Chi Meng flew upside down and directly hit the people below. Several of those people were directly crushed to death by Chi Meng's huge size and weight.

But even so, the people who got close, instead of caring about the crushed compatriots, rushed to help Chi Meng who had fallen to the ground!

"Lord Chi Meng? Are you okay? Stand up, Lord Chi Meng!"

"Lord Chi Meng just accidentally fell down. If you put your heart into it, you can definitely smash those people into pieces with one punch!"

These people comfort Chi Meng self-righteously.

But Chi Meng was extremely annoyed in his heart, he was horrified that such a powerful energy could erupt from this little girl!

On the one hand, I feel ashamed and angry for my own performance.

So many monsters are watching, so many people are watching, and I was hit by a little girl directly! ?

And to be comforted and supported by these weak people! ?

"Go away!"

Chi Meng yelled angrily, "You lowly things that are worse than dogs, dare to touch my noble body!?"

Those people were dumbfounded instantly, but they didn't dare to refute, "Master Chi Meng, we are just worried about you, we..."

"Your worries make me sick!" Chi Meng gave them a disdainful look. These traitors showed their shameless intentions to the fullest, and Chi Meng looked down on these guys from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm red, I don't need to care about food."


Those people were taken aback when they heard this.

Who is the food?

Then it occurred to him that this so-called food was not referring to himself! ?

I am... food! ?

"Master Chi Meng, we are an alliance, our current enemy is Chuhe, we..."

"Are you also worthy of joining me?"

Chi Meng vented the anger of his defeat, grabbed the person who said he was an ally, and crushed his head!

"You are just our food. The reason why we haven't killed you yet is to use you as marching rations!"

Chi Meng sneered, "Anyway, you are relying on us for resources. Even if you are dead, who would care? Could it be that those strong people of the human race will force us to trouble us for a group of traitors?"

Originally, these people still had the last sliver of hope in their hearts, but after hearing this, that last sliver of hope was also shattered!

They feel as if the sky is falling down.

I abandoned everything just to avoid the fate of being eaten by monsters, but I didn't expect to be eaten by monsters in the end?

And if they were killed by monsters before, it would definitely arouse the indignation of the strong human race, but now they have turned to the monsters and are traitors of the human race. Even if they are brutally killed, who will save them?


Incomparably regretful, they now only have remorse in their hearts!

However, those who remorse should have left earlier and should not have taken refuge in the demons, instead of remorse for designing and killing Chuhe.

Even some people's eyes are red now, "Even if I want to die, at least let that guy Chuhe die first!"

"Yes! Let Chuhe die in front!"

Chuhe looks at the people below, and now he is neither happy nor sad.

No matter how outrageous these people are, he doesn't care anymore.

Even though those people knew their fate of being used as food, they didn't dare to resist. Instead, they vented all their anger on Chuhe, who they thought was destined to die.

There are even people who have found a great excuse for themselves, "Even if we die, we will sacrifice ourselves to eradicate Chuhe, the biggest devil. Our death is not meaningless!"

"Yes! We died to eradicate Chuhe, a wicked evildoer who caused harm to the world!"

Chuhe shook his head and sighed, "These people can't be saved."

Chi Meng has recovered at this moment, and his shattered fist has also recovered, but it does not have the sense of strength it had before.

Chi Meng, as a monster who wins by the strength of his physical body, has all the essence in his physical body. After the fist is smashed, it grows back, and naturally it is not as powerful as before.

"How dare you injure my body!? You're courting death!"

Chi Meng's whole body exudes a crimson light, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying!

That monstrous aura made everyone around him kneel down, and the heat waves emanating from Chi Meng's body made those who got close to him even have no time to dodge before being roasted!

Within a radius of ten meters in Chimeng, at least hundreds of people died

Chuhe's face darkened, "How dare you kill them?"

Of course, what Chuhe is worried about is not their lives. In Chuhe's eyes, these people are no longer worth saving.

From Chuhe's point of view, they are all their own regrets.

Chapter 166

The people below were also taken aback when they heard that Chuhe seemed to be speaking for them.

Someone directly shouted, "Who wants you to be pitiful!? You damn thing, you should think about yourself first!"

"We would rather be killed by demons than be saved by you, disgusting!"

