No matter how bastards and vicious these people are, they won't be able to join forces with monsters to deal with themselves, right?

Those monsters are their deadly enemies, killing them without blinking an eye.

Chuhe wants them to admit their mistakes and repent, because they deserve all this, and they are still giving them opportunities.

Could it be that they will unite and hate them to the bone, wishing to eat their monsters raw to deal with themselves?

Chuhe just thought it was absurd, so he stopped.

The people around were silent for a moment, and they all looked at Chuhe.

Chu He looked at the people around him, at the people kneeling on the ground in the square, and said lightly, "If you sincerely repent, just admit your mistakes here, and I will make those monsters change their course."

"Let me ask you again, do you need me to go up to the high platform?"

Chuhe's voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the square.

Some people were taken aback, while others were thoughtful.

But then, almost everyone lowered their heads to hide their gazes, and even said loudly, "Master Chuhe, please come up to the high platform!"

The corner of Chu He's mouth curled slightly, drawing an arc.

"Very well, I understand your choice."

Chapter 158

"Our choice?" When the person closest to Chuhe heard what Chuhe said, his eyes rolled and he didn't know what he thought of.

He immediately said loudly, "That's right! This is our choice, and our choice is to invite Master Chu to the high stage and accept our apology!"

The man said very excitedly, "Master, just give us a chance to apologize to you. We all know that you have done a lot for us. Although you said you didn't care about us, these days, don't you Killed a lot of monsters with your own hands?"

"Even just now, the demon was so powerful that the so-called Buddhist and Taoist alliance had no resistance at all, but you directly wiped out the leader of the opponent's demon army as soon as you made a move!"

"You just said that you don't care about us, but you still care about us in your heart, right? We misunderstood you, and we shouldn't be so harsh on you. "

As he spoke, he even started to burst into tears, looking like a prodigal son who has lost his way.

"Now, we all know we were wrong, we don't want you to forgive us, but we ask you to give us a chance to apologize to you solemnly!"

The man said, wiped his tears again, and bowed directly to Chuhe.

"Master Chu, please come to the high platform!"

He said it again, as if he was afraid that the Chu River would not go up.

The corner of Chuhe's mouth curled up, looked at the man and smiled slightly, "What's your name?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, and a look of panic flashed across his face when he raised his head, because he didn't know why Chuhe asked such a question.

But since Chuhe had already asked, it would be bad if he didn't answer, so he said directly, "The villain's name is Zhang Ming, he is a secret technique of the Taoist Association here, and he is also the director of the Red Cross Society in the city."

"I really don't want to see the scene of monsters rampaging and people dying. After all, we are all compatriots, and we shed the same blood."

"Those despicable monsters treat us as if they are dinner on the plate. We need someone who can hold a big banner to help us counterattack, and that person can only be you, Lord Chuhe!"

Looking at Zhang Ming's impassioned speech, Chuhe just showed a playful smile on his face.

"Zhang Ming, right? Very good."

"What's good?" Zhang Ming asked subconsciously.

Chu He turned around and said lightly, "Your acting skills are very good."

Zhang Ming's body froze immediately, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he couldn't move at this moment.

Could it be that he discovered it! ?

This thought crazily grew in Zhang Ming's mind like a weed. Suddenly, his lips turned white and his body trembled.

Chuhe felt disdainful.

What this guy said was true, if it wasn't for the fact that the system didn't send any news of the increase in regret value, he would really believe it.

The regret value has not increased at all, how dare you say that you regret it?

Now that things have happened, Chuhe knows that there must be fraud ahead.

However, he still decided to take a break to see what the hell these people were up to.

When Zhang Ming saw Chuhe, he just said that he had good acting skills, and then he ignored him. He was relieved, and hurried to the front again to lead the way for Chuhe.

"Master Chu is really joking, my words are sincere, how could it be a performance..."

He still explained slightly, and brought Chuhe all the way to the front of the high platform.

This high platform is very large, it looks like it is two or three meters high, and the space above it is not small, it is not a problem for hundreds of people to stand on it, it seems to be a stage left over from previous performances.

However, this high platform is simple in shape, but it is still solid.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as the stage.

Go to the front of the steps.

Chuhe turns his head back and forth.

