And what scares Shi Luohua the most is that she can't mobilize any power at all now, because all the power is tightly suppressed by this long knife!

What made her feel even more horrified was that on the long knife, she felt a kind of coercion from the superior, which was... the coercion belonging to the great sage of the monster race!

That is to say, this long knife is likely to be refined by a certain monster clan sage, or, in this long knife, there is a demon spirit belonging to the monster clan sage!

It's just that these have already made Shi Luohua feel suffocated, and she can't bring up any resistance.

Even if her flower of desirelessness is very strong, so what?

Faced with all this, she is like a demon knife cutting tofu, she still has no room to resist!

What's more, Shi Luohua is the demon king, let alone those monsters behind him?

The soaring demonic aura emitted by Tiger Soul directly made all these monsters dumbfounded!

Even some monsters could no longer withstand the tremendous pressure, and began to kneel down one after another!

Moreover, the ferocious aura emanating from Amber Soul is also constantly spreading. Some monsters who are relatively close have already begun to feel heavy breathing, and their cruel and bloodthirsty nature is constantly being mobilized.

All of them were red-eyed. If they hadn't been unable to lift up due to the strong pressure, they would have started to kill a long time ago.

And those ordinary people were a little at a loss when they saw the demon who suddenly knelt down for Chuhe.

"What are you doing? Why do you kneel down to Chuhe? He is your enemy!"

"He is the common enemy of the monster race, the human race, and even the demon race!"

These people are dumbfounded and crazy.

They would never have imagined that Chuhe, who was supposed to be captured without a fight, was still alive and kicking, but these monsters knelt down first?

What the hell is going on?

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Shi Luohua in midair.

"And Master Shi Luohua!"

"My lord Demon Emperor can definitely kill Chuhe!"

Hope is rekindled in the hearts of these people.

"Look, Master Shi Luohua moved!" Someone exclaimed, " did she fly in the opposite direction?"

I saw Shi Luohua get up, instead of flying towards Chuhe, he fled in the opposite direction instead.

She was terrified, utterly terrified.

From the moment Chuhe took out the tiger soul knife, she knew it was over.

I also know why the rumor in the demon world - the descendant of the demon town should not be provoked, and if provoked, he will die!

At first, she thought that Chuhe was settled, but now it seems that Chuhe has been wandering around in the garden from the beginning, and doesn't take her seriously at all.


Chu He chuckled, "Want to run after pretending to be forceful?"

Can you run?

As Chu He said, he reached out and grabbed the handle of the Tiger Soul Knife, and then turned it gently.

Shi Luohua, who was flying over there, suddenly fell from mid-air, "Master Chu! Please! Don't! I am willing to surrender!"

"Please don't kill me. I have practiced for thousands of years, and I have worked so hard to reach this point. I beg you to think that it is not easy for me to practice. Please spare my life!"

Shi Luohua's scream came.

The rest of the monsters were horrified, but they didn't find it strange, because it was normal to surrender in the face of such a powerful enemy.

But the tens of thousands of people on the square couldn't accept it.

"What!? Shi Luohua... the demon king Shi Luohua who led thousands of demons surrendered to the Chu River!?"

"Doesn't that mean..." Someone was unwilling to continue.

If Shi Luohua can't deal with Chuhe, and even wants to surrender to Chuhe and beg for mercy, how should Chuhe deal with them?

It's just that in an instant, some people began to regret.

Chuhe also received a lot of remorse.

Are you only now starting to regret it?

Oh, it's too late.

Chu He held the handle of the knife and turned it around again.

Shi Luohua screamed even louder, "Please! Master Chu, Master Chu, Grandpa Chu! Papa Chu!"

"I beg you to spare my life. From now on, I am willing to be your cow and horse, your maid, and your concubine. I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"I just ask you to save my life!"

In order to survive, Shi Luohua had already given up all dignity.

The tiger soul knife was not only pierced on the flower of Wuyu, but also pierced in the deepest part of her soul. Every time Chuhe turned the handle, he cut the knife on her soul!

