.

These two spells are not innate magical methods, but they are even more powerful than innate magical methods!

Now, if the strength of Chuhe's skills is the highest, it is definitely not a fragment of the 36 methods, but if you want to say that the grade of the 36 methods is the highest.

Chuhe was proud of himself, among other things, Chuhe felt that it was not a loss just to exchange 100 million regrets for a five-element escape. After all, this is a magical power to save his life.

Of course, with Chuhe's current strength, what he was thinking of was not to use this to escape, but to use this to kill people!

And there is also a gift of whipping mountains and moving stones, which is regarded as a powerful way to make Chuhe instantly become a physical master. It is also good, and it may be useful at some point.

A smile appeared on Chuhe's face unconsciously.

And the person walking in front turned his head from time to time. When he saw Chuhe's smile, his heart sank and his eyes rolled around, as if he was a little worried.

But then, he returned to normal, quickened his pace again, and walked forward.

The place where the Chu River is located was originally a park. This park is relatively large. The most central location is a huge square. Many large-scale events have been held in this square before.

There was even a huge concert held before, and the scene was packed with [-] spectators!

But now, compared to that huge concert back then, it is not much worse.

Before entering the square, Chuhe saw a dense crowd of people on the square in front, at least tens of thousands!

These people are all standing on the square, filling the huge square to the brim.

"Master Chuhe is here! Our savior is here!" The man led the way and started shouting loudly as soon as he got there.

Tens of thousands of people in the square also began to shout wildly, "Master Chuhe! Help us, we know we are wrong!"

"I beg Master, save us!"

So many people stood up and shouted that they were wrong, and asked Chuhe to save them.

This kind of scene was once thought of by Chuhe.

It's just that at this moment, he is not very happy.

There were obviously tens of thousands of people at the scene, and everyone was shouting for mercy and admitting their mistakes, but...why is there only so little regret?

So many people collectively admit their mistakes, but Chuhe's remorse value is less than a pitiful one hundred points.

What is this concept?

As long as there is one person who sincerely repents, the remorse value obtained will not be just that little!

Chuhe remained calm and continued to walk forward slowly.

And when Chuhe walked to the square, those people knelt down in unison!

The square was already crowded with people, so it took a lot of effort for so many people to kneel together.

Chuhe looked at the kneeling people, raised his eyebrows slightly, didn't say a word, just stood there and watched quietly.

The pot-bellied Taoist priest who was leading the way saw that Chuhe was not moving, and suddenly became a little nervous, "Master Chuhe? Keep going? In the middle of the square in front, everyone can thank you better..."

In the middle of the square?

Chuhe looked at the middle of the square, only to see that at some point, a huge platform appeared on the square.

This high platform presents a kind of trapezoidal shape with stairs on one side.

"Master Chuhe, this high platform is... left over from the previous concert, you stand on it, let us all see you and our savior!"

Looking at the high platform standing there quietly, Chuhe's heart kept getting colder.

And the people around are anxious.

"I beg Master to come to the high platform! Only in this way can you see our sincere repentance, and we must confess our mistakes to you!"

"Master, go up quickly, the people on the side can't see you at all!"

Without saying a word, Chu He slowly took two steps forward.

He already had a faint guess in his heart, but he still didn't dare to take it seriously.

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