Chuhe's smile also gradually turned cold.


What should I apologize for?

Unleashed a demon for me?

But the one who broke the seal is obviously you!

Or do you want to die for me?

But every time I will give you a chance!

Even just now, I was giving you a chance, as long as you can repent and let me not go to this high platform, I still won't care about you.

And two hours ago, in Leiyin Mountain, I also gave those people who are both Buddhist and Taoist a chance, as long as they can follow up to the Demon Slaying Platform, then I will save their lives!

But how do you do it?

Does anyone believe me?

I will only push all the guilt and my own faults onto my head!

"Hehe." Chuhe couldn't help but sneer.

It's hopeless, it's really hopeless.

"At this time, you still dare to laugh!?" Zhang Ming saw that Chu He not only did not apologize, but even sneered at them, he was suddenly very angry, "I tell you, we are no longer what you see It looks like it!"

"Really think we still need your help? In this troubled world, we can still live well!"

Zhang Ming smiled triumphantly, "This troubled world is our stage!"

The people below also laughed out loud, "Yeah, I only hate that there are not enough monsters now, there should be more, just a little more! In this way, our life will be better!"

"It is said that heroes come out of troubled times, and those who understand current affairs are heroes. Aren't we now heroes who understand current affairs?"

They even started bragging about themselves.

When Chuhe heard these words, he vaguely guessed something.

However, before seeing the true master, he was still unwilling to believe that these people were so despicable and shameless.

Seeing the people below saying this, Yinyue stood up and said, "You guys actually say that, aren't you afraid of death? If monsters run rampant, you humans will be the first to die. How dare you say anything, monsters?" The more the better?"

"Huh!" Zhang Ming pointed at Yinyue and Xiao Hei and cursed angrily, "Shut up! You two traitors who betrayed demons, how could you be born among demons!? Don't you know your identities? How sad to turn to a human race! I feel so sad for you!"


Both Yinyue and Ah Qing are very different, so it's not his turn to say this, right?

But soon, they knew why Zhang Ming said such words.

All I could hear was the sound of rhythmic clapping from among the trees on one side.

A glamorous beauty in palace attire walked slowly towards this side while clapping her hands.

Behind her, followed by a man who looked two or three meters tall.

These two people are Shi Luohua, the Demon Emperor of the Phantom Luoli Beast, and Chi Meng, the Scarlet Spirit Demon!

And behind them, there are countless monsters!

These monsters have strange shapes, some have human heads and animal bodies, some have animal bodies and human heads, and many of them are mixed together, which look extremely evil.

Among them, there are quite a few monsters directly on the ground, and there are even some huge pythons behind them, and some monsters like vultures in the sky.

And among the monsters, there are also some devils.

Although these monsters are not as powerful as those who besieged Leiyin Mountain before, their strength should not be underestimated.

Behind Shi Luohua, besides Chi Meng, there are seven sky demons!

This huge strength is comparable to those monsters who besieged Leiyin Mountain before, and even because of the addition of the strange abilities of the monsters, these monster alliances are even stronger than those monsters!

Shi Luohua walked in the front, and in the square in front, the crowd directly separated into two lanes, and almost everyone knelt down excitedly at this Shi Luohua.

The slogan was shouted loudly in the mouth, "See the empress! The empress lives as long as the sky!"

Zhang Ming stuttered even more excitedly. He looked at Shi Luohua with hope in his eyes.

It seemed that Shi Luohua was their savior.

"See empress! Empress is as long as the sky!"

The following slogans were shouted loudly, one after another, it seemed that everyone was competing, who was shouting the slogan louder, and who was shouting the slogan with sincerity.

When Shi Luohua saw this scene, the curvature of the corner of her mouth became more obvious. She shook her head, clapped her hands twice, and looked at Chu Hedao, "It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Are you surprised?"

Shi Luohua first wanted to see some clues from Chuhe's face, and she wanted to see panic and surprise on Chuhe's face, but unfortunately, the Chuhe is now peaceful.

There is no other expression at all.

No, and can't say no.

He, like Silva, was laughing.

Chapter 160

Shi Luohua was a little disappointed that he didn't see Chuhe lose his composure.

She continued, "I know what you're thinking. You must be wondering if I used some demagogic means to make them surrender to us."

