Since ancient times, who can possess this kind of strength?

Now, the Demon Emperor is the top combat power!

Chuhe's expression is also a little heavy, not as relaxed as before.

He looked at Shi Luohua who was getting closer and closer, opened his mouth slightly, and said a word, "Definitely!"

The surrounding space was suddenly distorted, but the fluctuation still couldn't go beyond the scope of the flower.

And Shi Luohua, who was outside, was amazed, "As expected of the master of the Demon Suppressing Temple, although he is controlled by my body and can't use mana now, he can still rely on his own perception of Tao to achieve such a level."

As soon as Shi Luohua's voice fell, a petal floated down slightly. She reached out to pick up the petal, and then a new petal grew out of a gap in the petal that was shaken off by Chuhe's mantra.

Shi Luohua stuffed the petals into his mouth, shook his head and said, "Presumably, that moment just now has consumed all the spiritual power hidden in your body, right?"

For Long Weiling and Baihua Granny, this is an absolute forbidden spirit space, and they cannot use any spiritual energy.

But for Chuhe, he can still use some spiritual power in his body, which comes from the gate of wonders!

However, the spiritual power stored in it is also limited, and it can only support Chuhe to use a few spells.

"Hehe, Chuhe, those who know current affairs are heroes. If you surrender now and hand over your life and soul, I can let you go, and even let you be my right and left hand. Even if you are equal to me, I don't have any." Any opinions, this is a great world, wouldn't it be great for us to control it together?"

Chuhe just looked at him jokingly, but didn't speak.

And Zhang Ming, who was below, was completely anxious after hearing this, "Your Majesty, you must not recruit him as a subordinate! People like Chuhe are ambitious and can only be killed!"

He was afraid, afraid that after Chuhe joined in, they would threaten their status!

After all, the reason why they dare to stand proudly and speak in front of so many people in Chuhe is because they now belong to the side of demons.

But if Chuhe also joins the monsters, what is their advantage?

Shi Luohua didn't look at Zhang Ming. To her, these people were just bugs.

Who takes the time to look for bedbugs?

Shi Luohua smiled at Chuhe, "How is it? Master Chu, you can think about it. As long as you are willing to join us, I can let you dispose of these people. Even if you kill them, I don't have any opinions. "

"Even if you don't want to make a move, I can help you."

When the people below heard this, they were frightened!

Zhang Ming, in particular, was horrified.

What does it mean! ?

Does it mean that it has completely abandoned us?

"My lady! You can't be like this, my lady! We are a cooperative relationship. We helped you lure Chuhe here. You can' can't kill a donkey! You..."


Shi Luohua frowned, and pointed out casually.

Zhang Ming's voice stopped abruptly.

It was directly smashed to pieces by this force, turning into a pile of bloody paste and flying away!

Chapter 163 You Can't Die

The blood rained directly on the faces of those who were closer to Zhang Ming.

They only felt their eyes turn red, and then they couldn't help trembling.

At the same time, a little remorse arose.

Originally, these people wanted to be able to join the demons. From then on, they could be domineering over others, and even after the demons completely occupied the world, they would have the merit of being a dragon!

What's more, they hate Chuhe, so Chuhe doesn't help them even though he has the strength!

They wish Chuhe would die, and these monsters could just kill Chuhe!

Therefore, in today's game, they also took the initiative to contact the demon, killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, Chuhe can be killed, and on the other hand, they can also follow the demon.

Since then, the safety of life has been protected, and I can become a master.

Even many of them are thinking that after joining the demon, they must go back and take revenge on those who offended them before!

Now that I am under the demon's subordinate, the demon is naturally rampant and unscrupulous, so of course they can do whatever they want in this world.

However, the reality gave them a slap in the face!

They thought they had joined the demon side, but in fact, they were just dogs being trampled on.

Even dogs are inferior, their lives are worthless to these monsters!

Even Chuhe, the monster's deadly enemy, as long as they can say a soft word, these monsters can kill them all!

At this moment, their hearts are completely chilled.

But there are monsters all around, do you want to escape now?

You can't escape, and you can only let others slaughter you.

However, they themselves have no intention of resisting. If they had resisted in their hearts, they would not be kneeling here now.

Soon, someone shouted, "Good death!"

"How dare you negotiate terms with the empress? You deserve it too!? We are nothing more than the most loyal dogs of the empress. How can we bark our teeth at the empress?"

