It can be said that these monsters, even Shi Luohua, were stunned by the shamelessness of these people.

Then they offered a strategy, saying that they could pretend to apologize, then lure Chuhe into the ambush circle, and then let these monsters get rid of Chuhe, and these were all their votes to join the monster clan.

These monsters were shocked by the shamelessness of these people, and deep down, they no longer regarded these guys as human beings.

Of course, he didn't treat them as monsters.

They are not worthy of being humans, nor are they worthy of being demons!

Deep down in the heart of these demons, they despise them extremely.

There was already a commotion in the back, because one of the monsters directly lifted a person up, then directly tore off the person's arm, and then threw it into his mouth to eat.

The man screamed incessantly, but then a bunch of monsters came out and ate him up!

These people-eating monsters quickly turned their attention to the people around them.

And those people were also flustered.

Everyone who saw this scene panicked and sank to the bottom of the valley.

Join the demons, or be killed?

Most people swallowed dryly, then turned to look at Chuhe.

Chapter 161 How to face it

Chuhe watched this scene with cold eyes.

Did they think that everything would be fine if they joined the demons?

How naive.

At any time, the betrayer will not end well.

It is estimated that these monsters just regard these people as food.

Seeing that Shi Luohua was about to walk to the place near the high platform in the middle of the field, Zhang Ming, as the organizer and leader of these people, hurried up and knelt down to worship the five-body cast tunnel, "See your mother! My mother will enjoy immortal blessings forever, and my life will be equal to heaven!"

He knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head at all, and he didn't dare to make other sounds.

"Hehe." Shi Luohua looked at the man kneeling at his feet, then looked at the Chu River on the high platform, and said calmly, "Chu Guanzhu, what do you think? This is the person that your descendants of demon-suppressing temples risked their lives to protect? "

"Back then, the old master of your town demon temple would rather sacrifice himself, and ended up saving these people?"

"You guarded the seal for so long, but your home was demolished. Don't you have anything to say?"

Zhang Ming quickly said, "It was wrong to seal the monsters in the Demon Town Temple back then! Did he ask other people's opinions? We don't want all the monsters to be sealed at all. Be grateful to him!?"

"Your Majesty! I also have a share in the company that demolished the Demon Temple. I also raised my hand in favor of the demolition of the Demon Temple. So in fact, I have a little credit for the seal being broken. Maybe this is God's will. , I only wish I hadn’t demolished the Town Demon Temple sooner, I really hate it!”

Chuhe looked at Zhang Ming and listened to these words, his expression remained unchanged, and finally at this time, he began to look ugly.

He said lightly, "You, really think so?"

"Of course!" Zhang Ming was quite proud, "And it's not just me, everyone thinks so!"

"Who asked you to meddle in your own business and seal the demons? Save the world and save the world every day, as if you are so great. Did the world say they need your help? Don't make yourself like the savior, it's all up to you , we don't owe you anything!"

"At the beginning, the master of the Demon Suppressing Temple sealed the demons on his own initiative. If he had informed the world at that time, there must have been many people who opposed it. We don't owe you at all, nor do you owe the Demon Suppressing Temple!"

The tens of thousands of people behind also shouted wildly, "Do you really think we need your help? Without you, we can still live well!"

"If it weren't for that or something from your Demon Suppressing Temple...the Master Baixing insisted on sealing the demons on his own initiative, maybe by now, I would have a trace of demon blood in my body, and maybe even now I would be able to. The spell that summons wind and rain!"

"As a result, we are still ordinary people until now, and it's all your fault!"

"If the demon came earlier, we would have surrendered earlier and become masters earlier. Why should we fight against the demon?"

Chuhe's eyes gradually turned cold.

He looked up at the sky slightly, and muttered to himself, "Master, have you seen it? This is the person you risked your life to save..."

After he finished speaking, he continued to look down.

"Very well, I understand what you mean." Chuhe said, "Don't worry, I will never save you."

"Who do you think you are!?" When the people below heard Chuhe's words, they all laughed and ridiculed. They were bullied by the monster clan, and they didn't dare to say anything even when they were eaten. Instead, they vented all their violence and anger. On Chuhe's body.

"Obviously I can't protect myself, what are you talking about here to save us? You are the one who deserves to be damned!"

Zhang Ming turned his head to look at Chuhe, "Now, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy to the empress, the empress may be merciful and make you suffer less. Don't hold back stubbornly, you will surely die!"

"Hahaha!" Seeing this scene, Shi Luohua suddenly burst out laughing, "It's interesting, it's really interesting, and I don't even want to do it so quickly. I don't often see this kind of drama."

With such a close distance, Shi Luohua laughed loudly, and the rolling monster aura on his body gradually radiated.

She is about to start.

And Xiao Hei, who was just behind Chuhe, also changed his face drastically.

"Demon King, Shi Luohua!" She finally recognized who the monster in front of her was at the right time, and the moment she recognized it again, she only felt her heart go cold.

"Who is Shi Luohua? She turned out to be the demon emperor!?" Long Weiling didn't know the secrets between demons, but seeing Xiao Hei so surprised, he couldn't help being a little startled.