Shi Luohua looked at the people around him, undisguised disdain and contempt flashed in his eyes, and he continued, "Hehe, I'm sorry to tell you that I didn't use any means. These people surrendered to me spontaneously and sincerely."

"Even this plan was conceived by them to kill you."

Shi Luohua smiled and said, "How is it? Surprised? Surprised?"

Chuhe also smiled, "I'm not surprised at all."

"I'm not surprised if they do anything after pushing the town demon temple to the end."

Shi Luohua shook his head slightly, "Poor, hateful."

She didn't know who to talk about, but the arrogance in her eyes was fully exposed.

As Shi Luohua continued to move forward, the monsters behind him also followed her.

Those monsters looked at the people kneeling on the ground with disdain.

And these are monsters, don't think about how well disciplined they will be.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground with expressions of admiration towards them, they also found it a little funny and a little unbelievable.

The little demons went up and kicked the nearest people a few times.

Those few people were turned on their backs by the kicker, but they quickly got up and knelt in front of the monster, "Your feet didn't hurt, did they? I'm so sorry. I'm kneeling here and blocking your way. Damn me, damn me! "

As the man spoke, he started to slap himself, and then knelt down and kowtowed.

Countless monsters suddenly burst into laughter.

And the person who knelt down and kowtowed on the ground also laughed, as if it was such a great thing to make the Lord Demon laugh, it was simply a scumbag opening the door for a scumbag, so scumbag.

After those demons laughed again, they insulted the surrounding crowd again.

Those people were all happy, as if it was a great honor to be beaten, scolded and insulted by monsters.

It's just that monsters are monsters after all, and even monsters look down on such people who are greedy for life and afraid of death to betray their compatriots!

Betrayers will never be sincere, and will never be treated kindly.

After those demons played with these people enough, they gradually felt that it was meaningless.

One of the little demons went straight up and grabbed a person's ear, tore off the ear raw, then threw it into his mouth, and started to eat it.

That person's ear was torn off, what kind of pain was that?

He rolled on the ground in pain, screaming over and over again, but he still didn't forget to bow down to the demon immediately after recovering, "It's my honor to give the ear of the villain to the demon grandpa!"

Such exaggeration, even those monsters can't stand it.

This is too shameless!

These monsters have fought against the human race for many years, and many of them even participated in the last battle with the human race. After all, these monsters have a long lifespan.

In their impression, most of the human race are brave and fearless people, and many people will directly explode themselves after being cornered!

He even used himself as a bait to lure demons, and finally sacrificed himself to achieve his goal.

These are not only true for cultivators, but also for ordinary people.

Whenever these monsters come to a certain city, these people must fight to the death. Even if they die, they must stop the monsters outside the city, so that the monsters will not hurt the women and children in the city.

And some practitioners will also spontaneously participate in the battle to defend the city. Even if there is no one in the city who has any relationship with them, they will still fight until the last moment, until they die!

If it weren't for the fearlessness of these people, the weak human beings would never have defeated the inherently powerful monsters.

Even at the last moment, Master Baixing sacrificed himself to re-seal the demon!

These human races are not afraid of death, dare to sacrifice, and the impression that they are not afraid of going through fire and water for their own race has long been preserved in the hearts of these monsters.

Although they lost, they actually admired the seemingly weak creatures of the human race in their hearts, who were so united and so fearless at critical moments.

It's just that this time the seal was lifted again, and after coming out, I found that everything had changed!

These people who were not afraid of death before and would charge against them even if they died, after seeing them, they ran faster one by one, and surrendered faster than one.

Those who really resisted to the death didn't see a few at all. It can even be said that they didn't see them at all. All of them were such contemptible soft bones.

Even those large cities are no longer protected by those spontaneous and fearless cultivators. Instead, they are the first to escape when danger comes.

Only an empty, undefended city was left, filled with ordinary people.

And these ordinary people, their bones are also cheap.

Just like now, they obviously still have hope, and Chuhe alone can protect them all!

But they didn't believe in Chuhe, and even killed Chuhe.

They even ran to contact these monsters, saying that they wanted to surrender, saying that the monster race is the greatest race in the universe, and the human race is just a branch of the monster race. All kinds of apes are proof that they can It is a monster, and a person can be a monster.

Therefore, we are all of the same race.

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