"That's right! As long as it's what the empress says, we will obey it unconditionally. Even if we are asked to die, we will never say anything else!"

These people started to compliment Shi Luohua crazily, and crazily complimented the demons around him, without dignity, it was down to the bone.

"We humans are born to be played by demons, and we don't have a strong body, and it takes more than ten years to become an adult, and we don't have any blood inheritance, and we still need to learn bit by bit."

"We are inferior creatures. This wonderful world is occupied by us humans, it is simply a waste of money!"

"Noble Lord Demon, please don't kill us, let us be the most loyal dog under your feet!"

These people begged for mercy one after another, completely discarding their dignity as human beings, like maggots with arms and legs.

Nausea makes people want to vomit.

All the monsters laughed loudly, "You said you are the most loyal dog under our feet, how about you call us like a dog?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

First, there were a few people barking, and then, the tens of thousands of people at the scene all knelt on the ground, stuck out their tongues and began to bark like a dog crazily.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"

Those monsters laughed even more crazily.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there is not a single bone in the human race? It really is a lowly creature."

"Those brave ones, even the strong and fearless people of the human race that we all have to admire, have long since sacrificed, and the ones left alive now are these lowly maggots?"

Those monsters laughed again.

But Chuhe looked at these people who were learning how to bark, but his face was ashen.

The shamelessness of these people has exceeded Chuhe's imagination. Do they have a limit?

Couldn't they see that the monsters didn't treat them as human beings from the start?

From the very beginning, his solution was doomed to death, but even so, they still begged for mercy from these monsters who wanted to kill them!

Reminiscing that he had protected these people for so many years, Chuhe felt sick for a while.

It's ridiculous how they can be infinitely mean to those who do them good.

But for those who treat them badly, or even kill them, they can become infinitely tolerant and tolerant, not daring to show any temper.

In this world where yin and yang are reversed, Chuhe's heart has already turned cold.

And the other half, the reason why he hasn't cooled down is because of these people standing beside him.

Those taught by the Five Immortals are all human beings, but at the moment, they don't show the slightest fear.

"My lord, we are willing to advance and retreat with you, even if it means death!"

With firm eyes, Long Weiling came to Chuhe's side, "If this is the end, then it is my honor to die with the Lord!"

Although Yinyue is the devil, she is also infected by the current atmosphere and stands by Chuhe's side.

Seeing that everyone was standing beside Chuhe, Ah Qing also came to Chuhe's side.

Only Xiao Hei walked to the front of Chu River alone.

She turned her head and showed a sad smile to Chuhe, "All these things are caused by me, since this is the case, then let me end it all."

As she spoke, she turned around and shouted at Shi Luohua.

"Shi Luohua! I belong to the Nine-Life Cat Demon Clan, and my family's ancestor is also the Demon Emperor!"

Little Heishi said this in shock, she is actually a descendant of the Demon Emperor.

No wonder she knows so much about the demon king of Shi Luohua's level. After all, people of the demon king's level are no longer accessible to ordinary monsters. Even if they have heard of the demon king's name, they can't tell. The specific ability of this Demon Emperor.

But Xiao Hei can say it directly.

"Let go of Chuhe, let go of the Five Immortals, and let go of that great demon, Yinyue. I can go with you."

"In my body, there is the purest blood of my family's ancestors. As long as you eat me, with your ability, you may be able to comprehend the magical powers of our Nine-Life Cat Demon clan from it."

Xiao Hei continued, "Besides, relying on the blood that my ancestors left me, I can also make your skills go a step further!"

Shi Luohua smiled and looked at Xiao Hei, "It's really unexpected that it's the blood of that old guy from Nine Lives... Hehe, but why should I agree to you? Now that you are trapped here, both of you are dead, what do you have?" What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

"Even if I eat you up now and don't let them go, what can you do?"

Xiao Hei clenched her fists, she really couldn't do anything about it.

This is the sorrow of being a weak person. Even if you use yourself as a bargaining chip, people won't care. On the contrary, all your things will be taken away by others!

And at this moment, Chuhe's voice floated slowly, "When have we reached the point where we have to sacrifice you to survive?

Chuhe chuckled, "Don't worry, we won't die today."

Chapter 164 Leave it to you

Xiao Hei froze for a moment, turned around slowly, and looked at Chu He. Her teary eyes were full of tears, and she held her mouth, as if she was about to cry.

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