As a big demon, he rarely has such moments when he can't control his emotions.

It may be because she can't use her spiritual power here at the moment, so her control over herself has become a little weaker.

"My lord, just... don't comfort us anymore, you don't have to bear everything alone."

Chuhe smiled, "It's not comfort, it's the truth."

Shi Luohua sneered and shook his head, "In this world, no one, no monster, no devil can escape from my flower of desirelessness!"

She has this confidence!

She was originally the top powerhouse in this world, but now Chuhe has fallen into her most powerful supernatural power, the flower of desirelessness.

Then Chuhe's end, in her opinion, is only one, and that is death!

Because this supernatural power is very powerful, even a person who is more powerful than Shi Luohua, as long as he enters this flower of desirelessness, he will be restricted to death.

It is precisely because of this that the use of the Flower of No Desire is very demanding, and people need to be introduced into it.

And you have to stay in it for a while.

And who would be fooled by those relatively top masters?

If it weren't for these tens of thousands of human traitors this time, her plan would definitely not go so smoothly.

Suddenly, she felt a little bored, "Chi Meng, go ahead and kill them all...Leave that Nine-Life Cat Demon with one life, and I can take it to ask that old Nine-Life guy for something .”

Chi Meng is also the giant-like red spirit demon that Shi Luohua has been carrying around.

He nodded yes.

Then go out step by step.

Every time he took a step, a powerful knight rose from his body, and his skin became cracked, revealing red magma inside.

A puff of smoke also began to emerge from his body, and the smoke continued to rise, and finally formed a hideous monster covered in bone spurs behind his back.

This is the Scarlet Spirit Demon!

The degree of physical strength is well-known even in the demon world!

It can even be said to be a very high-ranking monster.

The reason why Shi Luohua let him go out is because, no matter who it is, as long as it enters the flower of desirelessness, it will be implicated by that kind of restriction, and it will not be able to exert any magic power.

Unless she does it herself.

But right now, there is obviously no need to do it yourself.

She glanced down, and a little demon immediately flew up and knelt down under her.

And Shi Luohua sat directly on the little demon's body.

The other monsters below are extremely envious, thinking that they are the one that Shi Luohua sat on.

Shi Luohua obviously intends to watch a big show well.With a wave of her hand, a person below exploded directly, and then the scattered flesh and blood essence condensed in the air continuously.

Eventually, a meatball about the size of a lychee is formed.

Shi Luohua opened his seductive mouth, stuffed the meatball directly into his mouth, and licked his fingers.

"The flesh and blood of the human race is really delicious, but in terms of deliciousness, it is still not as good as those practitioners... Chi Meng, beat those people to death, and take out the essence of the flesh and blood, understand?"

Chi Meng said in a muffled voice, "Understood!"

And the people below who were kneeling on the ground and still learning how to bark like a dog, only saw Shi Luohua kill one of them casually, they were all terrified, and some even peed their pants on the spot.

They can only think in their hearts that there are so many people here, tens of thousands of people.

The chance of eating yourself should be relatively small, right?

Eat others first, don't eat me first.

Almost all of them thought so in their hearts, and some even began to think that the reason why that person was eaten must be because he didn't learn how to bark like a dog, didn't study hard enough, and didn't bark loud enough, that's why he was eaten Lose.

And there are quite a few people who think this way. All of a sudden, dogs bark one after another. These people hysterically learn how to bark like dogs, just to prevent these monsters from eating them.

Look, listen, how much do I look like a dog barking?

How serious am I learning dog barking?

So, don't eat me, okay?

In the eyes of monsters and Chuhe, all this is just a joke, and of course, it is not so funny.

At this moment, Chimeng has come to the flower of no desire.

Then he walked in directly!

The moment he walked in, he landed directly on the flower of desirelessness.

Even for him, there is no way to use mana in the flower of desirelessness, but for him, there is no need to use mana.

Just this powerful body is enough to kill all the people here!

"Chu Guanzhu, hehe..." Chi Meng looked at Chuhe and grinned, "Your name of the demon town can even make children stop crying in our demon world, even when I first knew that the opponent was you It's scary, but... who would have thought that you would be framed by those dog-like things?"

"Hahaha! When I think that I can kill the demon town master, I feel excited! If I say it, no one will believe it, right? I, Chi Meng, actually killed the demon town master!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Chu River directly.

The little black dragon Weiling and Yinyue, including those from the Five Immortals Sect, stood in front of Chuhe in an instant.

This warmed Chuhe's heart.

Then he, Chuhe, is he the man standing behind the woman?

Most importantly, he really didn't think Chi Meng could do anything to him!

"Back off!"

"But my lord!"

"I tell you all to back off!"

Chuhe said coldly.

Everyone knew Chuhe's character, so they had no choice but to retreat one after another.

Chuhe took a step forward and rushed towards the giant Chimeng who was almost half taller than him.

Everyone below sneered when they saw this.

Shi Luohua shook his head even more, "To compete with Chi Meng in strength? Or in such an environment where there is almost no spiritual energy, it is simply courting death."

"Because Chi Meng is almost invincible in this environment!"

Just after Shi Luohua said these words, Chuhe also came to Chimeng's side and punched him directly!

It collided with Chi Meng's fist.

Unsurprisingly, Chuhe flew upside down!

But beyond the unexpected, Chuhe just flew upside down, and after two circles in the air, it landed on the ground intact.

Not even the slightest damage to the hands.

Shi Luohua's eyes froze!

what! ?

Chuhe's physical body is so powerful! ?

But seeing Chuhe smiled slightly, "That's it? I thought it was amazing..."

With a little disappointment in his mouth, he said to Ah Qing, "I'll leave it to you."

Chapter 165 It's Not Saved

Then, under the eyes of all the people, the young girl Ah Qing walked forward step by step.

Now not only Shi Luohua is the big one, but even the people below are also fooled.

"Woof... What is Chuhe doing? Sending a girl to die?"

"This kind of person is too disgusting, woof!"

"There is no benevolence, righteousness or morality at all, it is simply damn, woof!"

These people are still barking, but they still can't help but want to ridicule Chuhe.

Because now, they can only find that vain dignity and backbone from Chuhe.

Looking at Chuhe's current appearance, they only have one sentence in their hearts, it's better to be a dog.

At least being a dog won't die.

And just when they thought that the little girl was sent out by Chuhe to die.

Something happened that made their jaw drop.

I saw Ah Qing walking to the front and directly hitting the giant in a circle.

That Chi Meng obviously didn't pay attention to Ah Qing, a mere little girl, he could kill her with one finger!

In fact, Chi Meng really just stretched out a finger.

With contempt and disdain on his face, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Ah Qing.

Ah Qing's body is petite, while Chi Meng's body is huge, one of his fingers is even thicker than Ah Qing's arm.

In the end, Ah Qing's punch directly landed on Chi Meng's finger.


Almost instantly.

Ah Qing's fist was crushing, it directly exploded Chi Meng's fingers, and finally hit Chi Meng's unprepared fist.

Chi Meng flew out immediately!

Everyone at the scene was shocked by this scene.

Shi Luohua stood up abruptly from the chair made of goblins, and looked inside in horror.

"What is that!? The Holy Body of the Witch Gu!? Even the Holy Body of the Witch Gu should not be able to erupt such a powerful force, and it is still in the flower of no desire, even the Holy Body of the Witch Gu must be greatly destroyed!" limit!"

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