Xiao Hei nodded and explained to the crowd, "Shi Luohua is one of the demon emperors in the demon world, and there are very few people who can become the demon emperor. Her strength is definitely at the top level among the demon clan!"

"And that's not the point. The point is that Shi Luohua's strength is extremely strange. Although her own combat power is not very strong, but her strange ability, even if other demon kings see it, they will run away from it."

"If it is controlled by Shi Luohua's ability, even if the opponent is also the demon emperor, the end will only be death!"

Xiao Hei said with some chills, "Because in the demon world there is a legend about Shi Luohua beheading the demon emperor of the same realm! And the monsters who can kill the demon emperor of the same realm, even in the demon world, are definitely the top ones. A group of people!"

"Then what are her abilities?"

Long Weiling asked nervously.

Xiao Hei shook his head silently, "It's too late now."

"It's late?" Long Weiling was taken aback, and hurriedly practiced his kung fu, only to be shocked to find that all the spiritual energy had been completely isolated!

She herself is considered to be a relatively top expert among the human race, and she is so powerful that she can directly smash a small piece of mountain with a single shot!

But now, all the aura circulating in all his meridians have lost their activity at this moment, and it is impossible to use the aura from the outside world as a supplement.

At this moment, she felt that she had been cast into a world isolated from the spiritual energy.

Become an ordinary person who cannot be ordinary.

A person who has no power to protect himself!

The transformation startled her.

"All spiritual power can no longer function!"

Long Weiling uttered in horror, while the others tried to use their own exercises one after another, only to find that the aura that was directed like an arm before could not work at all now.

If the aura cannot be used, then those powerful exercises that need to use the aura as an introduction will naturally be impossible to perform.

At this moment, all of them have become lambs to be slaughtered!

Facing so many powerful demons, how should we face them! ?

Chapter 162 Removing the Grinding and Killing the Donkey

Granny Baihua forced herself to calm down, because among the people present, her cultivation was almost the highest in the audience.

She is also the backbone of these people of the Five Immortals Sect. If she is panicked, then those who have lost their ability to protect themselves will be even more dangerous.

All the people of the Five Immortals Sect listened to the order, and from now on, they no longer use spiritual qi to fight, but call out their own body and their own natal Gu worms, and use Gu worms to fight!

The skills of the Five Immortals Sect are extremely strange, apart from some ordinary skills, their most powerful method is this Gu worm!

Everyone was stunned, calmed down, and summoned the Gu worms hidden in the deepest part of their bodies.

It's just that the well-behaved Gu worms in the past have started to be disobedient at this moment.

"Gu worm, sleeping!"

Someone shouted, and Granny Baihua's face also became extremely ugly.

Her Gu worms can't be summoned either!

In this space, not only the aura was banned, but even the Gu worms fell into a deep sleep.

Now, they have completely lost the means of confrontation.

Only Ah Qing looked at them silently, and muttered, "What's wrong? Is there any difference now?"

Xiao Hei glanced at Ah Qing, but didn't know that she was the holy body of witchcraft, so he just opened his mouth to explain.

"It's too late now, this is Shi Luohua's domain, within this domain, all spells are invalid!"

"And this is Shi Luohua's most powerful method. In the entire demon world, she is the only one with such a method. It was precisely this method that she used to kill the demon emperor of the same realm."

She said, with a look of remorse on her face, "It's all my fault. If I could have recognized Shi Luohua earlier, maybe we wouldn't have to be trapped here now. It's me... who has troubled you."

Everyone hurriedly comforted, "What does this have to do with you? Who would have thought that these human races would betray their own race and mix with monsters who had a blood feud with them!"

"If it wasn't for their tinkering, we wouldn't have walked into this high platform."

Xiao Hei shook his head slightly, "This place is not a high platform, but... the body of the Phantom Light Luoli Beast!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and after Xiao Hei finished speaking, the whole high platform suddenly began to shake strangely.

Everyone lost their mana, and now they are similar to ordinary people. They can only let the high platform shake, and almost fall to the ground.

Gradually, they realized that something was wrong, and they saw that the high platform below, which looked like bricks, began to become transparent, like a piece of pink crystal, which looked flawless.

Around it, tentacles that looked like crystals began to grow gradually. These tentacles with a crystal-like texture were not hard, but extremely soft, looking like translucent jelly.

In the end, these tentacles gradually grew and intertwined, turning into pieces of petals, and the high platform they were on became the center of this huge flower.

On this flower, any mana is cut off!

Now, even ordinary people below with a knife can come up and hunt them down!

"This is the main body of the Mirage Luoli Beast. Although the name of the Mirage Luoli Beast contains the word "beast", in fact, her main body looks more like a flower, but this flower is alive. , and, also eat meat..."

Xiao Hei was almost desperate. She looked at Chuhe with remorse and shame on her face, "Master, I'm sorry... If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have come to save me, and you wouldn't have fallen into this danger... ..."

This time, she really felt that Chuhe would not be able to escape.

After all, the main body of this phantom light glass beast has already controlled them, if they want to break free... they must have a strength that is one level higher than that of the Demon Emperor!

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