As long as Chuhe exerts a little force, she will be lost in the next moment!

When the people below heard Shi Luohua's words without dignity, they felt a big chill in their hearts.

It's over, it's really over now.

It is impossible for Chuhe to kill him.

Many people lost their minds.

"Chu Guanzhu! As long as you let me go, then these people are at your disposal! They betrayed you, don't you want to kill them!?"

"As long as you spare my life, their lives will be yours!"

Chuhe chuckled, "You can't impress me with what was originally mine. If I want to kill them, I can kill them all after I kill you."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe turned the handle of the knife violently again. Shi Luohua was in so much pain that he couldn't say another word.

The people below trembled when they heard Chuhe's words.

Chuhe wants to kill us?

No, definitely not!

He dare not kill tens of thousands of people at once!

If he really did this, he would be the eternal enemy of the human race!

He would never dare to kill us all!

"Begging for mercy! As long as we beg for mercy, then Master Chu will definitely forgive us!"

I don't know who yelled, and suddenly a large group fell to their knees.

"Master Chu's cultivation base is so high, how can he have the same knowledge as us? And after all, we are all human race, Master Chu should not kill brothers."

"And we were just playing around with Master Chu just now. Anyway, what we did did not bring any harm to Master Chu, so Master Chu has no reason to attack us? Wouldn't that make Master Chu mean? "

"Master Chu is magnanimous and will definitely not pay attention to our little pranks!"

Chapter 169 Regrets Are Useless

Seeing the current scene, these people started playing moral kidnapping one by one!

"Chu Guanzhu, we are all human race. Now that the army of monsters is overwhelming, we have no choice but to seek refuge with monsters. It's just to survive."

"Forgive us, we haven't caused you any substantial harm anyway!"

"You are already a top expert in this world. We are just ordinary people, without any mana or power. Do you still have the same knowledge as us?"

Looking at these people, Chuhe felt that waves of regrets were rushing towards him, but the regrets were very small. Although almost all of these people contributed regrets to Chuhe, it was only a few points per person. in this way.

This shows that they are not sincerely repentant at all.

And what else did they say, this was only a last resort, so they took refuge in the demon, obviously they found the demon themselves, and designed to frame themselves, but now it has become a last resort?

It's hilarious.

He also said that he shouldn't have the same knowledge as them, which made Chuhe suddenly think of going to his relatives' house to play in his previous life, but he was so childish that he half died.

In the end, the parent of the family said that he was just a child, so he should give way to him.

Ha ha.

Chuhe looked at the people below and shook his head slightly.

You are weak and you are justified?

Because you are weak, shouldn't you be as knowledgeable as you?

Hehe, why?

And when these people saw that Chuhe hadn't spoken for a long time, they also became more aggressive.

Many people even turned their heads to look at those monsters, "We were all forced by you just now! You hateful monsters, you still want us to bow our heads to you? It's fantastic!"

More and more people began to take a stand against the monsters around them.

"We are all proud people, and we just cooperated with you just now because of a moment of compulsion. We absolutely cannot give in!"

The monsters were all stunned by the Tiger Soul Knife, their eyes were red, and their cruel nature was exposed bit by bit.

Now these people are rushing to provoke them in front of them!

If it weren't for the power of Chuhe, these monsters must have stood up directly to kill all these people.

On the other hand, when Shi Luohua saw that Chuhe was unmoved no matter how much he begged for mercy, he was also extremely anxious.

She originally thought that Chuhe must really want to kill these people who betrayed him, but now it seems that Chuhe has no intention of killing them.

Could it be that, in fact, Chuhe still thinks that these people are all human races, and doesn't want to kill them?

if it is like this……

Shi Luohua began to change his strategy again, and said directly to Chuhe, "Let me go, spare my life, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what would you do?" Chu He looked at Shi Luohua playfully.

"Otherwise, I want these people to be buried with me!

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