On the high platform, everyone from the Five Immortals Sect was also praying silently for Ah Qing, and some even had tears dripping from the corners of their eyes.

After all, in their view, Ah Qing was going to die for them.


Finally, Chi Meng and Ah Qing collided fiercely.

The generated energy wave reverberated in an instant, and the ordinary people below who were shocked by the shock wave were thrown off their feet, and the remaining clouds in the sky were also dispersed by the shock wave!

"Did Master Chi Meng win?"

"Master Chi Meng won!" After those people raised their heads, the first thing they did was to hope that Chi Meng could blow Ah Qing with one punch. When they saw that Chi Meng was still standing, they already felt that Chi Meng was sure. It's already won.

But he didn't see that in front of Chi Meng, Ah Qing's figure was still standing, and he didn't take a step back.

The two of them just stood there in the void.

The cheers from the people below caught Ah Qing's attention, and she turned her head to look below.

Chi Meng, on the other hand, didn't make any moves.


A cracking sound came, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Then Chimeng's huge body suddenly began to explode like fried beans.

Click click!

Cracks appeared on Chi Meng's body!

Chapter 167


This horrifying scene appeared directly in front of everyone.

No one could have imagined that after colliding with that seemingly weak girl again, it was Chi Meng who fell first!

Shi Luohua stood up abruptly, staring at Chi Meng.

I saw that the cracks on Chi Meng's body were still expanding, and Chi Meng's eyes were full of horror. He wanted to control himself, so that his body would not collapse, and he wanted to let the essence that was constantly passing away, regain his strength. Gather.

But it was useless, his body at this moment was like a sieve full of holes, all the vitality was flowing away through the holes on the body.

And he has no choice but to watch his body continue to collapse!

He wanted to talk, he wanted to shout for help, and he wanted Shi Luohua to help.

However, at this moment, he couldn't even make a sound.

His consciousness continued to weaken, and his eyes gradually became dark.

In the end, the red rays of light emanating from his body gradually became hotter.


The incomparably powerful Chi Meng, the top powerhouse of the monster clan, turned into fireworks all over the sky just like that, and exploded directly!

The demon blood was scattered all over the ground, and the shock wave turned the closest person into coke!

And those people just stared blankly, unable to believe their eyes.

At this moment, everything is quiet.

Those who surrendered to the monster clan never imagined that the number two person among the monsters would be so easily blown away with a single punch!

And the thousands of monsters are also silent.

And after the silence, there was a commotion like a mountain roar and a tsunami!

"Chi Meng... is actually dead!?"

Those monsters felt a kind of fear one after another, and the flustered emotions continued to spread. The monsters who were originally condescending and thought they would win this time were not so determined.

I even started to have some doubts, can I win?

Shi Luohua also felt the uneasiness of the monsters below, but why didn't she feel it herself?

But she forced herself to settle down, and said to the surroundings, "Calm down, they still can't escape the control of Wu Desire Flower!"

As she said that, she directly strengthened her devotion to the power of the Flower of Desire.

The flower of desirelessness is Shi Luohua's natal supernatural power, and it can even be said to be her body, and she has absolute confidence in it.

And as Shi Luohua used all his strength, on the high platform, a delicate and seemingly invisible red flower that began to twist slightly in the surrounding space began to become clear gradually.

And Chuhe and others were trapped in the center of the flower.

Ah Qing, who had blasted Chi Meng with one punch, also slowly fell from mid-air, almost limp on the ground.

Everyone rushed to help.

"How is it? Are you okay!?"

They were all surprised that Ah Qing could burst out such a powerful energy at such a time!

But as the pressure of the flower of no desire continued to hit, they felt a deep powerlessness again.

It seemed to be a cage that they could not break through even with all their strength, which made them feel chilled.

Ah Qing, who had blown Chi Meng to the ground with one punch, had originally brought them some hope, but now that Ah Qing fell weakly, their hope that had just risen was also shattered.