Seeing this, Chi Meng laughed loudly, "Hahaha! They really are a bunch of good dogs, I don't want to eat you anymore."

"Yes, yes, yes! We are the most loyal dogs of adults, please don't eat us!"

"It's disgusting!" Chi Meng's disdainful emotion has almost reached its peak, "I'm afraid that my stomach will be dirty after eating you."

After Chi Meng finished speaking, he immediately levitated, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

"Hehe, let me show you my true strength!"

Shi Luohua gradually felt relieved when he saw the evil spirit continuously condensing on Chi Meng's body.

Chi Meng, as a capable general under his command, is ranked high even in the demon world just by virtue of his physical strength.

She knew that the little girl was the holy body of witchcraft, and she also had impressive strength.

However, it's time to end.

I saw that Chi Meng's body suddenly became a little bigger, and his eyes became extremely red, and even directly emitted a red light that was several meters long!

The light shone on the ground, directly scalding a big hole on the ground.

Only then will Chi Meng's true strength, the powerful energy in his body is gathering!

What emanated from the pores on his body was endless coercion.

Even across the high platform, the people above can feel a strong pressure.

Xiao Hei muttered to himself, "He is already in a state of berserk, and the next step is a thunderbolt."

She said with some bitterness, "We can't stop it."

"Even if it is death, we must fight to the end!"

All the women of the Five Immortals Sect shouted in unison, they are not weak like the people below, and they still have arrogance in their hearts.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!

Ah Qing looked sideways at them as if they were about to die heroically, and asked curiously, "Why? Is this big guy very powerful?"

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't know what to say.

"Ah Qing, this kind of thing should not be borne by you alone. We should do it together. This time, we will face it together!"

As they said that, one by one stood directly beside Ah Qing, even though they knew that if they made a move by themselves, they would definitely be unable to deal with Chi Meng, and would definitely be crushed by Chi Meng's powerful energy.

After all, they don't have any spiritual power to mobilize now, and now they are just ordinary people.

But even so, they still have courage!

Ah Qing shook her head, "No, I can do it by myself."

While speaking, Chi Meng had already come to the sky above the high platform. He looked at the people below with a crazy smile on his lips, "Hehe, they are all monks. If we eat all of you, we will definitely be able to strengthen them again." The energy of my physical body? It is not impossible to even break through!"

"But before that, it's time for me to crush your little witchcraft holy body!"

Chi Meng also knew that the little girl was the holy body of witchcraft, but so what?

"If you are a perfect body, maybe I will give you three points, but the refining method of the witchcraft holy body has long since disappeared in ancient times, and you are just a half-finished product!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Ah Qing frantically!

But there was no sneering smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

Ah Qing immediately went up to meet her, and stepped on the high platform below, the whole high platform trembled for a while.

This high platform was Shi Luohua's body, under such trampled by Ah Qing, even Shi Luohua in the distance felt a shock, and quickly strengthened the flower of desirelessness.

Her kick almost made a gap in the seal of the Flower of Desire!

Shi Luohua was horrified in his heart, this is definitely not the power that the Holy Physique of Witch Gu can erupt!

He has seen the Holy Body of the Witch Gu before, and knows what kind of energy the Holy Body of the Witch Gu can burst out, so he is so confident, but now, the things happening in front of him are beyond her control!

"Chi Meng! Be careful! Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Up until now, Shi Luohua finally felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen. Could it be that it was because the Witch Gu Holy Physique was too powerful, so it had surpassed himself? out of control?

No, even though this Witch Gu Saint Physique is powerful, it is not beyond the point of being invincible, and as long as one wants to pay some price, he can seal it firmly in the flower of desirelessness.

In less than a blink of an eye, a thousand and three dozen thoughts had already flashed through Shi Luohua's mind.

The final conclusion is that even if something unexpected happens, I can still suppress everything!

That Bai Chimeng also heard Shi Luohua's voice transmission, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Simply relying on physical strength, sacrificing essence and blood to go berserk, it is still easy to deal with a witchcraft holy body.

And this Witch Gu Holy Physique has been suppressed for so long.

He simply felt that Shi Luohua was worrying too much.

But the lion will fight the rabbit with all his strength, and he will not take it lightly because of these, especially when facing the injured person who has beaten him just now.

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