She said and pointed to the people below, "There are tens of thousands of people! Do you want to watch these tens of thousands of people die in front of you?"

"They?" Chuhe looked at the people below.

I saw those people looking at him eagerly.

Moreover, they were all kneeling on the ground, but now they all stood up one by one, proudly standing in front of these monsters, as if they were the ones who defeated them.

"Chu Guanzhu will never ignore us, he is the Guanzhu of the Demon Suppressing Temple, and he specializes in dealing with these monsters!"

"And Chu Guanzhu is the patron saint of this world!"

The compliments from those people were endless.

But Chuhe just said indifferently, "Their life and death...what does it have to do with me?"


Shi Luohua was shocked in his heart, and looked at Chuhe in disbelief.

And Chuhe also twisted the tiger soul knife in his hand violently!

Shi Luohua only felt a tingling pain from above his soul!

And the originally closed flower of desirelessness also began to shatter immediately.

There was a crisp sound, like glass breaking.

That Shi Luohua's body has been shattered, and her soul has also begun to gradually drift away.

She exhausted all means, and finally condensed a little residual spirit, and flew towards one side quickly!

But right now!

The tiger soul in Chu He's hand also seemed to be alive, and it shot straight towards the direction where Shi Luohua was escaping!

call out!

Almost instantly, Hu Soul had already caught up with Shi Luohua who was desperately trying to escape.

Shi Luohua knew that Chu He was behind the Amber Soul. With a wave of her sleeve, dozens of people were brought in front of her.

"Let me go, or these people will die immediately!"

The answer to Shi Luohua was a knife light!

Like a knife that opened up the world, it swept straight across, and Shi Luohua's remnant soul instantly dissipated!

Since then, there has never been a demon emperor named Shi Luohua in this world!

And before Shi Luohua died, he was still wondering.


Why did Chuhe shoot directly without hesitation?

That, but dozens of lives!

Could it be that he really doesn't care?

It's just that Chuhe won't answer his question.

No one will answer her questions anymore.

A burst of blood rained down directly.

The monsters and people below were all stunned.

The monsters shocked their own boss, the demon king, who was killed by Chuhe in one move, without even going through a round!

They shocked Chuhe's strength.

And those ordinary people are the means to shock Chuhe.

Those dozens of people would kill as soon as they said they wanted to!

No mercy!

They were suddenly frightened.

Seeing the fragments of the corpse falling rapidly in midair, they shivered unconsciously.

After Chuhe killed Shi Luohua, he just glanced at the people below.

Then the real fire spewed out, directly refining the huge flower of desirelessness left by Shi Luohua, and slowly raised it with everyone.

Those monsters are all trembling, afraid that Chuhe will kill them all, but now Chuhe ignores them.

They couldn't bear the emotions infected by Tiger Soul's violence anymore, and they exploded directly.

All of them started to kill each other like they were crazy, and those weak people were the most unlucky among them. Countless demons began to slaughter them.

And they have no ability to resist at all!

Seeing the Chu River drifting farther and farther, those people finally knew regret and fear!

"Guanzhu Chu! Please! We know we are wrong! Help us!"

"We really know we are wrong, we should not join forces with demons to frame you, we know we are wrong! Please help us!"

At the same time, the huge amount of regret directly submerged the Chu River.

During this period of life and death, their sense of remorse has reached its peak, and almost everyone can bring hundreds, even thousands, of remorse points to Chuhe!

The regret value brought by tens of thousands of people at the same time directly made Chuhe reach the regret value of several million in an instant!

Chapter 170

The people below continued to howl.

At this moment, they realize how outrageous they really are.

He thought that Chuhe didn't dare to do anything to them, and thought that as long as he took refuge in the demon, he would be safe.

As everyone knows, these monsters are originally alien races, so how can they be reliable?

And traitors don't end well anywhere.

They wailed in pain, and at the last moment, they didn't even ask Chuhe to save them.

Because at this moment, they have already seen clearly what they are.

They don't deserve to be saved!

Chuhe didn't leave in a hurry, but walked slowly towards the distance stepping on the refined flower of desirelessness.

There are still constant regrets rushing towards the Chu River like a tide.

Although the regret value of Chuhe has reached 340 million now, the regret value is still rising crazily!

After all, there were tens of thousands of people present!

One person provides hundreds of regret points, and 1 people are worth millions of regret points!

And here, there are tens of thousands of people!

The people of the Five Immortals Sect couldn't bear to see the wailing of these ordinary people below.

"Really, don't you go down and save them?"

It's just that before Chuhe could speak, someone in the Five Immortals Sect immediately uttered a different voice, "Save them? But they wanted us to die just now!"

"We are all human races. According to common sense, if they seek refuge in demons to survive, I will not say anything, but they are not passively seeking refuge. They are not forced, but actively seek refuge in demons, deliberately frame us!"

"If it weren't for the master's supernatural powers, then we are the ones who are wailing below!"

"Do you still remember their faces when we were trapped below? They wanted us to die! Since they wanted us to die, why did we save them?"

"All of this is their own fault!"

Long Weiling also had a cold face, he didn't sympathize with the people below at all, "In this world of great controversy, the heart of the Virgin may kill people, they have already taken refuge in demons, it is a complete refuge, even if the Lord gives They have the opportunity, and they are unwilling to return it.”

"In this case, they are enemies, but they are enemies who look the same as us. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to ourselves."

Chuhe didn't say a word, but he didn't continue to look at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood below.

He doesn't think he's a good guy, and he doesn't think he's a bad guy.

As an ordinary person with only some abilities, he didn't want to see people similar to himself being slaughtered.

Of course, he would never fight those monsters for the sake of these people who sent him to the gallows and put himself on the rope, and were almost about to hang him to death.

The regret value is still rising and has reached the 1000 million mark!

And it's still going up!

At this rate, it may reach 2000 million!

Chuhe flew higher and higher on the flower of desirelessness, and directly came to the top of the cloud layer, and the sound of fighting below became smaller and smaller until it could not be heard or seen.

During this process, the regret value prompted by the system also continued to soar, and finally when it reached 100 million, it began to gradually slow down.

Looking at the blue sky, Chuhe shook his head slightly, and flew slowly towards the sun.

At this moment, there are already many flying monsters in the sky, and the sky that was dominated by birds now has many uninvited guests.

And looking down from the top, you can also see some huge monsters entrenched among the mountains on the ground, and occasionally there is a flash of sword light, it is estimated that some hidden master killed the monsters.

Looking down from the sky, you can see more things.

You can also feel the vastness and vastness between the heaven and the earth, and you can even feel the spiritual power that is already everywhere in the air.

Ordinary ordinary people, if they were before, they may not feel the sense of qi even if they practice for a lifetime, let alone reach the realm of qi refining.

Only the caves and blessed places occupied by the hermit sects among the famous mountains and rivers can provide them with spiritual power for cultivation.

But now, within this short period of time, the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth is constantly filling!

It's not because Chuhe let go of the seal.

There must be some unknown reason.

There was a light in Chuhe's eyes.

This is bound to be a wonderful era!

Under the clouds, the monsters after the slaughter were also gradually dispersing. The monsters who lost the leadership of Shi Luohua have long been leaderless.

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