Ah Qing said indifferently, "Just now, that big man kept exerting force, and I also exerted force constantly, and finally used up all my strength. Now I feel very tired and sleepy, and I want to take a good rest."

Chuhe looked at Ah Qing, and said lovingly, "Since you feel tired, you should take a good rest."

Rest at this time?

Everyone was stunned.

How can you rest at this critical moment!

But after Ah Qing heard Chuhe's words, she didn't have any doubts, and even found a place on the ground, and fell asleep!

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and so were the monsters. They had never seen such an arrogant person before!

Shi Luohua said loudly, "I admit, I really underestimated the power of this witchcraft holy body, I didn't expect that this witchcraft holy body has evolved to such a point, I'm afraid it has reached the perfect state ?”

While speaking, Shi Luohua was secretly startled. She could see that although Ah Qing's witchcraft body had reached the perfect state, the time to reach it should be relatively short, so it was still enough to exert its full power.

But even so, it is enough to make people horrified.

After all, the perfect level of witchcraft holy body only exists in legends, and there was a refining method in ancient times, and the refining materials were also lost in ancient times!

But Ah Qing can still reach that level, which means...they must have obtained some great inheritance!

Thinking of this, Shi Luohua narrowed his eyes slightly.

They must all be killed, so that all those inheritances can be snatched back!

"Hehe, it's a pity that you are considered the top powerhouses in the human race, but no matter how powerful you are, you will never return if you enter the flower of my desirelessness. Our monster clan will rule the world and clear away the obstacles!"


Chu He said lightly, "Don't be so loud, you disturb Ah Qing's sleep."

Chu He frowned and looked at Shi Luohua, "Also, let me say it again, I'm just a spectator, whether it's human race or monster race, I won't interfere, but unless, you want to hurt the people around me."

Seeing this, the people below shouted loudly, "Lord Shi Luohua, kill him!"

This group of human beings has now converted to demons, and if they want to survive, the way they choose is to be more ruthless to those who belong to human beings!

Only in this way can one integrate into the monster.

Chuhe looked at the people below who were gnashing their teeth at him, and shook his head slightly.

"Now, it's time to end."

He has been waiting, waiting for the best time when these people feel that they have no hope of making a comeback. Only at this time will they get the most regret points.

And now, the time has come.

"End? End what?" Shi Luohua was taken aback, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

As a demon emperor, he rarely felt inaccurate, but this time he actually had such a feeling.

Does that mean...

Just as he was thinking, he saw a long knife appearing in Chuhe's hand at some point!

As soon as the long knife appeared, the flower of no desire began to twist crazily, and the whole body of the long knife also emitted a terrifying wave.

It seems as if you are going to be sucked into it and swallowed up at a glance!

Shi Luohua's pupils became bigger in an instant, and he was about to run away without saying a word.

However, it was still too late.

Chu He tossed it casually, and the Tiger Soul Knife was raised slightly, and then the tip of the knife pointed down, and directly plunged into the high platform under his feet, which was the flower heart of the flower of no desire.


It's like cutting butter with a hot knife.

The high platform that was unscathed by Ah Qing's vigorous trampling was directly pierced by the tiger soul knife!

Chapter 168

Shi Luohua only felt a twinge in his heart!

The flower of no desire is her body, and after she became the demon emperor, she cultivated with the flower of no desire even more.

It can be said that the flower of no desire is her, and she is the flower of no desire!

If the Flower of No Desire suffered any damage, then she would also suffer the same damage.

Shi Luohua looked in horror at Chuhe wrapped in the flower of no desire, and the long knife that had been deeply pierced in the heart of the flower.

It was a long knife that looked almost transparent and seemed to be made of bones, about two meters in length.

Exudes a soaring evil nature!

It doesn't feel like a weapon used by the human race, but it looks like a weapon carried by a strong man of the monster race or a strong man of the demon race, exuding a vicious and violent atmosphere!

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