All I saw was that everyone was looking at him, to be precise, at his feet!

It seemed that all the people present held their breath, waiting for Chuhe to step out.

Many people even clenched their fists, looking very nervous.

Seeing that Chuhe had been standing in front of the high platform without lifting his feet up, the people below gradually lost their breath.

Go up, you should go up!

Gradually, some commotion began to appear below, and the anxious crowd had already started shouting, "Master Chu, please go up to the high platform! Please, Master Chu, go up to the high platform!"

Standing in front of Chuhe, Zhang Ming was already dripping with sweat, and said to Chuhe in a low voice, "Master Chu, the people below are waiting to give you a sincere apology, do you see..."

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he said, "Aren't you going up first?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the people behind Chuhe again.

Dozens of people from the Five Immortals Sect, Ah Qing, Xiao Hei, Yinyue, Granny Baihua, and Long Weiling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect.

None of these people is a good stubble, and if any one is taken out, they are all characters who can stand on their own!

"Also everyone, you must have suffered a lot of grievances and supercilious glances when you followed Chuhe, now please also go up to the high platform and accept our apology!"

As he spoke, he bowed again, but this time he didn't get up again, sweat dripped on the ground, and his mood is not so calm now.

Everyone also shouted in unison, "Master Chu and all his followers, please come up to the high platform and accept our kneeling apology!"

It seemed that they were really in a hurry.

Chuhe smiled, and asked again, "I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you want me to go to the high platform?"

Everyone said without hesitation, "Master Chu, please come up to the high platform!"

Chuhe sneered, without further ado, he just stepped on it!

The moment he stepped on the steps, Chuhe really noticed something unusual, but he just paused and continued to walk up.

And the rest of the people followed Chuhe to the high platform one after another.

The moment Chuhe walked up to the high platform, Zhang Ming, who had been bending down below, finally raised his head, with a smug smile on his face.

The people who were kneeling down below also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to stand up from the ground.

On the high platform, Ah Qing asked innocently, "Chuhe, didn't they say they were going to kneel down and apologize to you? Why did they all stand up? And they looked very happy?"

"Is it because you want to kneel down and apologize to you after you stand up?"

Chuhe didn't speak, but the faces of those around were all the same.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's... fraudulent."

Chuhe nodded slightly, "I know."

"But I just want to see how far they will go on this road to death."

"I'd rather..." Chuhe paused for a while, and then laughed, "I'd rather see them look like they'll regret it later."

For Chuhe, there is nothing to give them hope first, and then let them despair to get more regret points!

Chapter 159

All of this, Chuhe knew it was a fraud from the very beginning.

But what about that?

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy will appear pale and powerless.

At this moment, those kneeling below have almost all stood up, and their faces have already put away the pretended regret.

On the contrary, they all stared at Chuhe with almost resentment.

"This guy is too dawdling, it caused us to kneel for so long."

"Really, do you really think you are so great? Do you really think we will forgive you so easily?" Someone sarcastically said to Chuhe, "You traitor to human beings, we can't wait to take your skin off!"

More and more people began to ridicule unscrupulously.

"If you didn't release the demon, how could there be so many things? You are the cause of everything, and you are the fault of everything. You still want us to apologize? Go ahead and dream!"

Zhang Ming also smiled under the high platform, and looked at Chuhe jokingly, "Chuhe, how is my acting skills? Let me tell you, I don't have any psychological burden to lie to you, because you are a sinner, you deserve to die! "

Hearing these insults and resentment, Chuhe didn't say a word of rebuttal, but just quietly watched them pretending to be aggressive.

Ah Qing asked from the side, "Chuhe, didn't they say they wanted to apologize? Why have they become like this now? Aren't they afraid of death?"

Chuhe smiled, "Of course they are afraid of death, they are the group of people who are most afraid of death."

The people below seemed to have been poked at the pain point, and said loudly, "What are you talking about! We are not afraid of death!"

"It's you instead! Every time a monster comes, you will leave directly. You are the one who is afraid of death!"

"Besides, you still want us to apologize, you should apologize to us!"

Zhang Ming said loudly, "Apologize to us! Apologize quickly!"

The voices asking Chuhe to apologize came one after another, which made Chuhe feel extremely noisy.

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